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"You dare to do something in front of Brother Xing. You must be tired of life." Weidong said viciously. Among the information recorded by the comprehensive ship for Weidong, there were also descriptions and information about gangs, and movies about "society" were also included. At this time, Wei Dong vividly displayed the image of the gangster. "Slow down, don't do anything, everyone has something to say, something to say." The person who spoke was the boss of KTY. He had been here for a while. The reason why he didn't immediately come forward to stop all this was because he knew this Brother Tiger too well. When he saw that Brother Hu was causing trouble here again, he felt dizzy, so he had to endure it silently and let them resolve the matter on their own. Brother Hu is a well-known scoundrel in this area. He has more than a dozen desperadoes under his command, each of whom is extremely brave. Each of these people also has a few hooligans under his command, who are extremely difficult to mess with. Brother Hu once had a conflict with the security guard of this KTV, which caused huge losses to the karaoke hall. Brother Hu is also a figure that cannot be ignored in the underground world of Fengjing. He runs gambling games, lends loan sharks, collects protection fees, bullies men and dominates women, and commits all kinds of evil, which makes people who do serious business feel intimidated and avoid him. "Weidong let him go." Yuxing ordered Wei Dong. Wei Dong let go of his right hand, and the little man slid along the wall and sat on the ground, covering his right wrist and coughing uncontrollably. Brother Hu was just about to say a few words when he saw Wei Dong return to Yuxing. He bowed to Yuxing and said, "Brother Xing, how to deal with them." "Everyone, if you have anything to say, I am the boss here. My small business can't stand the trouble. Give me some face. If you have anything to do, sit down and talk slowly." "Okay, boss, I'll give you face." Yuxing didn't feel good about this worldly boss. But Yuxing is not a troublemaker. If there were stairs, he would go down them. No loss of face. "Brother Hu, let's forget about it like this. If you hit him, it will be considered as interest. You can leave." Yuxing waved to Brother Hu to let them leave. "Brother Hu, I don't want this to happen again. Do you understand?" Yuxing stared at Brother Hu who was sending his men away. "I understand, I understand, brother, it won't happen again, it won't happen again." Brother Hu still didn't understand why Yuxing was so confident, but seeing Wei Dong's attitude towards Yuxing, who had a very high martial arts value, he believed it The young man was by no means a simple person, he bowed his head and gave in. Yuxing turned to face Li Fusheng: "And you, I don't want you to appear in front of Liu Fei again. Get out." Brother Hu called the four brothers and walked quickly downstairs. Li Fusheng also gave Yu Xing a hard look and walked downstairs. ----- Yuxing, Cheng Peng and others had just sat back in the private room. The owner of the KTV appeared in the private room with two waiters and two large fruit plates. "Brother Xing, there are a few friends. I am the manager here. I am honored that you all come to popcorn. I will give you two fruit plates. It is disrespectful." As he spoke, he directed the two waiters to place the fruit plates on the tables. "Thank you, manager." Cheng Peng took the conversation and expressed his gratitude to the manager. "That's right. Brother Xing helped solve the problem in the karaoke bar. I should express my gratitude. Today's consumption is all mine. Then I won't disturb your enjoyment. Have a good drink and have fun." He said and exited with the two waiters. Got a private room. After something like this happened, everyone no longer had the interest to sing to their heart's content. The seven people gathered around and chatted aimlessly. Everyone tried their best to avoid touching what happened just now and embarrassing Liu Fei. Liu Fei was extremely disappointed and sad. She drank beer one mouthful at a time and stopped talking to everyone. Yuxing couldn't bear to see it. He winked at Cheng Peng and asked Cheng Peng to enlighten Liu Fei. Cheng Peng was embarrassed and stepped forward. "Yu Xing, that guy was so fierce just now. I think he's still outside? Why don't you call him in?" Cheng Peng immediately changed the subject, interrupting Yu Xing's efforts to urge him to comfort Liu Fei. Yuxing was helpless, looking at Cheng Peng with contempt, and whispered in his ear: "Where is your previous ability? Isn't it just to comfort the girl? Is it so difficult?" "If you can, why don't I go?" Cheng Peng rolled his eyes at Yuxing. "f**k, don't I pity you? You don't know a good heart. Don't regret it when the time comes." "Forget it, it depends on fate. I'll call that