Collin is Furious

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Chapter 5 Collin’s POV     I do not know what Catherine was thinking about hiring that girl. She looks like she is 21 years old, and she obviously doesn’t know what she is doing at all. She doesn’t know how to dress, and her hair doesn’t even look good. I mean, she is representing me now, she will have to do better. Especially since Catherine decided to raise her money by ten grand. For $150,000 a year, this woman needs to look at every part of the professional Admin for the CEO. She has been here for a week, and she doesn’t look like the kind of person who should be out there giving the first impression on me. I hate to say it, but I think that the Lyra girl that is working at the reception at Human Resources could do a better job representing me. At least she looks the part. I know that Hamilton has referred to her several times because he is sleeping with her. I caught them together in the parking garage before, so I know why he is referring to her. But she is always dressed very well and looks very professional. I don’t know why Cora refused to have her working up here. I think that Lyra might very well do an excellent job as my P.A. She certainly can’t do worse than the one here now.   I still can’t believe that she walked in on me like that, like she owns the place. This is my place of business, and I don’t appreciate that at all. Maddie is quieter than Celeste, so that may have been a factor, but still, she should always knock to make sure I am good at her entering. Maddie didn’t mind her coming in at all, she was really amused by the girl blushing like she did and staring at us with that shocked expression. Yes, it is my place of work, and I shouldn’t sleep with my girlfriends here, but I am here 60 plus hours a week, and frankly, I don’t have time to really wine and dine them, they need to be convenient around my schedule, not theirs, for this relationship to work, and if they show up and want me, I am happy to oblige them. The girl may have been confused because I broke off with Celeste and had a quickie for old times, but I am done with her now, it is just me and Maddie until I get tired of Maddie.   Catherine thinks the world of the girl, Lora, or Moira. I am not 100% certain of her name right now. I mean it is just the end of week one. I don’t know why. Yes, she is on time and seems to be extremely professional in all the other aspects, but I don’t know if she is right for representing me. I think a well-dressed woman over 40 would be best for the job. I saw how she looked at me on her first day on the job. I have seen that look before. I know what seeing me does to women. I really do thank my parents for my genetics. I am extremely attractive, and I hear about it all the time from people on the street, or in restaurants or clubs, on the covers of all the tabloids, and gossip blogs.   I hear laughter from outside my office and think that I should invest in some soundproofing as Catherine got onto me for sleeping with Celeste on Tuesday, but I do have a pattern of sleeping with them one last time before I break it off. Catherine knew the drill, but she pointed out, and rightly so, that the girl could file a grievance with H.R. over what happened, as I didn’t need to be balls deep in someone at the workplace. Catherine was right, but it still pissed me off, so I was mean to the girl when I left to go to lunch with Maddie. Catherine is so defensive of her, and it is really making me mad that she is so protective of her. It seems like she is picking her over me as she is always on me now to be nice to the girl, stop picking on her, stop telling her she is dressed badly. It never ends, isn’t this my place of business? Can’t I suggest to her that she needs to dress better than she does? What is the harm to it, she does?   I hear laughter again and I guess I am going to have to go out there. This is a workplace, and I don’t pay people to hang out and flirt with one another. I have seen how Coleman looks at the girl. She is OK-looking I guess, and he moons over her. I see him with her and Catherine every day for lunch when I happen to eat there in the cafeteria. I guess I will stick my head out the door and tell him to go back to his desk as I keep hearing a male voice outside my door again.   “What is going on out here?” I said loudly as I threw open my office door and headed out to my PA’s area.   “We are introducing ourselves to your delightful new PA. We didn’t know you had a new one and we have to say that she is an improvement over the last 4 of them”, my best friend Nicolas Caldwell says as he stands in front of her desk.   “Yes, I am quite impressed with her, Collin, this girl is brilliant, and I was trying to lure her away from you actually” my other best friend, Dalton Fossett, tells me while he is perched on the edge of her desk.   Catherine is grinning at the both of them, but she always likes it when my friends come to visit, and they usually show up a little before 5 pm on Fridays to try to get me to go out on the town with them. The girl is sitting there with a blush on her cheeks, and I am sure that Dalton was pouring on the charm as he was inappropriately close to her, sitting on the edge of her desk.   “You know you need to get up and leave her alone, she is working now, and you don’t need to be sitting on her desk. It makes it look unprofessional for someone to see you sitting there like that on her desk like you are trying to pick her up or something. What if a client had arrived and saw that? It would have reflected badly on me, so please conduct yourself in a professional way from now on” I hesitated as I looked at her. I wanted to use her name, but I cannot remember her name.   “Are you speaking to Cora?” Dalton asks me.   “I was speaking to you at first and then her, she needs to remember that this is a place of work and that anytime she looks bad, it makes me look bad,” I told him.   “Dude, are you telling us that you don’t even know her name, how is that professional?” Nicolas kicks back to me with a smirk and then winks at the girl, who blushes again.   “Her name is Cora, and she is very professional, and plus, I asked if you had anything else scheduled for today when we got here and we had already been told that you were clear. Plus, I know what you “do” at work sometimes, so don’t lecture her on being professional”, Dalton tells me, and then winks at the girl.   “She is still new, and as I have had quite a few end up quitting, I was just waiting to make sure that she was going to stay before I got to remembering her name,” I tell them, and I feel a little bad as her head lowers and she gets even redder in embarrassment.   “You are a real asshole, you know that?” Nicolas tells me as he heads into my office. He stops at the door and says, “Well it was a pleasure to meet you, Cora, I think you are doing a wonderful job, and if Collin doesn’t learn to appreciate you maybe I will whisk you away from all this”. Nicolas then winks at her again and walks into my office.   “I agree, you are an asshole, Collin. It was indeed a pleasure to meet you, Cora. I am even more excited about coming back next week to see you again. I am quite sure that you are leaving before we come out, so enjoy your weekend, and I will see you next Friday”, Dalton says before leaning over and picking up her hand to kiss the back of it. Her face is now completely red at this time. I didn’t even realize that people still blushed anymore.   “Yes, have a good weekend Catherine, and Cora,” I said before heading back into my office and shutting the door.   “You, my man, are a complete jerk. We spent the last 10 minutes out there talking to her and she was impressive. She is very smart, and did you know that she has an MBA from Harvard?” Nicolas asked me.   “She doesn’t look old enough to have graduated with a bachelor's degree, let alone a Master’s,” I tell him.   “No, she has one, Catherine told us, she had to go apologize to Gerald Siler for taking Cora out from under him. He was going to hire her, but Catherine met her downstairs and Cora let her share her table with her, as the coffee place was full. Catherine said after speaking with her, she knew that Cora was the one who was going to be successful at replacing her as your PA. I agree with her, that girl is highly intelligent”, Dalton tells me.   “How would you know after less than ten minutes of speaking with her?” I asked him.   “She knows her stuff, and she graduated third in her class. She was the only woman in the top ten percent of her class. Although it is a predominately male-driven field”, Dalton tells me, as he is in the financial sector too, I know he is serious when he tells me this.   “How did you not know anything about her background?” Nicolas asks me.   ‘Catherine is in charge of that. I trust Catherine to pick the right person, but after this week, I don’t know if it is her or not. She has made some mistakes, so I don’t know if she is going to work out or not yet”, I tell them.   “Like what mistakes, dropping some papers? I can’t see it being a professional problem with her. From speaking to her, she is very well-spoken. Catherine was bragging on her to us about how well she is doing and told us that by the end of the year, in like 6 and a half months, she believes that Cora will have surpassed her, she is that confident in her efficiency. I heard her give none of the others one complement for the last four of the other ladies who came along. So what mistake are we talking about here?” Dalton asks me.   “Well for one, she entered my office without knocking, and I was having s*x with Maddie on my desk,” I say.   “Holy s**t man! You do realize that she could have gone to literally any lawyer in this state and sued the living crap out of you for s****l harassment”, Nicolas yells at me.   “She entered my office without knocking, she didn’t even belong there” I yelled back at him.   “Well, what WAS she doing in here then?” Nicolas yelled back at me.   “She was dropping off reports for me,” I told him, in a much lower tone.   “So, she was doing her job then, perfect. You just lost your case. She was doing her job, you didn’t have the door locked, and I don’t care if your name is on the building, you are NOT supposed to have s*x at your workplace, you moron. Just in case you were confused, this case would be what I consider to be a slam dunk. Please tell me that you apologized to her at least”, Nicolas tells me, and now I have the grace to blush.   “What did you do?” Dalton asks me, and I know he already realizes that it was something bad.   “I told her that I wanted to fire her, but that Catherine had stood up for her. That she looked dowdy and frumpy because she dressed badly and needed to do better because she didn’t look good and she was representing me, and that if she ever came into my office again without permission that I would fire her on the spot”, I told them.   “You are a very bad boss,” Dalton tells me.   “So just to clarify, you didn’t even know her name at the end of the week. We have spoken to her for a longer period than you have, all week, in the ten minutes that we had with her. And then you had the gall to not only insult and threaten her about YOUR wrongdoing, but you also tell her you will fire her if it happens again. Well, I am glad we told her that it was nice to meet her, Dalton, because I really don’t know if she will be coming back to work next week”. Nicolas tells me and after how he put it, I feel bad for how I have treated her.
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