final conclusion

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Zhou Guoxing, Guo Yong and Ouyang Xishui and other ten members of the action team rushed to the scene of the "YL Incident" on the afternoon of the 13th. After meeting with expert team members from various professions who were urgently dispatched from all over the country, they entered into a tense situation. During the heavy workload, they stayed at the scene of the incident for seven days. During these seven days, they followed experts from various fields to conduct a comprehensive investigation into the ins and outs of the incident, and conducted many discussions on relevant technical issues. In this investigation of the "YL Incident", the state deployed a great deal of force, including dozens of academicians from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. This shows how seriously the country takes this matter. Yunshanping and its surrounding area of more than ten square kilometers have been surrounded by armed police forces and the army. Even members of various expert groups cannot enter this core area without a pass issued by the "YL Command". Two helicopters were flying over Yunshanping, patrolling back and forth non-stop, monitoring every move of outdoor people in the controlled area. Two military reconnaissance satellites in space conducted the highest-resolution mapping of the Lijiang area. The accuracy can even tell the brand of the mobile phone held by the staff. Two mobile drilling vehicles imported from Germany were mobilized to the site to conduct deep hole drilling and sampling, analyze and test the cores, and draw geological structure maps for comparative study by members of the task force. The General Staff deployed the most advanced electromagnetic weapon systems in the country, which are even in the experimental stage, to participate in electromagnetic interference and attack experiments. Various advanced analytical instruments are deployed throughout the Yunshanping area, whether on the bustling streets or in the dense forests, to conduct comparative analysis of the interference and attack effects of electromagnetic weapons. But the sad thing is that in seven days, after hundreds of people's search, scientific researchers, academicians and experts used domestic advanced equipment to conduct many experiments, deductions, and analyses. The conclusion is that it is still impossible to determine the nature of the YL incident. Judging from the topography, there are no lava caves or other hiding spots within a 10-kilometer radius that can hide large equipment. No equipment capable of conducting electromagnetic attacks or traces of the possible placement of such equipment was found in the surface forest. Dozens of exploratory caves were laid out around the incident site, and no signs of hidden caves or artificially dug caves were found even after digging dozens of meters. The plants and buildings on the surface of the incident site also showed no traces of their use by anyone. Pass. After on-site deductions by recruited geologists and magic masters, it was concluded that this place did not have the conditions for a magical performance that could make hundreds of people disappear at the same time. In other words, this event ruled out the possibility of hallucinations and illusions. Another possibility is supernatural events, which is the scope of Ouyang Xishui's work. Ouyang Xishui led his professional team to investigate at the center of the scene, near the seat. He carefully inspected the various traces left at the scene and determined that there were no abnormalities. He collected samples of nearby soil and air gas, and the test and identification results showed no abnormalities. No suspicious substances were found at the scene of the incident. Such surveys gradually expanded to areas with a radius of about ten kilometers. The results of the survey were the same. Ouyang Xishui and members of the paranormal investigation team conducted a detailed and exhaustive visit to several surrounding villages and towns, focusing on understanding whether any unexplainable anomalies had occurred in the Yunshanping area in the past two years. The conclusion is that everything is fine. Ouyang Xishui, together with analysts dispatched by the National Security Bureau, carefully studied the oral statements of 72 witnesses. It was confirmed that the central figure in the "YL Incident", the young Asian tourist, had had contact with some witnesses, such as physical scratching. It shows that the young Asian man is not a virtual image but a real person. This also proves on the one hand that the disappearance of hundreds of people in the YL incident was the instantaneous movement of physical characters, not the disappearance of images. In terms of the military and national security, field tests of the country's most advanced electromagnetic interference equipment and electromagnetic attack weapons have ended. Under the natural, physical and atmospheric conditions that completely simulated the "YL incident", the electromagnetic interference equipment and electromagnetic attack weapons currently equipped with the military in China cannot achieve the effects shown by the unknown equipment in the "YL incident". According to analysis by relevant experts , the technical level difference between the two is more than a few extremes. Electromagnetic experts say that the power of electromagnetic interference equipment is directly proportional to the interference range under the same conditions. If we want to reach the interference range of the unknown equipment of the "YL incident", and if the equipment that emits electromagnetic