tough guy in. You're too rude. You want me to wipe your ass." Cheng Peng opened the door and walked out. After a while, he walked in again and shouted loudly. "Let me go, who is this person? I talked to him for five minutes, but he just didn't look at me." "I've already told you, don't worry about him. If you don't believe it, who can you blame?" "This is so unique. Dong Sheng, Junyu, you two go try it." "I think it's better to forget it and don't provoke him. One of my brothers will go one by one." Yu Xing held a wine glass and toasted to several people. After Cheng Peng came back from outside, he sat next to Liu Fei. He refilled Liu Fei's drink, picked it up, and delivered it to Liu Fei's hand. "Feifei, seeing you like this makes me very worried and heartbroken. I hope you get better. Brother Peng, I am not a bad person. If you recognize you, Brother Peng, we will drink this glass of wine." Liu Fei took the wine glass and smiled bitterly at Cheng Peng, "Brother Peng, don't worry, you will be fine in a few days. You are a true man, I recognize you. Do it." The seven of them drank a glass of wine together, and Yuxing secretly raised his thumb to Cheng Peng. Cheng Peng answered Yu Xing with another eye roll. Li Dongsheng put down his wine glass and poured wine for Yuxing while saying, "What's going on, Brother Meng?" Yuxing smiled bitterly and said: "I am really defeated by you. It seems that you will not stop until I tell you the story of the man outside." "yes." Several people answered together, and Liu Fei became less sad. She pricked her ears to listen to Yu Xing's story about this fierce brother. Yuxing lamented that Cheng Peng's charm and the placebo component of his words were much higher than those of others, especially those with miraculous effects on women. "His name is Chen Weidong. I met him when I was traveling in Yunnan. We hit it off very well and became brothers. He grew up in the mountains and practiced martial arts with his grandfather and father for twenty years. He is a true inheritor of Chinese martial arts. , he knows very little about the world, and I care about him and help him, so he recognizes me as his big brother. He also relieves me of a lot of troubles. Just now, it was because of his presence that I had the confidence. Otherwise, I How dare you." Yuxing told a white lie. This was not because he did not trust his friends, but because some things could not be shared with friends, such as his wife. Although the metaphor was crude, the truth was actually the same. "Then you ask him to come in, and we'll have a drink with him. You can't avoid making friends with such a person." Cheng Peng's buddy's loyalty and temperament showed again, and he had already developed a desire to make friends with this affectionate, righteous, and brave brother. "Forget it, he won't come in. He's not used to this kind of life. There were many opportunities in Yunnan, but he rejected them. His temper is very strange. He doesn't want to make friends with anyone except me. I also take advantage of him There is no way." Yuxing said pretending to be helpless. Cheng Peng went out and invited Weidong twice more, but Weidong stood in front of the door and refused to answer. It made Cheng Peng so embarrassed that he finally let it go and Cheng Peng didn't bother to deal with this weirdo anymore. While Cheng Peng went out to talk to Weidong, Yuxing stood up and poured himself a glass of beer, then sat next to Liu Fei and refilled her wine glass. "Still sad. This is a person who is not worthy of your love. He not only defrauded your feelings, but also defrauded your money. You were deceived by his sweet words. As you told me, the circle you live in is very narrow. You are an innocent girl, and it is easy to be deceived by emotional liars like Li Fusheng. It is better to let go of your body and mind and get in touch with a wider world, where there are many outstanding boys waiting for you. Your fate may change because of this chance Events have changed greatly, not for the worse but for the better. My words are very philosophical, like a philosopher." Liu Fei was amused by him and lightly hit Yuxing's chest with her pink fist, "Why are you so naughty?" Her mood improved a lot. Yuxing doesn't expect his words to make Liu Fei open up. He knows that it takes time to heal the pain of the soul, and Yuxing understands this deeply. "Hey, you two, please stop flirting. For today's gathering, to meet our new friend Liu Fei, and for Yuxing Children's Shoes' new little brother, let's take a drink." Cheng Peng stood up, raised a full wine glass and toasted to everyone. The seven glasses clinked together and "cut", and the seven people drank up the wine in the glasses. Yuxing touched Liu Fei's arm and whispered in her ear: "Cheng Peng is a good person, you should consider it." Liu Fei's face turned red.
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