A Nasty Surprise

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Chapter 4 Cora’s POV     This week has passed in a blur. There is truly so much to learn. I am competent, but Collin Lauder’s schedule is very tough to fill. Not that he doesn’t have meeting after meeting to be in, as well as other things to do, but that he has too many meetings and things to do. I have to schedule certain meetings for the morning as that is when everyone that works here is available, and some for the evenings for special clients. I have to have his schedule planned out for the two weeks after this one for Catherine. She knows it is tough and she was extremely helpful with giving me the lowdown on who the top tier clients were, and who definitely got the gold standard when it came to getting to see CEO Lauder. It is Friday and I just gave Catherine the schedule at 11 am. I have been working on it for the last three days and tried to make it totally correct. I had the typing reports, filing, taking the confidential reports to the P.A.’s that they needed to go to, and all the regular P.A. things down, it was the schedule that I had to get nailed down as I waited in my chair at the side desk and just wait for her to tell me if it was correct or not. She had given me the list of who was coming and when they wanted to meet, but a few things had to be juggled around as two different meeting times did not work out at all and a few more issues had come up.   While she looks at the schedule on her tablet, I take a minute to think of my first week. After we went to lunch on Monday and came back with Coleman, the office door flew open, and I was met by one of the most handsome men I think I have ever seen. Over 6’ tall with brown hair with a little wave to it, green eyes, and a strong jaw. You could tell he works out to keep in the kind of shape he is in. His jacket is off, and his white shirt looks like it can barely contain his biceps in it. He looked right at Catherine and asked to be sent three reports. He glances over at me and then back at Catherine and asks Catherine, “Where is the new hire at? She didn’t quit already, did she?”   “Sir, she is standing right here, her name is Cora, and I believe that she could do an even better job than me at this job, by the end of this year,” Catherine tells him with a frown on her face. I could tell she wanted to say more, but she just turned her back to him and sat down to log into her computer and send the requested documents.   I saw him look over at me like he was now mad at me for upsetting Catherine like I was the one who did it. Before closing the door to his office and locking the door, I noticed that the door had a name on it and looked closer before gasping and asking Catherine in an extremely low tone, “Am I the new P.A. for Collin Lauder?”   “Yes, honey, you are,” Catherine tells me and grins before hitting send on the email to Collin.   “Um, he doesn’t seem to like me,” I told her.   “Honey, don’t sweat it, he likes very few people. As a matter of fact, take this notebook and start writing down the information that I am about to give you”, Catherine tells me in a matter-of-fact voice and then starts giving me the ins and outs of Collins's life. He has two best friends, Nicolas Caldwell, who is a lawyer, and Dalton Fossett, who works in the financial sector too. As long as he isn’t in a meeting, they can go right in. Also, Collin is dating a woman named Celeste Watson, and she is still allowed to come into his office as well, but he is starting to date another woman, Maddie Summers, and that just started on Friday of last week. He just hadn’t informed Celeste of this yet. Catherine continues to tell me, “be sure to knock and wait for a "come in", before you enter his office. If a woman is with him, sometimes he has dessert here, if you understand what I mean”.   I didn’t know what she meant. We are at work, maybe he has a mini-fridge in his office as he is very fit, and is probably watching what he eats, and they are models, so they probably don’t eat, and I frown until it hits me “You mean s*x? Here? At work?” I whisper yelled at Catherine, with my eyes getting larger with each word I spoke.   She smiles, shakes her head, mumbling about how she remembers being that innocent before she starts firing off more for me to make a note of in my notebook.   I got to meet Celeste Watson the next day and she was gorgeous. Catherine told me to sit behind her desk, as she was training me, and I needed to get the full feel of it. I looked up, and up again, at the beautiful woman standing on the other side of my desk. Celeste was an easy 5’11” tall with a very slim frame, with long brown highlighted hair and baby blue eyes, she gave me a half-smile and glanced over at Catherine and asked, “so we are on number 5 now?” before glancing back at me and saying “good luck” before she wandered over to the door to Collin’s office and knocking. We all heard him say “come in” and heard the lock click into place. after she entered the office. Unfortunately, we also heard other things as well coming from the office. Celeste was obviously very loud when she came, as I was completely blushing when the noise rose to a certain level and I asked Catherine if we could go to lunch 15 minutes early, as I didn’t want to have to face either one of them when they came out of the office. Catherine agreed and we took off. Coleman was right behind us getting in the elevator and his face was a little red too.   