End of a Rough Week

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Chapter 6 Cora’s POV     This week has been rough, but Catherine has been the best part of the week. As we clocked out and headed out, she asked me to please give it a few more weeks to see how it goes, before I make any rash decisions. I know she thinks that I am going to quit, but honestly, I can’t. I work for one of the highest-rated companies in New York City. I can’t even say that I need to find a strong company to work for, because, in all fairness, I am already working there, plus I wouldn’t quit. I would, however, transfer to work for Gerald Siler in his department. But when I think about doing that to Catherine, I feel super guilty, and I just can’t do that to her. I told her I would be there next week, and she looked relieved, but I know she knows what kind of a week I have had. I need better clothes and have been bullied and shocked by certain actions this week. I cannot believe that he would have s*x with someone at work, let alone two different women on the same day.   I needed to relax, and I went to find my cell phone in my purse so I could call Olivia on the bus ride home as I needed some advice. I know if I called Iris, she would be like you should go ahead and get in line for the Collin ride at work, she would be 100% behind me doing that. But that is not how I operate. Why would I give up my virginity to someone who thinks so lowly of women that he can’t commit to one of them a day? He is an attractive man, but I am not willing to be involved with someone who does something like that.   “Hey girl, what is up? Livi answers her phone.   “Nothing, I am riding the bus home, it has been a long week. I am looking forward to getting to see you and Iris for brunch on Sunday. She is going to love my new job, but frankly, it has been a challenging week for me”, I tell Livi.   “What happened, that was so challenging. I have never heard you say that before, and I have known you for a while. You have always been able to figure things out and make them happen. What happened at work?” Livi asks me.   “I forgot to knock on my bosses’ door at work and get permission to enter. It was his normal lunchtime and I thought he was out at lunch. I did want to see him in person, so I was trying to drop off two reports and just put them on his desk while he was out, but he wasn’t out,” I taper off because I didn’t want to say the words. We were getting closer to my stop and there was no one within 10 feet of me, but I was still embarrassed to say it.   “Well, what Cora, what happened?” Livi asks me.   “He was having s*x on his desk with his new girlfriend. He yelled at me for coming in without knocking, but we both thought he was out”, I whispered into the phone.   “What? Are you freaking serious? Really?” Livi asks me.   “Yes, and the worst part was that his other girlfriend had come along earlier in the day, and he had had s*x with her too. She was really loud calling out, so we went to lunch early because I didn’t want to face her when she came out of his office”. I whispered into the phone.   “Let me get this straight, he had s*x with his soon-to-be ex-girlfriend, before he broke up with her, and then he had s*x with his new girlfriend when she got there later on? Is that right?” Livi asked me.   “Yes, that is accurate,” I told her.   “That is just sick,” Livi tells me.   “Yes, I agree. I was really uncomfortable. He ended up calling Catherine into the office to yell at her about me just walking in without knocking. His new girlfriend stood near my desk and told me that I might be pretty if I wore some makeup, and then she told me that I definitely needed to get better clothes. I really need some help with that, as he said the same thing when he passed my desk and told me that I needed to never enter again without him calling out that it was OK to enter, and that I really needed to dress better as I represent him now as they see me before they see him. I guess I need to dress a lot better than I have been”, I told her.   “I thought you were going to work for the V.P. of Finance, Gerald Siler, isn’t that who you interviewed with?” Livi asked me.   “No, actually I spoke with an older lady while I was drinking my coffee and she gave me her job. She is training me for the next 3 weeks to do her job, and it is tough. The previous four ladies ended up quitting. She is 66, and ready to retire, but hasn’t been able to get someone that can handle the workload and understand all the financial aspects of the job. Plus, I did apologize to V.P. Siler about it, so did she, and he wants me to work for him too. He said if my job didn’t pan out, to just come to him and he would start me out at $120,000 a year”, I tell Livi.   “So how much are you making that you didn’t take that job?” Livi asks me.   “Catherine made a call and got me an extra $10,000 a year, so I am making $150,000 a year,” I tell her quietly.   “Holy crap Cora, that is wonderful. I am so happy for you that will help you pay everything back in a timely manner. I know that this will take a weight off of you”, Livi tells me.   “It will, and his friends are really nice. I met them today and they are great, but he is really coming off like a jerk. I am not excited about working for him, but I can handle anything for like 5 years while I pay my debt down. I also offered to help out if needed with V.P. Siler just to keep my skills sharp with my MBA, and he told me that if anything came up that they needed help with, he would reach out to me. He agreed with my thoughts on it. He did offer me to come to work for him twice, so I think that if it comes down to it, I can transfer over to his department, instead of quitting”, I told Livi.   “He must be a fan if he is willing to wait to have you work for him. That is wonderful for you, Cora. I am really happy for you. I have never seen you stumped by any form of work, so I know you will have this sorted soon. What exactly are you doing?” Livi asked me.   “I am the PA for Collin Lauder,” I told her.   I hear a choking sound and then a lot of coughing coming from her end of the phone.   “Are you OK, Livi?” I asked her.   “Yes, did you just say that you are training to be the new PA for Collin Lauder, of Lauder Financial?” Livi asks me.   “Yes, that Collin Lauder,” I told her.   “Holy s**t, Iris is going to come unglued when she hears. Are you almost home Cora?” Livi asks me.   “Yes, I am two stops away, why?” I asked her.   “I will be there in five minutes. Get on some jeans and a shirt and when I get there, we are going to visit Iris at her work. So put on a change of clothes and just be ready to go when I get there, OK?” Livi tells me.   “ OK, I will see you in a little bit. Bye Livi”, I told her, and ended the call, and got ready to get off of the bus.   Six minutes later, I hear the doorbell ring and I call out that I will get it. Livi is at the door and comes inside to say hi to my parents really quickly. My dad, Abbot Bowers, is in his recliner and his color looks fairly good today. Maybe I can help mom get him outside so he can sit in the sun for a little bit while I run to go get the groceries for us for this week. Dad has deep brown hair, a slim build that has gotten slimmer in the last year, and brown eyes. He is only 59 years old but looks older because he is dealing with cancer. It is very draining.   Mom is sitting at the end of the couch nearest dad. She has gotten even more protective of dad since he got cancer and stays near to him, in case he needs her. My mom, Yvonne Bowers, is still a beautiful woman, at 56 years old. She is 5’7” tall and size 6, but she looks like she is in her late 40’s. Everyone tells me that I am my mom made over, except I am two inches taller than her and I wear a size 8, but we are built the same as we are both busty and built with curves.   “Where are you girls going tonight?” my mom asked us.   “We are going to meet Iris at her work. I just wanted to show Cora around and I have a surprise for her. She needs help with something, and I can actually help her, so we won’t be gone long, maybe two hours”, Livi tells my mom. Mom knows that we are not into the party scene and will be back well before 11 pm tonight, so she just nods at her and goes back to making up the shopping list for me for tomorrow. We both told my parents bye and headed for the door.
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