honesty and trust

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"The mission has been assigned and the personnel have been dispatched." Niu Niu answered meticulously. "Send a group of people to follow my parents secretly to protect their personal safety. Don't show up until it's extremely critical. The identities of these people must be legal." "The mission has been issued and the personnel have been dispatched." "Niu Niu, how can I use my mobile phone on the ship?" "Boss, your mobile phone is a primitive technology product. Do you want to make it a special communication tool for captains?" Yuxing secretly cursed himself for being stupid because he hasn't figured this out yet. "Make a communication tool and use my mobile phone number in China." "The order has been issued. Ten coins are needed to complete the task." "Niu Niu, does the integrated ship have any restrictions or restrictions on my use of the ship's force system?" "Boss, the comprehensive ship takes the captain's order as the first order. There are no restrictions." "Understood." "Does the integrated ship have miniaturized nuclear fusion technology using deuterium and tritium?" "Boss, this is a technology that should be available when the technology level reaches the end of level one. The Sky Alliance stores deuterium and tritium as isotopes of energy elements. It is used as a backup energy source in a high-density compressed form. The application technology is very mature. If the boss wants to apply it to the earth , the material science and processing technology of the earth must be improved to the level of the end of the first level of science and technology level, and then the technology provided by the integrated ship can be used to miniaturize the nuclear fusion equipment to 1 cubic meter. "No words, what I mean is, with the technological level of modern earth, how big can nuclear fusion equipment be with our technology? Or is there any practical nuclear fusion technology that can be applied to the earth? Do you understand?" "Boss, you didn't explain clearly." "Hey, you've learned to be stubborn. How did you learn that?" "..." Niu Niu lost his voice. "Say it." "With the current level of material science and processing technology on earth, the minimum scale of nuclear fusion equipment must reach 1,000 cubic meters to ensure the absolute reliability and safety of the fusion reaction." "Is there such a technology?" "Yes, boss." "It's not too big. It can be installed on an aircraft carrier or a large ship." "Yes, boss, submarines can also be used." Niu Niu finally understood that his boss was a military fan. According to his way of thinking, there should be no possibility of formatting. "Yes, this is a good idea, Niu Niu, is there any technology to extract deuterium and tritium from sea water?" "Yes, boss, but there is only deuterium that exists in a natural state on the earth, and there is no tritium. Tritium can be manufactured. With the earth's material science and processing technology level, the cost of refining deuterium will be very high." Niu Niu asked Yuxing Popular science knowledge education made Yuxing's face turn pale. "How high?" Yuxing asked bitterly. "Calculated in terms of energy cost, the ratio of the energy required to extract deuterium to the energy released by the extracted deuterium is 1:1500 to 1:2000. That is, the energy of 20 to 30 tons of standard fuel coal is required to extract one kilogram of deuterium. This That doesn’t include other costs.” "This is still acceptable. Okay, we will study it if necessary." ------- Before going to bed, Weidong informed Yuxing that three villas located in the villa area called "Wangfu Bieyuan" in the eastern suburbs of Fengjing have been renovated. The total construction area of the three villas is more than 6,300 square meters, and the total cost is 125 million. Ten thousand yuan. One of the nearly 3,000-square-meter villas is backed by the canal, and the other two villas are in the shape of a guard on the left and right. The three villas combined have a large garden, and the underground garage can hold more than a dozen cars, which is very suitable for Yuxing’s family and his family. Housing for guards and service personnel. The most important thing is that Yuxing's 01 ship can conveniently hover invisible over the canal and will not be hit by people or cars, which is beneficial to Yuxing's travel. The household items used in the villa are all made by integrated ships and have extremely high technological content. The villa is ready for occupancy now. Yuxing ordered Weidong to arrange for his escort team and four beautiful waiters to stay in two escort villas, and at the same time store sixteen imitation cars in the garage. He also instructed all personnel to keep a low profile in the park and did not instruct anyone not to leave the villa. ----------- The next day, it was already past nine o'clock before Yuxing arrived at the unit. Yuxing went to bed very late yesterday, but after being adjusted by the sleep care device, although the sleep time was not