When we came back from lunch, everything was quiet, and we got right back to work. Collin’s door was closed, and I believed that he was out at lunch because it was his lunch hour, so I entered to put two incoming files on his desk and froze.   “Why didn’t you knock?” I heard a loud voice call out as I stood frozen and staring at another completely different woman bent over Collin’s desk. This one was a blonde, with shoulder-length hair and large blue eyes. She was only half undressed as she had taken her skirt and underwear off but still had her shirt on. She had her left leg thrown out on top of the desk and he had her waist in a tight grip. He never stopped sliding in and out of her, and I felt a hand circle my wrist and pull me back towards the door and out of the office. My face was completely red, and I couldn’t speak. He was having s*x with that woman on his desk. He got mad, but she was totally amused by my reaction. She didn’t even get mad. In fact, she had given me a smirk at my shocked expression.   “I didn’t know that anyone was in there,” I said to Catherine, stunned. “I just wanted to drop off the reports so I wouldn’t have to see him face to face after what he and Celeste did earlier. I will never enter without knocking ever again. I am so embarrassed” I said to Catherine.   Collin and the woman exit the office about 10 minutes later, and he asks her to wait at the elevator for him and then instructs Catherine to come into his office with him. I can hear arguing behind the door and I know that my face is red again. The woman glances over at me and tells me “You know, if you put on some makeup, you might be attractive” and then nods like she had given me some words to live by.   “Thank you?” I told her, as I didn’t really believe that she was trying to give me a compliment.   “Also, you really need to get a new wardrobe. You are the face that represents Collin Lauder, and you are really not dressed nicely enough to do that. You need to wear makeup to honey. You would look a lot better. I am actually really surprised that he hasn’t said anything to you yet. You really need to work on that very quickly” she tells me, and I am almost gritting my teeth, as I didn’t get this job to look good, it is my mind that I believe is most important for this job.   “I will take that into consideration,” I told her, before looking down and continuing to type out the report that I was working on.   The door behind me flies open and Collin stomps out and stops right next to my desk and says to me, “you are so lucky because I wanted to fire you. Please try to dress up while you are at work. You represent me now, and frankly, you look like you need to be working in the lobby at reception. Not as the P.A. for the CEO of the company. Never enter my office again without verbal consent from me, or you will be gone”, Collin tells me, before turning around and entering the elevator with the woman, and I watched her smirk at me as the doors closed.   “I was expecting that, honey. Don’t worry about it. I did tell you, but we both thought that he was out of the office with Celeste. This one is named Maddie and she is not a nice person. She is the one that he is starting to date now. Every one or two years, if they are lucky, he gets an itch and picks another woman to date, and I used that term loosely. I am assuming that he gave Celeste her “send-off” after they had s*x earlier, that is how he usually does it”, Catherine tells me.   “I am so sorry, Catherine, I hope you didn’t get into any trouble because of me. I really didn’t know that he was in there. I just didn’t want to face him after hearing all that earlier today”, I told her.   “Oh honey, don’t worry about it. I told him if he let you go, I was going to leave too, and he changed his mind. I already told him that you are the one, you are now his P.A. Cora. You are taking the torch from me, and I do believe that you will be even better than I was at this job. I will even make you a promise. If you ever need me to step in for you, a year, two years from now. I will. I wouldn’t do it for everyone, but for you, I will make an exception”, Catherine tells me and smiles at me.   I hear my name being called and I jerk out of my thoughts “Yes Catherine?” I say to her.   “This is excellent work; I checked your schedule against mine and they were the same except for the meeting on Thursday in the second week. You caught that it should be the investors from Beijing in the afternoon so they could fly back out afterward, and it be morning there when they arrive back. That is excellent planning on your part, and I am sure it will be noticed and appreciated by the men in that group. They won’t have to fly in the day before to spend the night here to be able to go to the meeting in the morning. It took me months to master the schedule. I believe you will have it down to a science at the end of the first month”, Catherine tells me and compliments me on the schedule. 
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