Chapter two

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I stood outside the towering glass skyscraper, gazing up at the imposing structure that housed the office of one of the world’s most powerful magnates and billionaires, Mathiel Don, with my notepad clutched tightly in my hand. I looked down to see my notepad almost soaked in my sweat. Mathiel Don was known for his ruthless tactics and aversion to the media, no journalist has ever had an interview with him. I knew that she had little chance of actually securing the interview but my job was on the line, and for that, I cursed Dalton repeatedly with hatred in my mind. I took a deep breath before stepping through the revolving doors and entered the sleek modern lobby, the air was tinged with an aura of power and luxury. I looked around in awe and the imposing luxury of the building did a great job at raising my nerves up a ton. I once again took a deep breath and approached the reception desk, where a strikingly beautiful lady stood, with perfectly styled hair and a trademark smile on her face. “Good morning” I greeted, my voice filled with false enthusiasm. “ I am Mikah Coleman, a journalist from Daily Herald, I am here to request an interview with Mr. Mathiel Don.” The secretary glanced up at her still with that beautiful trademark smile. Her somewhat judgmental eyes scanning me from head to toe made me feel so uncomfortable. I sighed at the ordeal that Dalton had put me through, if he did not give me such a stupid task, I would not have been standing there and taking that disrespect. “ I am sorry Miss…” She said which made me so annoyed I cursed her internally, she did not even care to remember my name. “ Mikah,” I told her with a fake smile. “Yes, Miss Mikah, but Mr Don is not available, it is no secrete that he never grants them, he values his privacy, plus he has verbally made it clear, that he has no interest in speaking with the media,” the secretary said it so fluently, she had probably used the very same line for the past journalist who also wanted an interview with Mathiel, I sighed at this, of course, I knew that Mathiel did not take interviews. But I was not about to let that discourage me, my job literally depended on it. “ I understand Mr Mathiel is a private person, but surely he must see the value in sharing his insights and experiences with the world. I promise to handle the interview with utmost respect and sensitivity” I said with my chest brimming with confidence. As I said this, the trademark smile on the face of the secretary began to falter and she finally cracked and rolled her eyes, which caused me to curse her internally once again. “ Like I said before Miss…” At that point, I concluded that she was doing it deliberately. “ Mikah” “Yeah, Miss Mikah, Mr Mathiel does not do interviews. Plus, I am not new to all these promises before, Miss. Mikah. Journalists always come here in hopes of inspiring one person or the other it has become sickening at this point” The secretary said in an annoyed tone. “ Miss Mikah, I understand that you are passionate about your work and you want to ‘inspire people’ but we don't make any exceptions, ever, and we would not make one for you either, goodbye” after the receptionist said that she immediately went ahead to ignore me and went ahead with typing on her laptop. Even with her attitude, I still did not want to give up. “ I understand your position, but this interview might even be beneficial for this empire, I believe this would be an opportunity for Mr Mathiel to present his hard work, I mean, the public has a vested interest in understanding the man behind this powerful empire, I can even help humanize him, he can be an inspiration to young people who want to be like him,” I said in an effort to convince the receptionist, forgetting that the receptionist is not the one that decides who meets with Mr Mathiel. “ No, I will not” The sudden appearance of a person behind me made me jump in fright. I turned around I thought I saw Adonis himself, the man before me was so handsome that he could get a woman pregnant by just looking at her. He had the perfect chiselled face, his irises were so dark that I could see my reflection, and someone could almost get lost in his eyes. I quickly composed myself when he repeated what he said earlier. “ I will not have this interview with you, miss whatever your name is, and being quite adamant about it will not make u look more favourable to my receptionist it just makes her more tired of you, and makes me look down on you,” He said in a condescending voice, the contents of his sentence made me realize he was the Mathiel Don. “ Just say thank you for your time and leave” He continued which cause his followers who I did not even realize were there to break out in silent waves of laughter. “ I am extremely sorry for my bad demeanour, but I need this interview unless I might lose my Job,” I said with a pleading tone, and how did Mathiel reply to me? By walking straight past me and right out of the building. Just as he was about to go through the revolving doors he came to an abrupt halt which caused his followers to do the same. “ I advice you to leave, or my receptionist will call security on you, and I do not think it will be a very dignifying experience for you” After he said that he went outside. I was feeling extremely humiliated, but I made sure to keep my feelings in check before I decided to make my way out. “ Thank you for your time,” I said in a barely audible voice to the receptionist before she went out. Immediately after I was out, I whipped out my phone and dialled Jessie. After a few rings, she picked up. “Hey girl, how did it go,” Jessie asked which made me roll my eyes. “Guess,” I said in a deadpan voice. “From that tone, it probably did not go well,” Jessie said with an audible cringe. “Jessie it was beyond horrible, his receptionist got tired of me and he was so mean” I complained. “Well I am not shocked about that,” Jessie said. “How?”I asked. “ Girl, this man literally hates journalists, paparazzi and anyone working in the media, and girl you are one of them.” “You think I don't know, I would have never come here if not for the fact my job is at risk” I moaned in annoyance. “ I know baby, why don’t you call your sister, I am sure she would find a well to help” Jessie offered. “ No Jessie, I do not want anyone's help” I refused. “ Ok, so what are you gonna do now.” “ Well I am going to bug him and follow him everywhere until her caves,” I said with a confident look on my face. “So you are going to stalk him,” said Jessie. “Nooo..” I dragged guiltily. “ Girl, so you are going to stalk him,” Jessie said again with more certainty. “Yeah, you can call it that” I whispered. “Good luck,” Jessie said while laughing.
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