103. The Confirmation

1088 Words
Althea stood stunned, bewildered at how confidently Fiona had revealed the truth to her. This only assured Althea that Fiona was well aware and well versed of the fact and it surely wasn’t a slip of tongue, that she had mistakenly or muddily blurted. In fact, she had only slipped it out of her mouth and had been aware of the truth for quite longer than Althea did. “I mean…” Fiona looked around her, finding everyone’s eyes on her and Althea. The bowl hitting the ground created a loud thud, that earned everyone’s attention in the room, including Martha and Serena, who both looked with quite concern at the two girls, with Althea standing in a much more composed domineering pose, which made Serena feel worried. She looked up at Martha, who held her hand out to her and gestured to not to make a move. Martha had only made up her mind to take a step towards Althea and Fiona’s station, when Althea acted even more quickly and grabbed Fiona’s hand, dragging her out of the kitchen, even pushing past Martha, rendering her stunned. Althea was so flabbergasted with what she had heard, that she did not even care about Martha conducting her pre cook off examination of the stations and their arrangements, something that she had always been awry off but listening to the fact that Fiona knew about Salva and Nicholas being cousins. She dragged Fiona with her and took her out in the dining room, making everyone look at them with confusion. First, they spilled a bowl and then they dashed out of the kitchen, it only meant that something awry with up between the friends and that’s why, this time, Serena did not care for Martha and only followed the two friends out, to see what was going on between them. In the dining room, Serena found Althea standing right in front of Fiona, holding her accountable and confronting her for revealing a very important piece of information to her. “How did you know that?” Althea asked through a shaky breath. “Know what?” Fiona shrugged, trying her best to act unfiltered and composed but her worry could be seen right off her face. “Don’t pretend to be naïve. The way you spoke the truth, you didn’t just it by mistake or confused it with some other information. You were way too confident and you spoke very clearly about it. so, tell me! How do you know?” “I… I don’t know what I just said. I might have just blurted out stupidly, you know how I am…” Fiona tried to change the topic sleekly but Althea did not let her get away at any cost. “Just tell me, how did you know!” Althea pressed and Fiona groaned in agitation, understanding how passively persuading and pushing the girl could get. “What do you want me to tell you?” “That how did you know that Salva and Nicholas are cousins.” Althea pressed on the topic and Serena gasped, standing at a distance from the two and still being able to hear, what got Althea’s mind in a jumble to begin with. She only shook her head, realizing that Fiona had somehow ended up revealing the truth to Althea and she had revealed quite too much that Althea shouldn’t have known of. “The Secret Chef Hunter’s Society does not allow any relatives to work together. So, how can Salva and Nicholas be related and still working together? And how did you know?” “I…” Fiona fumbled with her words but before she could’ve spoken any further, Serena stepped in, in her defense. “I told her.” Hearing the voice, Althea turned towards Serena and found her looking at the two girls with quite displeasure. Althea knew that Serena didn’t like her and had most probably not only followed the two girls out but had also been listening to their conversation and with Althea trying to extract information out of Fiona or at least, asking her about something, only in the hopes that Fiona had more insight than her. that just in, might not have just sat right with Serena. “I told Fiona about Nicholas and Salva.” Serena admitted the truth. She had told Fiona about Salva and Nicholas but not a month ago, just how Althea would assume to be. She only hid half the truth and did not reveal that she had told Fiona about Salva and Nicholas being cousins about fifteen years ago, when she fist brought the girl to the island. “Why would you…?” Althea turned towards Serena, questioning her integrity at that moment. “You two should be at your station, rather than discussing personal matters of your high level associates and executives at the moment.” Serena pointed out, looking at both Althea and Fiona. Fiona took the sign and immediately rushed back inside the kitchen and Althea also did not stop her because by that point, she was more interested in what Serena had to tell. Once Fiona was gone, Althea stood firm in front of Serena, challenging her that she did not care even if she punished her for not abiding by the rules and showing up at her station on time. All she cared about was the truth. “I see you are interested in something else, other than your real goal for which you are supposed to be competing on the island. Focus on the title and joining the Secret Chef Hunter’s Society. But I guess, that is not your goal and your aim is just to put your nose in everybody else’s business.” Serena c****d at Althea, who did not respond back to her and remained silent, only listening to Serena’s harsh words. Thinking that she had won and had gotten the last word, Serena turned to leave but Althea’s words made her halt in her feet, with a sense of scold and mock settling in her mind. “You just confirmed the truth, if nothing else.” With that Althea pushed past Serena, who remained still and only watched as Althea dashed off and away from her, walking back inside the kitchen, with more confidence gushing through her system. She had a lot going on in her mind but she was going to take care of each and every thing. ------------------------------------ Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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