long, the quality was superb. He didn't arrange for Niu Niu and Weidong to remind him to get up, so he slept until he woke up naturally. It's reasonable to come to work a little late. Minister Zhao did not care about Yuxing's lateness, but told Yuxing in a subtle way that he was going to propose early retirement to the agency leaders, that is, to retire immediately, so that he could not only receive deputy department-level treatment, but also contribute to Yuxing's work. Create conditions for promotion. Yuxing is very clear about the situation in the agency. Because all the substantive positions and non-leadership positions at the division level and deputy division level in the fourth department and one office have been filled, so if the current department-level cadres want to be promoted, department-level cadres must retire. Possibly a substitute. Minister Zhao proposed early retirement to free up a position for Yuxing, who is in the same department, so that Yuxing can have the opportunity to compete for this position. Although department-level cadres from the entire agency participated in the competition, Yuxing still had a certain advantage. This is extremely tempting for the 28-year-old department-level cadre. Minister Zhao reciprocated the favor and used it to thank Yuxing for his financial assistance. But all this is not important to Yuxing, who now owns a comprehensive ship. Yuxing even once had plans to resign, and then start his own business, be a behind-the-scenes boss, and play the game of Monopoly. But after Minister Zhao pointed out Yuxing's promotion advantage, Yuxing suddenly had another idea, which made his blood boil. The more Yuxing thought about it, the more likely he felt that success was possible. And this assumption coincides with his parents' expectations of him, which makes him even more motivated to seek further advancement in his position. Yu Xing's expression was thoughtful. Let Mr. Zhao understand that Yuxing is tempted. Old man Zhao smoothed his drooping hair toward the middle, took out a Great Hall of the People cigarette and lit it. He said to Yuxing: "I will try my best to recommend you to the leader. As for you, you should also visit the leader more often." His meaning was obvious, and Yuxing understood it. Yu Xing said: "Don't worry, Minister, I know how to do it." "You are so smart, you will definitely do well. But now you have a problem that you need to find a solution to. You have been promoted to Zhengke Ke for less than two years, and you need to be promoted to deputy director. You have to think about this problem. How did you solve it?" Although Old Man Zhao was full of confidence in Yuxing, he still reminded him kindly. "Don't they all say that there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain? People come up with the solution." Yuxing is not only full of confidence, but also confident. Yuxing held the stainless steel tea cup in both hands, put it to his mouth and sipped it, his eyes staring at a fly that landed on the wall, his eyes wandering. Old man Zhao saw that Yuxing was thinking about a solution to the problem, so he stopped disturbing Yuxing and looked for a piece of news on Phoenix.com. After five or six minutes, Yuxing's distracted eyes finally regained focus, and he put down the stainless steel tea cup that had lost its water. "Minister, do you think this is a good idea? Don't resign during this period. Give me a buffer time and let me make some preparations. When I have almost arranged everything, you can resign." Yuxing and Minister Zhao spoke frankly. said. During this period of time before Mr. Zhao retires, Mr. Zhao will be a firm supporter of Yuxing's actions and defender of interests, and it is impossible for him to do anything harmful to Yuxing. Old Man Zhao nodded and said solemnly and solemnly: "I won't participate in what you do, but you have to think about things more carefully. When you think the heat is up, you tell me." "Thank you, Minister." Yuxing sincerely thanked this lovely old man. "By the way, Yuxing, the auction for that pendant will be held at six o'clock this Sunday evening. You know the location. If you have time, go and take a look." Old Man Zhao wanted Yuxing to understand the entire process of auctioning this pendant. His consideration was very simple. Since Yuxing gave this pendant to him and asked him to auction it, he should know the true value of this pendant very clearly. It is impossible for Yuxing to only have this one thing, so it is necessary for Yuxing to participate in the auction and understand the market situation. Yuxing glanced at Old Man Zhao again. Although this man didn't have any great abilities, he was definitely a sincere and trustworthy person. "I will definitely go." Yu Xing said. If this exchange between Yuxing and Minister Zhao were placed in the officialdom, it would become a nondescript business, a sign of political immaturity, and despised. But in this nondescript party organization, there is a kind of honesty and trust.
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