106. Some Realizations Can Be Heavy

2320 Words
Salva sighed, as he threw in the last of his pieces of clothing in his bag and was about to close it when a message on his phone, lit up the screen, vibrating the device. He picked his phone, placed next to his bag and sighed, reading Nicholas’s message on it. Sick Nick: Get a nice formal shirt for me. Salva groaned in agitation, as he walked towards his closet and chose a white shirt and clicked a picture of it, sending it to Nicholas. Salva Lava: Is this fine? Sick Nick: Nopes! I look flashed out in white. Haven’t it the beach in a while, so I am not tanned enough for a white shirt. Do you have a navy blue or something grey? Salva Lava: Why do you even want one? Like, what possible use could you make of a formal shirt on an island? Sick Nick: I still attending meetings from my office, on web, remember? I still run a big company! Salva Lava: Yeah, I forget at times, you could be useful to the world somehow. Fine, I’ll get you a few. But you better let me use your Patek Phillipe, the next time I ask you to. Sick Nick: Fine! but only for one occasion and it would not be your wedding. Salva rolled his eyes, shaking his head in disbelief of how petty his cousin could be at times. As he picked a handful of formal shirts out of his closets and moved back towards his bedroom, he found his mother standing by the door. “Oh, hi Mama! What are you doing here?” He asked, as he continued packing up his bag. “Your dad, told me you are leaving right now, because you have to be on the island by morning? You’re leave so soon. It has only been six days. Why are you going back so quickly? It just feels like yesterday when you came to Spain.” “Yeah! There is a lot going on, on the island at the moment. So, I have to go there and wrap things up and take care of some things at the same time.” He informed her, as he packed up the shirts and finally closed his bag. Greta walked up towards him and gently patted his shoulder. “This is the first time, I am seeing you this eager, to go back to the island. You hated that place and now you just somehow love it. what changed?” she asked, teasing her son a bit and Salva didn’t budge much to her cantankerous pokes. “Well, about seven months ago, Nick got left at the altar and ever family has been on thorns, making sure to bring that guy back to life. And because of that, I ended building this huge network of lies, the intricate details to which are only known by God or me. So, I have to make sure to be there before things would go crumbling down. I have left uncle Anthony in charge but there are certain things that even he doesn’t know of.” “Things like, how to take care of Althea?” Greta proposed “Of course!” Salva blurted out right away but bit his tongue immediately as he realized that he had inadvertently ended up admitting to his mother what was actually pulling him back towards the island. “I meant that she is a bit difficult to handle…” he lousily smiled at his mother, “She can be a big pain in the ass, with her demands and questions about the Secret Chef Hunters’ Society that she knows so much about… it is really annoying… I mean like a get life woman ugh!” He snorted, trying to act all cool but Greta only smirked, trying to hold back her amusement, as she found her son, so smitten and awkwardly trying to dodge the topic. She had never seen her son shy away like that at the mention of a girl. He had always been confident about the other gender and how he handled his situations with woman but Greta could tell that Salva did not feel just some sort of mere s****l attraction towards that girl. He had something special in his heart for her and she held an exquisitely defined sentiment in his life. She took a gentle step towards her son and patted his cheek. “You look cute trying not to look so, whenever I mention Althea.” She continued to further annoy him and Salva only moved out of her touch. “Stop it, Mom!” He complained and Greta couldn’t help but smile and laugh at her son’s adorable behavior. She had never seen him so smitten by a girl and she actually loved to see that even though pretty late for a regular man, but Salva had finally reached the point in his life where he was falling for someone, where he felt too shy to talk about and too scared to confess their feelings. But Greta was going to support her son, throughout his whole journey of discovering love. She was going to make sure that her son found the love that he truly deserved. “Here.” She picked out a small velvet square box from the pocket of her flared beige pants and passed it on to Salva. Salva looked down at the box with confusion. “What is it?” “Just take it.” She told him, pushing the box towards him. He took the box and opened it up, not so surprised as the box quite looked like what it already was. He grunted in slight irritation, as he looked at his mother. “Mom! What is this?” He asked, waving the diamond ring stuffed between the two small cushions of the box. “Just keep it, okay? And give it to whoever you feel is the right choice for you. Even if you think it is Althea.” She nudged, making Salva groaned once again. “Will you stop that Mama?” he complained, grabbing his Mother’s hand and placed the box bank in her palm. “I don’t like her in that way, okay? I don’t know. I think I just feel bad for her. she had been through a lot and I feel grateful for her for helping Nicholas. Maybe, I also feel bad because I am lying to her in a way and…” “You like her, okay? Stop denying your feelings.” Greta pressed on the matter, as she took a step ahead and threw the next to Salva’s bag, aggressively announcing her decision. “And even if not Althea, I am pretty sure that you are mature enough now to know that these feelings that are developing in your heart, will one day lead you down a road where you would find someone you could open heartedly admit to that you love and want to spend the rest of your life with. It happened to Nicholas once already and…” “And how did that