Chapter five

1427 Words
Mikah’s POV The sound of Jessica messing around in the kitchen woke me up from my long as sleep, the bed in the prison cell was as hard as a brick so I could not sleep at all. “Girl what is going on!” I screamed at her. Hearing my voice, she excitedly shuffled into my room, with skimpy clothes on both of her hands. “ What were you doing in my kitchen, Jessie?” I asked. “Shots girl, I am preparing for the club girl” “Club?” “ Yeah let us go celebrate” “Girl there is literally nothing to celebrate, I spent two nights in prison and I also lost my job” “ Uhm okay, well let us go there to just have fun and forget about the bad stuff, Mikah I promise it would be good for you.” “ I am not going,” I said with my arms crossed. “Oh yes, you are” After she felt this she immediately pushed me off my bed and I landed square on my butt. “ Come on now girl, go have a nice shower and spray that perfume I really like, maybe you will get some d tonight” “Girl you know I am not getting anything” “True that, but I am definitely getting some d tonight,” she said in her very excited tone, I just laughed and shook my head in embarrassment. *** After Mikah found a parking spot, we stood and looked at the club from afar, I could even hear the music and feel the beat. While Jessie was getting excited by just the sound of music, I was trying my best to pull down my gown that was barely covering my ass. “ Come on girl!” She shouted as she dragged me by the arm towards the club. When we got to the entrance, as usual, there was a long ass line of people waiting to be let in, but as expected, Jessie will always have connections in a club. We went in without any problem, and the loud deafening music was what greeted me first, it definitely took some getting used to. “Yaaaaa!” Jessie screamed then pulled me towards the bar. “What can I get for you ladies” I heard an attractive voice ask which caused me to look up and man was he a sight to see, when he caught me staring, he gave me a wink which caused me to freeze for a second. “ Give me six of your strongest shot” She requested for. In no time the shots where in front of us. “Drink up,” she said, I reluctantly carried one and downed it in one go. “You go girl” she high fived me. We took another one, then another before I started feeling dizzy. Jessie pulled me onto the dance floor and we both danced provocatively, I swayed my hips to the beat, I had long forgotten that my dress was to short for me. As we were dancing a man approached Jessie to which she turned her attention to, she started twerking for him and he enjoyed it. They went deeper into the dance floor and Jessie waved at me mouthing at me to have fun. I was worried for a second before I began swaying my hips again, as I was dancing I made eye contact with the bartender and we were in a deep stare for some time before we snapped out of it, I don’t know what came over me but I gave him a flirty smile and motioned for him to come over. He dropped the towel on his shoulder down and whispered something to his co-bartender. He left his post and started making his way towards me which made me really nervous, I was just fooling around. He suddenly appeared in front of me and grabbed me by the hips, I became so intoxicated by his addicting smell and swayed my hips even harder, I hung my arms around his neck and we were literally so close. “So fiesty hun” He said to which I smiled and rolled my eyes to. As we were dancing it kept getting more and more heated. “Let us get out of here “ He whispered in my ears to which I foolishly nodded, what was I doing, I had never done it before and the nervous me was thinking of a way to explain, but then I suddenly thought f**k it, let me get laid. He pulled me out of the crowd and we passed some special passage, and in no time we were in a room. “Where is this?” I asked. “Its a resting room, “ he said with a smirk as he looked at me seductively, I felt like my stomach was about to jump out of my body, and before I could think of anything, he kissed my mouth, which I responded to. His hot kisses was so intoxicating and I found myself wanting more. He immediately kissed me and our bodies began to move in sync. He softly pinned me to the wall and lifted me up, as his soft warm lips slowly met mine . “Be gentle” I told him to which he impatiently nodded. He was about to slowly make his move, when the door burst open and a woman barged in. This caused him to abruptly stop and we immediately seperated. With the entrance of the woman, all the alcohol and drunkeness left my body and I was left with the thought of what I had almost done, I had almost lost myself to a baretender who I have barely met for less than an hour. I really wanted to bury myself, luckily that woman interrupted. “ Lucky how dare you!” the lady shouted which made me confused, what was wrong with him having fun, unless… ‘oh s**t’ She further confirmed my guess. “ We have been together for how long and you cheat on me, how long has this been going on,” She said as she looked at me in digust, I started thanking my lucky stars that the room was dark and she could not see my facial features. “I swear this only happened today, I literally just met him and I did not know he had a girlfriend I explained” After saying that, she just ignored me, she started coming close and I backed away from the silent Lucky as I was not planning to be beaten up. Lucky who had been silent the whole time finally decided to speak up. “ Babe I am so sorry, I was drunk that is why, and this crazy lady seduced me, I swear I was so vulnerable” Once those words escaped his mouth, I realized how low some men will go. The once domineering and sexy lucky suddenly became trash in my eyes. “Cut the bullshit!” She shouted before she swung her fist at him, Lucky did not take that likely so both of them started exchanging blows. I used it as an opportunity to carry my purse and I slipped out of the room. I navigated my way out of the club and found my car, Immediately I was in it, I screamed my frustration out, how could I be so unlucky because of a stupid man, I shivered at the fact that I was about to lose my v-card to a man like lucky. What happened to lose it to a capable and reliable man who is head over heels for me? I further screamed in my hands as I could not get over the embarrassment. After some time, I quickly whipped out my phone from my bag and dialled Jessica, luckily she picked up after a few rings. “Heyy” She said and I knew she was only slightly drunk which made me sigh in relief at least she did not let herself go. “Come to the parking lot, let us go home. I am waiting for you” “ No boo don't worry you can go” “Why” “I am going to get laid sis, see you tomorrow” She said before she hanged the call. I shook my head before driving out of the parking lot, and nothing will ever make me come to clubs ever again.
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