Chapter three

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Mikah’s POV I woke up with a surge of determination coursing through my brain, I have to get this interview, not only is my job on the line, it would be perfect for me and boost me up so much that I might even become one of the best Journalist of all times, I would get my own office and I would finally get the respect I deserve from Dalton, that stupid faggot. After getting ready, I took all the essentials I would need for the day as am ready to camp outside for however long until his pompous ass decided to show up. I packed my gum, a lot of what and I mean a lot, I packed food and other stuff to keep me sane while waiting for him. I could already imagine the tabloids about me being ‘the first and only Journalist to have ever gotten an interview with Mathiel Don’ I carried all my stuff and necessities and stood in front of my full-length mirror and said my daily affirmations. “ You are beautiful, smart and talented, you can do this Mikah, today is the day you will break through his walls and get the interview of a lifetime, and you will rub it in Dalton’s face so so much that he gets sick of you, but what can he do, nothing’ Mikah chuckled at her imagination of a pitiful Dalton begging her. I looked down at the formal attire on me, although I usually wear formal attire every day to work, this one was the most formal I have ever worn. I was very careful enough to put on just the right amount of makeup so that I would look appealing to the eyes, without looking overbearing and also to exude confidence. I went to the kitchen and quickly made my morning black coffee which I am so obsessed with, I took a sip which made me squint in satisfaction. I made sure I had everything set before I went out of my house, and in front of my house was a very hyped-looking Jessica leaning on my car, with a Starbucks coffee in her hands. “Girl, what are you doing here?” I asked as I walked over to her to give her a hug. “To give support to my favourite person duh” She said. “ That is so sweet of you Jessie, I have to go, I don't want to miss him,” I said while making my way to my car. “ Girl you missed him two hours ago,” she said as a matter of fact. “What?” I asked with a confused look. “ I asked my cousin, who asked her brother inlaw’s brother inlaw, who works at Don Enterprises and girl, that man resumes work as early as three, in the morning girl,” She said while looking sorry for me. “ What?! Why did you not tell me, Jessie?” I groaned. “ I just found out too this morning I swear,” Jessie said. “It’s fine, thanks for telling me though.” “ Well at least you were planning on camping for the whole day so this makes no difference” “ I know but I was kind of hoping I could see him this morning so I don't have to camp”. “ Don’t worry Mikah, this will be a fun experience for you. And you can use the time you use to wait to practice your amazing pitch, girl you gonna do great I know it.” Jessie said then gave me a hug. This caused my heart to melt, nobody can ever make me feel as good as Jessie does. “ well bye,” I said as I got into my car” “Bye too boo, I am already late for work, I can already imagine Dalton’s ugly face lecturing me about punctuality,” She said while rolling her eyes which made me giggle. “ Ok bye”, I said one more time, and then I started my car and zoomed off. *** I drove into the Don Enterprises car park and positioned my car in a way I can easily block his car when he was driving off. It would have been better if he used the public parking lot, but he had his own. Of course, what should I expect from Mathiel Don? As time went by, I sat anxiously in the passenger seat of my car while humming along to the slow jam playing on the radio. I decided to once again go over the questions which I meticulously prepared, and I made sure they did not cross any boundaries and it was strictly professional. Further into revising the questions, I laughed at the fact that I was so delusional, I literally have no guarantee of even talking to Mathiel and talk less of him even having an interview with him. But at the same time, it was good to hope, who knows, what might happen. As I waited in the car, I decided to occupy myself by going through my other research materials in other sectors because I also had a deadline to publish them. I marked. Hours turned into minutes, and minutes stretched into an eternity, I was already so exhausted from just waiting. I decided to watch as cars pulled into the parking lot, employees and clients hurridly entering the building, I decided to judge their outfits and I just had to give it to them, Don Enterprises workers were all so put together. As time slowly went by I kept telling myself that patience is the key to my success and I was determined to not let Mathiel waive my patience or confidence. As the day progressed, I witnessed the ebbs and flows of activities around me. I observed employees returning from their lunch break, their bags clutched tightly in their hands. Finally, it was night, I was still determined to stay on till midnight because that was the only logical time, a billionaire like Mathiel will leave work, but as my luck would have it, there he was, in all his handsomeness, walking confidently to his special parking lot, he clutched his million dollar suitcase tightly on his hand, while the rest o him looked twice as expensive, he wore a perfectly tailored suit, making his presence more commanding and enigmatic. I quickly snapped myself out of the daze I was in and literally ran to Mathiel while shouting. “ Mr Don, can I have a moment of your time?” I asked as I was running to him and in no time I was in front of him. Just when I thought that victory was within my grasp, dozen of his professionally trained bodyguard blocked my path to get closer to him and pushed me away. “ Hey, watch it!” I screamed at one of them. At that moment, all the pitch and moving words which I practised all day left my head and I just went with the flow. “ Mr Don, I really need this interview, unless I will get fired” Once I said that I mentally slapped myself so hard on the face, one thing, people like Mathiel Don do not like is pulling out the pity sign. Hearing this, Mathiel held out his hands for his bodyguards to stop harassing me which I was grateful for. “ What does you having a job or not have to do with me?” He asked in a very chilly voice that sent chills down my spine. “ Mr Don, this interview will be beneficial for both of us, it can even increase the stocks of Don Enterprise,” I said, at least I remembered that part of my speech. “ Look, I don't need you to make my corporation better.” He said in an increasingly annoyed tone, then he decided to walk away again. This caused me to mumble a hateful word out of anger, and as my ill luck will have it, it was then I knew that Mathiel had a very good sense of hearing. “ Take her away” He said in a commanding tone to one of his bodyguards who nodded in response and started dragging me away, but not in the direction of my car. “ Hey, where are you taking me to?!” I asked with a scream as I struggled from his grasp. This question caused Mathiel to walk in front of me. “ You think, I don’t know you have been waiting for me since morning and monitoring my movement. I already told you yesterday not to pester me, but you are obviously deaf. So why don’t you learn a lesson in prison for a day, and then you might become more obedient” He said with a straight face and this angered me to the core. I knew my rights and he had no right to arrest me, I did not even commit a crime. “ You can’t do that Mathiel, it is against the law, it is an illegal arrest, and the most you can do is to get a restraining order,” I said with a smug smile, perks of having a lawyer Dad. I was expecting Mathiel to frown in dismay but my very bold statement caused him to smile sarcastically instead. “ I think you have forgotten something, Miss whatever your name is, I am the law,” He said with a wicked smirk then walked away. His bodyguard then resumed taking me away, I struggled, and I screamed, but to no avail, obviously, for a professionally trained bodyguard who is the best of the best, it would take no effort to restrain me, even though I was well trained in kung fu. They eventually took me to a nearby police station, and when the police officers saw the bodyguard they just nodded at him, took me from him and walked me to one of their cells, they even made small talk, before the bodyguard left. From their actions, it was way obvious that it was not the first time Mathiel was arresting somebody like me. I sat down in the cell, worrying for my future. Obviously, Dalten won, and I did not get the interview, and who would want to hire me with a criminal record?
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