turn out for him to be?” Salva announced, signifying his real fear. Greta breathed in exhaustion, finally understanding what was truly holding back her son. It was always the fear of being left by the one that he would love and after witnessing what happened with Nicholas, his fear became even more persistent. Greta gently hugged her son and rested her head on his chest, as she rubbed her palm over his back. “You can never be afraid to show someone that you love them. Even if they don’t love you back, it doesn’t mean that you have lost. It means that you have gained the courage to be honest and expressive. Because those are the two basic prerequisites for love. If you have these two attributes, you are destined to find love. And one day, you will find someone, who would love you with just as much heart as you love them. Never be afraid to show, feel and give. Because that is what love is really about. Those who give the most, get the most.” With that she gently pecked her son’s cheek and placed the box back in his hand. “Even if you lose, you won’t lose. Even if she doesn’t feel the same for you, you should still thank her. because you don’t realize this now but someday you would realize that at times, there is just one person in your life that needs to come and be there for you, just to show you what love is like. That person, makes you hungry for love, so you step out, vicious and valor, all looking to try it with different people. And at times, you end up getting hurt and many a times you would hurt others as well but you still try and try again, until you find the perfect one. That makes you feel that everything is just perfect. So, go ahead and stop denying the truth.” Salva looked down at the box in his hands and then looked up at his mother, softly mouthing a thanks to her. She waved a goodbye at him, as she walked out of the room and he sighed, opening up the box at once and closed it shut, immediately. He wasn’t going to give things regarding to Althea much thought. At least, not until he was on the island and talked to her in a way where he would be sure, if he really liked or if his initial thoughts about being pitiful towards her were right. He threw the box inside his bag and finally packed up his stuff, walking out of the mansion and getting in to his car. As the car rolled away in to the dark of the night, driving Salva towards his destination, he couldn’t help but feeling slightly excited. He wanted to believe that it was the excitement of meeting Nicholas but who was he kidding. He couldn’t lie to his own self. He had never been this excited ever to go the island and somehow that time, he really was. It couldn’t be Nicholas or anything else. He sighed, looking at his own reflection on the car window, as there was nothing but darkness against it. He realized that even in that darkness, he was the only thing lit up and that was exactly how Althea was. In a world full of darkness, that girl always remained bright and radiant. He smiled at that thought and somehow that moment hit him hard in his chest. He was thinking about her and smiling, in a much more affectionate manner, than he could even think of. Maybe, his mother was right! Even when he decided to not to think about her, his own mind and heart betrayed him. He was thinking about her, even against his own better wishes. He did not have any control over his mind and he was done for good. As Salva ended up realizing that he was falling in love with Althea, the girl of his thoughts, wrapped her arms around Nicholas’s back, in the dark of her bedroom, as the man thrusted in and out of her, making her moan in pleasure. He had become the bane of her existence and the heart of her desires. To him, he lips were the only grail that he even wanted to sip on and he showed his lust and hunger for her, as he kissed her and pulled her lips, biting them vigorously, with all of his energy focused on pushing his erect member in and out of her body, that tightened with every thrust around his c**k. She arched her back, asking for more with her physical gestures and he also leaned down, kissing her neck, as his hands found hers on each side of her face. He continued thrusting, until she fell reaching the peak of her carnal closure and at the same time, Nicholas picked up his pace, finally reaching his c****x, as he came within the condom that he had wrapped over his c**k. Althea also moaned in pleasure. “Oh….Yes…” A soft whimper escaping her lips, as she came with Nicholas, who rolled on to his side, removing the plastic wrapped around his p***s and discarded it away. He looked at Althea, who laid next to him, the sheets pulled down up till her abdomen, leaving her breasts out for his eyes to gawk on to. She panted in exhaustion, with her eyes still closed due to the sudden and immense high that she had felt during her c****x. Her body was taking its sweet time coming back and down from the high and Nicholas only slowly moved closer to her, snaking his hand over her hips and pulled her up and closer, bringing her on top of him and kissing her lips. She moaned, as his lips found her neck and his hands grasped and tightly squeezed her butt underneath those soft sheets. He continued kissing her body, that felt hot and sweated against his. He could never have enough of her and to him, it felt like he was completely addicted to her. She intoxicated his mind and paralyzed his mind, rendering its ability to even thinking about anything other than her. Nicholas realized that he was done for good and there was no turning back from that point, where he was. He was completely in love with Althea and he hugged her, while she slept on top of his chest, he felt completely determined that he was never going to let go off her and never let anyone or anything take her away from him. ---------------------------------- Well, things are getting a little complicated, right? :P Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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