Chapter 4 - History

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*4 Years Earlier* Kaitlin's POV I stretch out on my bed, loving the feeling of the long stretch in my muscles. I have a massive smile on my face. Today is my 17th birthday, AND I get to meet my wolf!! I roll over and grab my watch at 06:15 AM. Damn, it's early but I anxiously sit up. I am a werewolf shifter and the daughter of the Alpha. Although I am the second born, I will likely still get an Alpha Wolf. ‘Hello?’ I thought in my head. ‘Ugh, why are you up sooooooo early? You NEVER wake up so early, Kaitlin!’ Holy shït. 'Um, hi!’ I replied, hearing a fantastic chuckle, and I knew immediately it was my wolf! She sounds cheeky, and I LOVE it. ‘Hello Kaitlin, I am Annika, the new best friend you can't get rid of!’ ‘Ah! I am so freaking excited about meeting you! When do we get to shift? Will we find our mate today?’ I fire off my questions, and she chuckles in my mind. It is a beautiful sound. ‘Easy, please. As I stated, you are NEVER up this early, and I was unprepared for it! You’re making my thoughts hurt.’ She chuckles again, ‘We will shift this evening. It's rare to turn 17 and shift for the first time on a full moon!’ I honestly did not even think about that! I have been so busy studying for finals it had not even crossed my mind. ‘Really?? What is so special about it, Annika?’ ‘We are blessed, Kaitlin. I cannot not tell you much, but the moon goddess has great plans for us. We are only going to learn what that is after a test. That is all I can say for now.’ ‘Okay, Annika! I am so happy to have you in my life now!’ ‘I have always been here, silly – we just get to be one now.’ She states and curls up in my mind. I jumped out of bed and ran to get ready for the day. I throw on my favorite pair of jeans, loose tee shirt, and Converse and head downstairs for breakfast. My parents, Mark, my big brother, and Sara, his mate, jumped up and shouted, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!” My smile was so big my cheeks burned. “Thank you everyone!” I hugged them all, and we gathered at our small round kitchen table. My favorite breakfast skillet and all the fixings for burritos, tacos, or plain old toast are in the middle. I grin and dig in. “So, hunny, have you met your wolf?” My mother asks me with a huge smile and looks curiously at me. “Yes!” I practically shouted. “Her name is Annika, and she's very spunky!” I felt her prickle in delight at my assessment of her. “That's a beautiful name, darling, for a beautiful girl like you!” Mark said to me, and I couldn't help but grin back at him. My father is quiet but says, “Honey, I don't mean to be a party pooper, but today is a significant day in your life. Today is when you may stop being daddy's little girl and become a woman and partner to your mate.” I feel tears gathering in my eyes. “However, I just want you to know how proud I am of you. I know you’ll be a wonderful mate, and should you be mated to an Alpha, a wonderful Luna.” He choked out that last part, and I jumped from my seat and ran to him. He scoops me up, and I whisper, “I am always your little girl. That will never change.” And squeeze him tight. I heard my mom sob, and he put me down to comfort her. I returned to my seat, and we finished breakfast much more animatedly. Our excitement became so much that I needed a break for a while. I told my family I would head out to the forest for a bit. They know I have a favorite place to be and leave me to it. I stroll to my clearing; it's nestled into the mountains. It's stunning. There is a small lake that I love to be near. We're so close to the Canadian border that I must be careful to avoid crossing into unclaimed territory if there are rogues around. I am alone without warriors. I am lost in my thoughts when the smell of fresh-cut grass immediately stops me. ‘Mate.’ Annika whispered. Her tone is soft and hesitant, not excited or jumping around, but the word sends excitement shooting through me. I don't pay any mind to it. I looked around me, and suddenly, across the clearing, I saw him. He is tall and lean. From where I stand, I can see his muscles, but they are not too bulky, just right on his slim body. My heart melts at the sight of him. I look up and down his frame, and he's filled out in all the right places. His light brown hair glints in the sunlight, and his hazel eyes are stunning. My breath catches in my throat. He quickly approaches me, and I am frozen to my spot as he's on the Canadian side. Oh no. “Hello, gorgeous.” His voice is deep and sends my heart into a crazy rhythm. “What's your name?” My brain has forgotten how to function, and I practically choke out my name, “Ka-Kait-Kaitlin!” “Hello, Kaitlin. I am Dakota Bane, the beta of the Blue Lake Pack.” I now hear the slight accent and it makes me swoon. Thank god he is not a rogue. “Hello,” my voice is breathy, “I am Kaitlin Hamil, daughter of the Alpha of the Silver Lake Pack.” I smile up at the Adonis, who is my mate. He smiles down at me, runs his finger down my face, and places it gently under my chin, “Why gorgeous are you all alone out here?” His eyes go dark for a moment. “I needed space to think for a while. I come here often. It's on the edge of my pack's territory,” I told him. If anything, he is nowhere near his territory. I wonder why he is here... “Why are you here?” I asked him, suddenly aware his finger had resumed its exploration and was sending sparks exploding everywhere it went on my arm. “I came because I have a meeting with your father.” He smirks. “Oh.” My brain is all fuzzy, and I am still frozen in my spot. “I can take you to him if you'd like?” I managed to get out. He looks at me with a twinkle in his eye. “In a minute, gorgeous.” His lips found mine, giving a sweet, gentle kiss. My arms shoot around his neck, and he pulls my body closer to his, deepening our kiss. I am exploring every inch of his mouth, our tongues fighting for dominance. I have never kissed anyone before, and I cannot believe what I am doing now! I gently pull back, needing a breath. I can feel that I’m flushed and notice my legs are wrapped around his middle. He chuckles at me, and I unlatch myself from him. He slowly puts me down but doesn't release me. “You smell amazing, gorgeous.” I smile. “So do you, like freshly cut grass in the spring.” I blush at my admittance. “Mmm, you smell like honey and cinnamon to me, gorgeous.” He pulls me in again for another kiss, holding me tightly before pulling away and saying, “Shall we go see your father then?”
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