waves is miniaturized enough to be portable and portable, the technical difficulty of this equipment cannot be overcome in China for the time being, which means that this equipment has not been produced yet. ability. What the military is most worried about is the electromagnetic attack weapon used in the "YL Incident". The attack effect and attack capability of this weapon can already make the attacked party lose the ability to fight back, leaving it blinded and passively beaten. Domestic electromagnetic attack weapons are already at the world's advanced level and can stand at the forefront of the world's military powers. However, compared with the electromagnetic attack weapons that appeared in the "YL Incident", their technological content is at least two generations behind, or even greater. Just like the technological gap between the biplanes that appeared during World War I and the modern American F22 stealth fighter. This is still the result of domestic military experts overestimating domestic electromagnetic weapons from a modern technical perspective. The actual gap is much higher than the second generation or more, and cannot even be measured by "generation". The most advanced magnetic explosive bomb in the country uses the exposed metal wires of the attacked party as a medium to attack all electronic instruments within the affected area. The attack effect is to destroy, and it is an indiscriminate attack with no selectivity. The world's major military powers are currently developing weapons that use wireless methods to destroy electronic equipment in a targeted manner, but they are still in the laboratory stage and have no practical application capabilities. The electromagnetic attack in the "YL Incident" only targeted video cameras, cameras, mobile phones and other electronic devices within a certain range that were not connected to any power source. However, it was not a destructive attack on the hardware of the electronic device. The software performs crushing attacks, permanently deleting files and programs. Other electronic equipment and household appliances were not affected in any way, including home computers that were in use nearby at the time. This kind of precise control and differential attack cannot yet be achieved with current military technology. Vice Minister Zhou Xingguo and Deputy Director Guo Yong, after basically completing the on-site investigation of the "YL Incident", returned to the headquarters and held a "YL Incident" investigation and demonstration meeting attended by responsible persons from all aspects. After intense discussion, the meeting reached the following conclusions: The YL incident does not belong to phenomena such as collapse or high-temperature evaporation under natural geographical conditions, nor does it belong to the effects of hallucinations and illusions on human vision. The YL incident is not an anomaly of the electromagnetic field caused by the earth's electromagnetic changes or magnetic explosions. The SanYL incident is not a wireless network intrusion by hackers or some organization. The mysterious personnel involved in the Four YL Incident were highly disciplined and organized. The electromagnetic interference and electromagnetic attack weapons involved in the Wu YL incident are super technologies. It is extremely dangerous to the world order. The central figure in the Six YL incident is Chinese or of Chinese descent, with a Northeastern accent, and lives in China. There is no evidence that the personnel involved in the 7YL incident were aliens or alien technology. Eight are suspected to be kidnappings by organizations or countries that possess super technology. The purpose is unknown, the number of personnel is unknown, and the means of delivery are unknown. After Zhou Xingguo and Guo Yong returned to the capital, they immediately made detailed reports to their respective leaders. The report focused on super electromagnetic attack technology, teleportation or invisibility technology, and the central figure involved in the incident - a young Chinese. ---------- After walking out of the popcorn KTV, Yuxing did not send Liu Fei home, but entrusted Cheng Peng to do it for her. After Liu Fei got into the taxi, Yuxing put his arm around Cheng Peng's shoulders and said earnestly: "Brother, if you have a chance, do it." Grab it. Don’t miss it and regret it.” Cheng Peng punched Yu Xing, "As long as you're not jealous." Yu Xing curled his lips and said, "Tch, where are you? It's not my cup of tea, understand? Let's go and catch it." Yuxing returned home drunk and saw that his parents had gone to bed, so he didn't need to report the results of the blind date to his mother. He turned around and walked out of the house again, greeted Wei Dong who was standing outside the building door like a javelin, found a wide place, and took the 01 captain's ship back to the comprehensive ship. Under the attentive service of the four beauties, Yuxing took a fragrant mandarin duck bath. Back in the lounge, he ordered Niu Niu while flipping through the instructions on the comprehensive ship on the virtual screen. "Niu Niu, has the biochemical man created three days ago been completed?" "Has been completed, knowledge inculcation body, international finance and economic management." "Very good, you send a group of people to the United States and a group of people to Japan, and each set up a company. The American company operates in the Internet and manufacturing industries, and the Japanese company operates in home appliances and electronic games. Their identities must be legal. Execution Bar."
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