102. She Doesn't Know That People Here are Related

1874 Words
Selena stood completely frozen as she watched with her own eyes, Nicholas and Althea entangled in each other’s arms. A lot had happened for her over the past two days, ever since she had arrived at the island, which only made her wonder where exactly had she landed on, after taking the ferry ride. She immediately turned back and around, closing the door to the kitchen behind her and stood puzzled, assuming that she had opened up the door or a portal to an alternate reality, where Nicholas was actually dating Althea and she had not been brought to the island only to cure him with her food. Or perhaps, she assumed that she was still asleep and dreaming. She tried to pinch herself in the hopes that she might open up her eyes and find herself back again in her bed and in her pajamas but even the pinch therapy did not work, as she was still standing in the main foyer. How could Nicholas and Althea be together? That also entangled in each other’s arms and kissing one another, like a loving couple. She wondered as she pondered on the fact that all of her cousins were class w****s and even though they lousily behaved around throughout their twenties and never settled down for any girl but they only went after women who dolled themselves up in a particular manner. Tall, blonde, leggy and slut-y, who looked expensive on the outside and behaved like a complete w***e in sheets. That was their type. And Althea was nothing like that. she was different. Ethical, brunette and rightly covered, wearing pretty sun dresses. She was plain compared to what Nicholas or anyone in his group might prefer. But what she had witnessed seemed to be quite real and surprising for her soul. She turned back and slightly opened the door once again and much to her shock, Nicholas and Althea were still smitten in each other’s arms and making out quite vigorously by that point. She turned back to move her gaze off the couple, who were making her feel like a p*****t. But just as she turned around, a loud shriek escaped her lips, as she found Fiona and Andrew standing right in front of her, watching her with quite the muddle written over their faces. “What the hell?” Fiona screamed, as she felt startled with Selena’s sudden screams and at the same time. Andrew grabbed Fiona’s shoulder, in order to console her and that little gesture was quickly picked on by Selena. “Wait! You two as well?” she pointed towards the two and Andrew immediately removed his hands off Fiona’s shoulder and shook his head. “I was just making sure that she doesn’t fall back.” He lied, pretending to straighten Fiona from no inclination but only wanted to turn things back on Selena, who shook her head that was spinning with confusion. “You two scared the s**t out of me, creeping up on me like that.” Their combined screams were able to grab quite a lot of attention from everyone around the house. Serena came rushing down the staircase and right in to the main foyer and Anthony and Martha also felt scared as they moved out of the dining room and joined everyone in the main center of the house. The door to the kitchen also opened up and Althea walked out making everyone’s head turn towards her. She seemed completely composed and in her normal tone, as she looked back at everyone in the main foyer. “What’s going on? I heard someone scream.” She asked, looking around the main foyer and Selena looked at her with even more bewilderment, wondering how come she was out so quickly and why was she alone. She pushed past Althea and immediately craned her neck inside the kitchen and both Althea and Anthony caught on to her actions, recognizing the fact that she was aware about someone else being inside the kitchen with Althea. Selena was rendered entirely stunned that there was no one inside the kitchen, since she found the cookery station to be entirely empty. “I…” She turned around to then find everyone’s gaze stuck at her erratic behavior. “Selena, are you alright, what’s going on with you?” Fiona rose the question. “You’ve been acting quite strange lately.” Andrew was the second in line to raise his concerns. “Yes! First you screamed when you saw us and now you just sneaking around in the kitchen. Like taking a peak. Are you hiding from someone?” Martha asked from her daughter, who immediately shook her head. “What? Me? Hiding from someone? No! who would I be hiding from? In fact earlier in the kitchen, I saw Althea…” She turned her finger towards the accused but Anthony quickly caught on to her words and stepped forward, placing his hands on his daughter’s mouth. “Actually Selena, is not feeling well since this morning. She needs to rest. But you guys carry on with the day and Carl will be here with the crew and take care of everything. Yesterday’s cook offs were canceled because of the what happened in the morning but the show much go on for today. So, go on…” he pushed Selena aside, who tried to speak against her father’s hold on her mouth, with her eyes bulging out at her father’s suddenly oppressive behavior and at the same time, everyone including Althea stepped inside the kitchen, the two duo