105. Sooner or Later

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Nicholas chimed with a bright smile as he entered in to Althea’s room, expecting her to welcome him with open arms but instead, he found her room to be entirely empty. He was surprised a little to find the room to be empty. The door to the bathroom shut closed and Althea walked out, wearing a robe around her body and drying her hair with a towel. She halted her footsteps, finding Nicholas in her room. She was still a little stunned from the day’s events, when she found that him and Salva were actually cousins. So, she didn’t know how she was supposed to process that entire information and behave towards Nicholas. She cleared her throat a little as Nicholas took a step towards her and with one quick swoop, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. “Come here, I miss you.” He went on to kiss her lips but Althea was quick enough to place her hands over his chest and turned her face sideways. Gently, she pushed him away and walked back towards her closet. Nicholas was obviously taken aback by her act and sensed that something was wrong with either Althea or her mind. He immediately went after her stood by the door of the closet, as Althea selected a dress to wear for the night. “Do you have any sexy lingerie?” he asked chuckling a bit, making Althea look at him redundantly. She squinted her eyes slightly at him as he smirked and sensed that something was definitely of the bother to her. “What’s going on? Why are you in a mood today?” Nicholas asked, as he walked towards her and wrapped his arms around Althea’s waist. “I am just a little upset.” She admitted. “Missing home?” he asked, pecking the crook of her neck and Althea nodded. “Yes, I always do but that is not just what is making me feel sad.” “Then, what is it? what is it, that is irritating my love.” With that, he turned Althea around and pulled her body in to hers, but grabbing her waist and pushing her bosoms in to his chest. She placed her arms over his shoulder, as she looked at him and smiled softly, realizing that she could never be mad at Nicholas or even stay slightly upset at him. “I found that you and Salva are cousins. Were you ever going to tell me that? can we not get personal with each other on that level, that we would ever know about each other’s families.” Nicholas was slightly shocked that Althea got to know about his true relation with Salva but Althea’s latter words also reached his heart. He did want to know everything about her and wanted to get to know her on a personal level as well. He wished to know everything about her and wanted to show his everything to her at the same time. He softly smiled back at her, as she ran his finger through her wet hair and pecked the top of her head. “Of course, we are only beginning now. We would get to know about each other and we would tell each other everything. I promise you that. just don’t get upset and always share your problems with me, okay? I don’t like it when you don’t kiss me or let me kiss you.” Althea leaned forward and immediately placed a kiss on top of Nicholas’s lips. “I am sorry but from now on even I am upset, I promise to always kiss you.” Nicholas chuckled in excitement, as he lifted Althea up over his shoulder and walked her back towards the bed and laid her down. She giggled slightly, as she felt butterflies running through her entire body. Nicholas leaned down on to her and pecked her lips softly, moving his hands down for the belt of her robe. He slowly loosened it and very softly, moving the robe off Althea’s body. He looked down at her, laying naked in all of her glory. His eyes sparkled with joy at the sight of her smooth, slightly glistening with the fresh moisture of the shower that still left its little droplet on her body. “You are so beautiful.” He softly whisper, as he leaned down and kissed her neck, making her moan in pleasure. Her closed right away because she only wanted to feel Nicholas’s touch and at the same time, her hand reached for the back of his head and his back. As the two made love to one another countless times and tired each other off, they both laid rested, in each other’s arms. Sheets wrapping them up and packing them close and softly together. “I love you.” Nicholas gently whispered as he ran a finger through Althea’s hair. She also snuggled close to him, resting her head over his chest, with her hand spread over on his body, claiming him silently as her own and tacitly, expressing her little possession of him. “I love you more. I just still feel confused about one thing.” “About what?” inquired Nicholas. “How come you and Salva, despite of being cousins are still working here at the Secret Chef Hunters’ Society. I thought people who are related to each other can not work here. I mean, I didn’t think but wasn’t like one of the carnal rules?” Nicholas sighed understanding that Althea must have a lot of concerns of her own and he did not want to build up another lie to justify one. He knew that she was someone who had been a keen ardent adherent of the Secret Chef Hunters’ Society and knew its rules inside and out. If he wanted, knowing that she would trust him, blinding he could lie to her about anything at all. But he was not going to do so. He was just tired to building up lies, one after the other and as much as he loved Althea, he also hated that a part of their relationship was build on a lie and she still didn’t know who he really was. A part of him wanted to admit the truth to her right away but a bigger part of him was scared, knowing that revealing the truth to Althea could scare her off and he also knew that she did not know him that truly enough and had not seen the love that he had to offer. If he had built a lie that big, he needed to show that his love was bigger than any truth and for that, he silently asked for some time, whilst he decided to stop lying to her and instead very cleverly answered her, all the well telling the truth to her. “You see, Salva and I have been very ever since we were little. He even once deliberately failed in middle school, so that we could be together in our studies. So, when I got depressed and sad after being left at the altar, my parents’ kind of forced him to take me on the island and then he created this job for me.” Nicholas sleekly built up the truth. “He just does everything to make me happy and I will always be grateful to him. for not just what he has always done for me throughout our life but for bringing me this island, where I met you. Or else, I don’t know how I would’ve ever been able to see the world differently.” Althea smiled, as she looked up Nicholas and rested her chin over his chest. “So, I think we were meant to be this. Meant to be each other’s happiness then.” Nicholas pulled Althea up and kissed her lips, cuddling her close to his body, as the two slept peacefully in each other’s brace and Nicholas felt determined that his heart doesn’t want to lie anymore and gradually, he should come to the terms that sooner or later she was going to know the truth and he should prepared his mind for that as well as everyone else’s around the house. -------------------------------------- Well do you think Nicholas should wait or tell Althea the truth right away? Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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