Chapter four.

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Mikah’s POV As I sat in the cold and cramped prison cell, my mind raced with a mixture of anger, frustration, confusion and sadness. I could not believe that an innocent conquest to just get an interview as a journalist will quickly take a bad turn. All because Mathiel felt too important to give a few minutes interview, such a wicked soul. A heavy sigh escaped from my lips as I leaned against the damp stone wall. I took a look at my surroundings, the dimly lit cell, only accommodated two beds and a toilet. It was manageable for a cell I thought “ Hi,” The sudden greeting made me realize that someone was in the cell with me. She was probably lying under the thin blanket but I was too deep in my sadness to realize. I turned around and there she was a very beautiful and clean-looking lady, she had dark brown hair, and her smile could literally brighten anyone’s day. “Hi,” I greeted her back with reluctance, who knew what such an innocent-looking lady would have done to land her in the cell? “ I am Melody” the innocent-looking lady introduced herself. “I am Mikah” I reciprocated, although my voice was tinged with weariness. “ I could not help but overhear your frustration, by any chance does it have anything to do with you being here?” She asked with her face full of curiosity. I first decided not to reply, but I thought what the heck, I would be in that cell for a pretty long time anyways. “It's kind of a long story” I replied. “ Girl. you have more than enough time in this place, trust me.” She said in return. “ It’s this whole mess with Mathiel Don” I started “Wait, the Mathiel Don?” “ Yeah, I am a journalist and my stinky ass boss who has been trying to get me fired gave me three days to get an interview with Mathiel or I am fired,” I said. “ But Mathiel does not do interviews” She said all confused. “That's what I said, but he told me I should find a way. I first went to his office, but he and his secretary were both lowkey means to me, but I was determined to get that interview because my whole job was on the line” “ I decided to wait for him in his parking lot and pester him until he agrees, I even memorised this amazing pitch to convince him, but he just got mad and had his stupid guards bring me here,” I said with absolute anger, I just did not understand why Mathiel had gone to such lengths to punish me for my persistence. I felt so wrong as if my career has been mistaken for a personal attack. “ And how do you feel about all this?” she asked. “ Well, obviously, I am angry, sad and I hate Mathiel, he just had to do one interview, for just a few minutes, it does not take anything from him just to have an interview. He is just too egotistic and feels we journalists are beneath him” I said with a huff. “ I understand, he is an absolute d**k for putting you in here” “ Right?” I replied feeling satisfied she supported me but that did not last for long. “And sorry to say but you are selfish” “ What?” I said feeling confused, how was I selfish? “Yeah Mikah, I said what I said, you journalists keep forgetting that these billionaires and people that catch your eyes are not just your projects, they are human beings too. I mean Mathiel did not just wake up one day and decided to hate journalists and people in the media. Probably an encounter with one of them caused something traumatic to happen to him” She said. “ You don’t know that” I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes at her. “Actually I do, my mum is a good friend of Mathiels mum. Even if the journalist never caused him pain or anything, as a human being, he has the right to have boundaries. He made it clear over the years that he hates interviews, but just because of your job which you hate by the way, you decided to pester him” “Although I hated that job, it was the closest way to getting elevated” I defended. “ while on your part to be elevated as a journalist, it does not mean you should misplace your integrity and ignore the feelings of other people. I believe both you and Mathiel are wrong though” she finished, and I was just silent after in deep thought. “ You don't understand, my duty as a journalist is to pursue stories, no matter what.” “Yes, it is important to be persistent, but you must also respect others' boundaries. It’s about finding the balance between our ambitions and the rights of others” Her words resonated in my ears over and over again. ‘Am I really selfish? Am I really the problem?’ I thought. And going further into it I indeed realised that I am truly at fault. After probably an hour or two had passed, I decided to break the silence. “You are right, Melody” I finally admitted with a sigh escaping my lips out of regret. This caused Melody to smile at me, and she went ahead and gave me a very warm hug. “ You are so sweet, Melody. Do you mind telling me why you are here?” I was genuinely curious, Melody was just so sweet and cute, and I was wondering what she could have done. “ I ran my ex over with a car,” She said with a smile which caused my eyes to go as wide as saucers. “Why?” I asked weakly. “ We had been dating for three years now, it really pained me seeing him with my best friend, he was only dating me for my dad’s money and the two of them were planning on scamming me.” “ It is always the best friends girl.” “When I caught him cheating, I just wanted some space, you know. I got into my car, ready to drive away when that bastard blocked my car and started saying s**t like ‘ I am sorry, it was a mistake, she seduced me’ I didn’t give a f**k and I just wanted to drive away. I got mad and drove towards him thinking that he would jump out of the way.” “But I drove too fast” She continued with laughter, I joined her and started laughing, honestly that asshole deserved it. “ Is he dead?” I asked. “ Sadly no, he just has a few broken bones and a concussion, apart from that he is fine.” “Too bad you will have to go to jail over a scumbag like your ex,” I said in a regretful tone. “ Who told you that silly?” She giggled. “So you are not going to be imprisoned?” “ No, my daddy is rich, the only reason I am still in this cell is that daddy wanted to teach me a lesson about going out with scumbags and not listening to him” “So how are you sure he will not press charges?” “ Daddy found some major ass dirt on him and his family, I am pretty sure they will be no lawsuit” She giggled. “ Good for you,” I said with a weird smile, although Melody was a little psychotic, she was still a very sweet person. *** After two days in the cell, they decided to let me go, they assured me that it I will not have a criminal record because of the incident. I decided to call Jessie to let her know how I was doing, she must have been worried sick when she did not hear from me for up to two days. “ Mikah!, where the hell have you been, you had me worried sick, when I saw you were missing I searched everywhere including Don Enterprises and you were not there. Girl, i thought you eloped out of shame” “WTF, Jessica, I spent these past two days in jail” I explained in a frustrated tone. “What?” “You heard me right, Mathiel found me irritating so he decided to put me in jail, to teach me a lesson” “That son of a, you know that is very illegal right, you should sue, you can even earn a lot of money from this “ She suggested. “ You think I don’t know that Jessie, but he laughed in my face when I threatened him with a lawsuit and he literally laughed at my face and told me he is the law” “He didn’t” She gasped in shock. “ He sure did, I will rather not waste my time anyway, I mean what did I expect when I went ahead to pester a multi-billionaire who hates interviews for an interview? Anyways come pick me up hon, I am exhausted” “On my way, bye” “ Bye girl”
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