in sheer confusion. The moment everyone was inside the kitchen Anthony sighed in relief and dragged his daughter out in the pool area, where he finally let go off Selena’s mouth, who screamed out loud and back at her father. “Dad! What the hell was that?” she complained as Anthony once again gestured at her to lower her voice. “Speak low! Althea still doesn’t know that you are my daughter and we are all related. She does not know that people here are related and it should be kept this way.” “Yeah, well, do you know that she had Nicholas’s tongue down her throat and…” “So, you also saw.” Anthony spoke with sheer horror and Selena nodded but then pondered on his statement that awakened a realization in her. “Wait! Also… you also saw the two?” Anthony nodded, “Yes! I did but listen we can’t tell anyone, okay? Their relationship is still in hot waters and they are just in a very early phase.” “How do you know so much and how did all of this happened? Does Nicholas always loved her and that’s why she was brought here on the island.” “Okay! You know what? Now, you are just getting ahead of yourself.” Appearing from behind one of the bushy plants, Nicholas made himself visible, complaining about how far ahead Selena was getting in her interpretations, rendering both the father and daughter stunned, that he had heard their little conversation and also found out that the two already knew about her and Althea. The woman in question on the other hand, stood inside the kitchen, on her station as more contestants began showing up to start off the day. She felt slightly flushed, as the remembrance of her moments with Nicholas on that very spot played through her head. The way they started with soft kisses and the way their moment got intense, with Nicholas lifting her up and placing her over on the counter and kissed her with all his might. The way his hands encircled her body and his tongue darted down her throat, everything felt occult to her. Just thinking about that moment, made Althea feel weak in the knees and swirled in her stomach, as the aroused feelings began corrupting her thoughts and her mind. Nothing was ever surely enough for her body and mind, whenever it came to Nicholas. He captivated her soul and she hated but at the same time loved the way he could control her entirely with his touch. “Hey! Earth to Althea, where are you lost.” Fiona waved her hands around her eyes, startling Althea out of her thought cabin. “Sorry, was thinking about what to cook for today’s cook offs.” She told Fiona, who nodded. “Nerd!” she teased the girl. “Gosh! I miss Salva, he always made things easier for us and made sure that as contestants we didn’t have to think of cuisine and had complex challenges already set up for us.” Fiona sighed and Althea nodded. “Yeah, I know! But he told me that he would be back before the next elimination. Even I miss him, he is always fun to be around.” Althea chimed back, looking ahead of her, finding Martha, who already began taking a round of every station to see how their pre set up was, based upon which the contestants were supposedly marked as well. “Everybody misses Salva. I think Nicholas misses him the most.” Fiona scoffed. Althea’s attention remained divided between Fiona and Martha, whom she noticed was being quite meticulous as she scrutinized through each and every contestant and their stations. That’s she immediately began setting up her station in a much more advances and neat manner. “Nicholas? Why would he miss Salva? Are his responsibilities increased, ever since Salva left?” Asked Althea, as he picked up an extra bowl from her station and opened up a drawer to place it inside, so that her station would look neat and clean. “No! maybe, yes! But this the longest the two had stayed away from each other.” “Huh? Why is that so? Don’t they leave the island that often?” she scoffed, as she bent down to place the bowl but just as she heard Fiona’s words, a fuse inside her went off, paralyzing her and rendering her functionless. “No! they do but they go everywhere together. They have been like this ever since their childhood. They are more closer to each other than their own siblings. Well, they are kind of related so…” Fiona shrugged, as she continued speaking mindlessly, making Althea turn towards her and look at her with confusion. “Related?” “Yeah! They are first cousins and have always been close to one another…” Fiona continued speaking oblivious of what she had ended up revealing, whereas Althea’s hands felt lifeless as she was completely taken aback and surprised. She did not even remained cognizance of the fact that she had a mixing bowl of steal in her hands, that she let go off. The bowl fell down on the ground, creating a loud noise, attaining everyone’s attention at Althea and Fiona’s particular station and the moment Fiona looked up at Althea and her stunned expressions, she finally realized and gasped in complete horror to her own self, what she had ended up revealing to Althea. ---------------------------- Whoops! So, much is getting revealed! Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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