71. Andrew's Confession

1127 Words
“I am the one, who sees Fiona mighty in his perspective.” Andrew blurted the truth out loud, making everyone’s eyes go wide, Althea’s in particular. She had grasped the essence of the fact that Andrew did like Fiona and was interested in her one way or the other, but never in seven heavens, had she ever assumed, that the guy would so openly blurt and confess his true feelings for Fiona, that also in front of the entire kitchen. Everyone, other than Althea, who had seen Andrew being a member of the residents on the island, ever since they came to the island themselves, were truly stunned and obviously taken aback as well. Everyone on that island, had only known and had made claims for Fiona and Garry. With some believing that eventually Garry would fall in love with Fiona and some raising flagging concerns that Fiona would get her heartbroken if she continued chasing Garry, who not only believed that he was too good for anyone but was indeed quite crafted in many skills. Garry had always been too full of his own self and self absorbed to see beyond his own self and to ever actually care about Fiona’s feelings was a far fetched idea to not just Garry but everyone around him as well. On the contrary, people were tired of seeing Fiona limping around Garry, protecting him, assisting him, cherishing him, chasing him and loving him endearingly. Many were tired to see the poor girl reach out so much and get nothing back in return and many were actually hopeful that all of her hard work for her love would pay off. But even ever since, Fiona proposed Garry and he turned her down, some assumed that Fiona would continue on her old tactics of loving him and still trying to win him whilst many saw and believed that Fiona was over him. Up till the point where Fiona had told Garry off that she was not in love with him anymore and finally saw him for who he was, none expected to happen what happened next. I all of that lampoon, no one ever believed that Andrew would ever come out to be relevant. Just after confessing his feelings for Fiona, he turned to face her and stood tall and strong, not afraid to tell her, what he had in his heart. All that time, he assumed that she didn’t want anyone but Garry but the moment he heard that she wanted to be loved back as well, Andrew knew that it was his cue to take a stand for his own feelings. “I love you.” he blatantly blurted those words out, making Fiona’s hands and feet run cold, as her brain went in to a frenzy state, rendering her senseless about what she should do next. She gulped hard and stood still, gently falling on her back but Althea was quick to grab her and prevented her from falling on her back. She pushed Fiona, shaking her a little, bringing her to stand up straight and not to fall on her back. Andrew gently reached out for Fiona’s hands and held each one in his own and grasped them firmly, making sure to not to let go and this time, he wanted it to be himself, the one who would prevent her from falling over on her back. “I love you, Fiona! I don’t know when it happened and how but I think, one day I just looked at you and realized that you were just special to me. Somehow, the way you laugh, jump around and bring this radiant energy whenever you go and wherever you are. I don’t know about others but my day and life does get better because of you. And I honestly, don’t care even if you don’t want me. I will respect your choice and decision but I would like if you would give me at least one chance, to prove to you how much I love you…” Everyone gasped in sheer awe, and Althea felt extremely delighted that Fiona was finally receiving her fair share of love and she could get to finally taste the elixir of love herself as well. It could be hard at times, to be the one that loved every time and never got their fair share of love. But to finally get back that love. Althea’s eyes moistened slightly as she realized that Fiona would finally get back the love that she had been meaning to give the wrong guy. Serena on the other hand was obviously offended at the fact that a guy out there was shamelessly confessing his feelings to her daughter. She had been at peace with Fiona chasing Garry because she presumed that Garry would simply never reciprocate back her feelings and she would be safer that way but the way Andrew looked at Fiona, Serena was sure that the boy was deeply in love with her and she feared that something physical would come out of that relationship as well. Salva on the other hand was stunned hearing Andrew’s words and as the boy in love further explained his feelings, Salva’s eyes reluctantly shifted towards Althea. He stood there watching her, listening to those words of affection and wondered, if he could resonate with those words and if his heart also felt something in the deep for Althea. “What f*****g nonsense is this?” Garry yelled out loud, making everyone turn back towards him. Althea felt annoyed by Garry’s rude interruption, since she loved listening to everything come out of Andrew’s mouth. “What is your problem, Garry?” Althea finally rose her voice, wondering why the man was acting butthurt, as if he was the one who had proposed Fiona and she had rejected him. The man in response, simply shook his head vigorously, “This bastard, doesn’t love Fiona at all. He is only saying this to get on my nerves and to irritate me. He has always been like this. He tried to compete with me and has always lost and even now…” Annoyed Althea was about to interrupt to ask Garry to shut up but before she could’ve said a single word, a loud voice echoed inside the kitchen, making everyone turn towards the entrance of the kitchen. “Are you even listening to yourself?” ---------------------------- Who do you think showed up? I apologize for keeping the chapters short but it is a prerequisite for us to keep our chapters short, since when we later on put our stories on pay to read, it would cost less for each chapter :) Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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