101. A little leak in the secret

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Serena felt confounded as Althea got the best of her and somehow gained the confirmation that Salva and Nicholas were indeed cousins. She didn’t know how to react but to pass that information on to Anthony, was what she found in her best interest to be. She walked out of the dining room and went in to the main foyer, about to walk out towards the surveillance room, where Anthony usually was in the mornings but to her surprise, she found him in the pool area, not alone but with Nicholas and Selena. She was about to step out of the house but stopped when her gaze fell on to the pool area and she took careful steps towards it to see what was going on between the three people who had gathered at that spot. “You are getting way ahead of yourself.” Nicholas reprimanded Selena, who c****d back at him. “I am getting way ahead of myself? And what you are doing? Shoving your tongue down Althea’s throat? That is just normal?” Nicholas scoffed back at her. “Are you jealous now? You wanted to do that, didn’t you? You’re just mad at me because you wished that she wasn’t straight.” Selena gasped at Nicholas’ audacious words. “Okay! Now you are getting ahead of yourself. I will kill you.” Selena yelled at Nicholas as she charged at him, ready to pounce at him but Anthony stepped ahead and grabbed and pulled his daughter back. “Selena behave.” He reprimanded his daughter, who only groaned back in agitation. “Dad! Let go off me! I want to kill this idiot.” “This i***t, who gets to have Althea and you don’t.” Nicholas blew a raspberry at her, irritating Selena even more and Anthony groaned, turning back and throwing a deadly gaze towards his nephew, advising him in a very notoriously silent manner to act like an adult and behave well. Nicholas immediately straightened up his expressions and held his posture firm. “She was the one who started it and was being disrespectful towards me and Althea.” he spoke lowly and Anthony turned towards his daughter, who also realized that Nicholas was right and she was disrespectful towards him and his lover. “So, what is the deal between you and her?” she rose the question and Anthony yet again turned towards Nicholas, letting him give an explanation. Nicholas sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I don’t know, ok? I don’t really know what is the deal between us. It could be something amazing or just some fling for her. but we both know that we want to give each other affection and even I did not know how far I wanted to go for her. but yesterday, when I took a bullet for her and even shot someone for her, I realized that I really love her and I would do anything for her.” “So, wait! You guys fell in love after she was brought to the island? So, you really never even knew about her before she came to the island?” Nicholas shook his head. “What are you talking about? I did not even know when she was brought on the island. Yes, when I fell sick and refused to eat anything, my body always craved for that one stupid pasta that I once had a single bite of but I did not even know who had made that delicious dish. It was only a week later when I found that why Althea was brought on the island and who she really was. All that time, Salva had been lying to me that she was either some sort of educationist and Serena had been telling me that she was a ….” Nicholas almost scoffed with amusement at the remembrance of the very night when Althea thought that he was some sort of ghost and he was told that she was a p********e. “The point is that, ever since I have met her, I felt being drowned out of this darkness that I have been living in for the past six months. She had really helped me breathe and become this different person. She did not turn me back in to who I was but in fact, she is turning me in to a completely different person. And she isn’t doing anything. That’s the best part. She is not asking me to be a certain way or to do certain things. Everything is just falling perfectly well with her. all the things just align for well, when it comes to Althea. My mind helped me realize that I was never going to be the same after what happened with Cheryl. Things were always going to remain different and I was scared about how things would ever become. But with Althea, I don’t feel that crippling fear. I just feel so free and I want to continue feeling that way. I didn’t like that feeling of constant fear of the unknown future being so dark but Althea makes it vibrant and I am not going to explain that thing to everyone because those who love, should see and know how Althea, a coincidence, became a reason for me to live my life again.” Selena couldn’t help but feel moved by her brother’s heartfelt confession. She stepped near him and gently patted his shoulder. “As much as I hate you for getting the hot girl, I am also happy for you. If you think, she is the right one for you, who is helping you live more freely and happily, don’t even let go off her. hold on to her.” Anthony also smiled and nodded, as Nicholas turned his gaze towards him. “I am glad that you understood and I hope that everyone around the house understands it the same way.” He told back the two. “They will but you also don’t need to tell everyone right away. Some things are better when kept just between two people, especially relationships. It keeps that distinctness of love locked for a while. So, enjoy until you feel obligated enough to tell everybody, you just don’t have to.” Anthony gave a few words of advice to Nicholas and Selena agreed with him. “But don’t you guys think that it will put the two of you under pressure that you guys need to keep my secret safe and hide it from Aunt Martha?” Anthony sighed, as Nicholas questioned the set up of his own situation and how it could effect the two, who had ended up knowing his truth unwillingly. “I don’t honestly have to worry about Mom! Since, you know I am pretty good at hiding stuff from her.” Selena snickered earning a deathly glare from her father, that made her shut up right away. “I will take care of Martha, don’t you worry about that.” Nicholas smiled and nodded, feeling relieved that he had people at the island, who despite of knowing his deal with Althea were supporting him, instead of actually going against it. As the three scattered away and went to tend to their regular businesses, they remained oblivious of the fact that inside her own bedroom, pacing anxiously was Serena, who had dashed out of the main foyer, when she saw Nicholas, Anthony and his daughter walking out of the pool area and immediately rushed in to her own room. She felt anxious but a part of her at the same time was excited as well. She knew about Althea’s secret, a secret that she could use for her own good and get that girl off the island but she wasn’t going to waste it right away. She was going to preserve it and let the love of Althea and Nicholas bloom a little more. So, that she could hit Althea and attack her right at that moment when it was going to hurt her the most. --------------------------------------------- Whoops! What do you think Serena would do now? Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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