Chapter 3 - Idiots

965 Words
Present Day Kaitlin’s POV There was a reason why Blayn looked the way he did. He lived in the gym after years of bullying. He was one of our best warriors, and now he made it his mission to train me as my little escape was filled with absolutely none. Usually, we trained in both forms, but being trapped in the city meant human-style workouts. He had me running, boxing, and weight lifting, usually for about an hour each. The joy of treadmills and guys staring because you use the gym had my skin crawling in anticipation. “Do we have to, Blayn?” I pout, “I hardly slept!” He looks at me with an expression I can't read. He goes to open his mouth but shuts it quickly as the elevator comes to a stop a few floors down. He frowns, the doors open, and a familiar scent hits me before my brain registers what my eyes see. I freeze. Blayn quickly grabs me and holds me against his front, pinning my arms and nuzzling my neck. My hands are gripping his forearms, and I look flushed from trying to remove them, giving us the appearance of lovers. Standing at the elevator doors is a beautiful blonde bombshell dressed in skintight spandex. Hugging each inch of her tiny figure, massive tïts shoved almost to her chin. But that is not what left me speechless. Behind the suctioned Barbie is ‘the idïot.’ I haven't seen or spoken to him in four years. Not since he left me shattered and in pain on the floor, not looking back at the damage he left behind. Barbie coughs and moves quickly into space, pulling him behind her and breaking our eye contact. She also quickly tries to snuggle up. I instantly unfreeze and turn into Blayn. I know now why he looked like he did and is hiding in my hair. Blayn looks 100% different from the last time we saw this idïot and is trying to keep me from tearing into him for hurting Blayn and, in a sense, causing me to hurt Blayn. I feel his intense stare burning into my back as I grip my arms around Blayn’s neck. He refuses to speak. I know ‘the idïot’ will instantly know whose arms I am in once he talks. ‘The idïot’ coughs uncomfortably and starts speaking to the blonde. I don't bother listening to their conversation. I am breathing in the fresh, clean pine scent that is my Beta instead of the smell of fresh-cut grass that makes me want to puke—counting my breaths so they are even and steady. By the grace of the Goddess, the elevator dings, and the doors slide open. I could hear Blondie shuffling out of the elevator, but I didn't immediately hear his footsteps. I turned to see if he was gone, unable to help myself, and noticed he looked sad. Fück him. Fück him to the gates of hell. I giggle as if Blayn has said something in my ear, and ‘the idïot’ remembers himself and runs out the door. Blayn lets out a massive breath of air and looks into my eyes. I see worry in his eyes, and inside my head, I see red. “Come on.” I grab his hand, and we exit as the doors start closing. We can't use the hotel gym as they will use it. I refuse to be trapped in a tiny room with that idïot longer than I must. So, I pull out my phone and look for the nearest Planet Fitness or something nearby since we have memberships everywhere. I find what I'm looking for three blocks down and grab his hand. We are walking silently down the streets of Boston. “Did you know he would be here?” I can't help but break the silence. Blayn shifts nervously next to me, “Honest answer? No, but I had heard a rumor that he was dating the daughter of Alpha Maxwell of the Cold Creek pack.” He says quietly. “This training is for future Alphas and Betas only. Cold Creek still follows the male-only rule. If Alpha Max wants him here, there probably is a reason.” Blayn grumbled, and I replied and quietly, “Oh.” Some packs refused to allow women as Alphas, but I didn't think it was so close to home. We reach Anytime Fitness, and both check in with our keys. I head to the locker room to store my bag, and Blayn has two treadmills for us when I come out. “I think both of us would benefit from a long run today. Nothing crazy after that encounter, but that's the extent of my gratitude for the hair curtain.” He says with a hint of a mocking smile. “Done, you don't have to tell me twice!” I say excitedly and hop on. Naturally, we are fantastic runners. We often run several miles a day in our wolf form. Running inside on the treadmill... kill me now. I am drenched at mile 2. Only 10 minutes have passed, and I already wanted to tap out. It's not from the lack of effort. I love running and do it often. It's from the anxious feeling of being trapped and running in place. It takes a lot of effort to keep my breathing steady and even. Blayn also feels it but is showing no unease and has a slight shimmer in his skin. Damn him. I was only going slower and slower as time passed and was ready to be done with this shitty machine. I concentrate on my breathing and try to clear my anxiety.
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