70. Mighty in my eyes

1273 Words
Althea immediately stepped forward, grabbing Garry’s hand and removed it off Fiona. “Hey!” Garry rose his hands up in the air, suddenly offended by Althea track move. “That was uncalled for.” Garry scoffed at Althea, who held her expressions firm and stiff, showing Garry her evident displeasure, in his treatment towards Fiona. “No! you should mind where you are touching a girl without her consent.” She told Garry off and then immediately turned towards Fiona, seeing tears in her eyes, as she looked down at her arm, that had bruised red, showing clear signs of a dark print of Garry’s strong and harsh grasp on her. “What the hell is wrong with you?” Fiona yelled at Garry, who stood flabbergasted, pretending to be the victim in the situation. “Wait! Oh my God! I can not believe this, how you two bitches are pinning this on me.” Garry yelled out loud, making Althea’s eyebrows go up at the use of his vocabulary. “Control your freaking tongue.” Althea yelled at Garry, who felt even more challenged egoistically as a guy and as well as someone who knew the kind of the background Althea belonged to. Garry was a arrogant guy, who took pride in his craft and his job and seeing Althea reprehend him, his ego and societal status seemed threatened and valued. “You f*****g cheap woman, keep your f*****g volume low!” Garry yelled at Althea, who couldn’t tolerate his unethically vibrant attitude. She was about to step up to get physically violent but Fiona held her arm and held her back. “Forget it!” Fiona whispered at Althea, “He is not even worth fighting with.” Althea looked at Fiona for a moment and at the same time, Salva and Serena also stepped ahead and reached the station where the entire chaos was happening. “What is going on?” Serena reached out for Fiona but she held her hand up and shook her head at Serena, barring Serena from taking a single step towards her. “Fiona…” Serena whispered softly but the girl, only held Althea’s arm and snuggled close to her, who gently patted her back, comforting her. “It’s alright.” “What happened?” Salva approached Althea ta first and it definitely offended Garry and somehow ticked Serena off as well, that everybody was giving the girl a special treatment, whilst rendering the two ignored. “She pushed me first, while I wasn’t even talking to her. why don’t you ask me, what happened?” Garry spatulated his concern, hurt with his ego bruised, as he cried in front of Salva, who rose his hand and stopped Garry from speaking. “I need to talk to them first and I decide who get to talks first, okay?” he threw begrudging gaze at Garry, making him shut up and still reminding that even though they might be pretending to be a part of an organization and community but Salva definitely had more authority over everyone in every case, be it still pretending or not. “Are you guys alright?” Althea felt extremely warmed at heart and delighted that Salva decided to take her word first. Althea nodded at him, “It’s not me but Fiona, you should ask her.” She stepped aside and Fiona stepped forward and stood in front of Salva. “What happened Fiona?” he asked her and the girl simply sniffed her cries away. “I don’t know what happened but Garry was trying to be extra rude and he even grabbed me quite roughly and…” “What the f**k are you saying? We have always been like this.” Garry notified, pertaining his stance that he shouldn’t be the one put under fire so bluntly by Fiona. “Maybe, that never hurt me before because I had always ignored your mean and hurtful behavior but I can not continue to do so.” Fiona argued back with Garry, who was obviously flustered and surprised to see the way, Fiona was fighting back with him, something that she had never done before. This really hurt Garry’s heart, who never thought that Fiona would ever yell back at him and throw shades of reality at his face in that manner. “Garry, I thought that if I ever confessed my feelings to you, I would lose you but honestly, confessing my feelings to you, made me realize that I never had you to begin with. You were never mine to lose and I honestly, don’t care about what you do or want to do and everything that I am doing, is not to get over you but simply because I just want to move on and it will always hurt me that I can not be with you or the fact that the guy that I loved never loved me back but it is something that I will always live with and it is fine. because if not you, I will find someone who loves me. It is not the end of the world. I thought that because I didn’t see anyone beyond you, in that perception and somehow made you my temple, my mural and my sky but in reality it was nothing. I just made you in to this mighty thing in my mind and then when I looked back at you after I told you how I felt towards you, I realized that you are just so plain and normal and there is nothing so special about you. Garry, I made you mighty in my mind and now, I want to make someone else that mighty because this time, I want to be mighty in someone else’s perspective and all of this is attributed to one person, Althea.” Everyone turned to look at Althea, who had her eyes opened wide shock. Serena felt tinged and obviously pissed off that for the first time, she heard Fiona put someone else, other than her, at a special place in her heart and on the contrary Althea was simply stunned to find Fiona declaring her to be an effective person, in building her personality strong. Althea somehow always wanted to listen to her little sister, praise her in such a manner and whilst her words couldn’t be comprehended by Irene, who never put Althea at such a respectful place in her life, Fiona was effected by her teachings and hence, she saw a positive change in Fiona’s heart. “Fiona! We should talk and…” Garry stepped ahead to try and save face one last time but this time, before Fiona could say a word, Andrew appeared in front of Fiona. He had came in to the kitchen and heard everything that Fiona said and sensing the fact that she also wanted to be loved, Andrew couldn’t stop himself and instead, brought himself forward acting as a shield to Fiona. “Who the hell are you to step in?” Garry c****d, pissed that first Althea and now Andrew, everyone was just making it tough on him to talk to Fiona. Andrew gritted his teeth tightly, holding back to urge to punch Garry in the face but attained his physical frustration and decided to use his mind and wits to win the battle of attaining Fiona’s affection. “I am the one, who sees Fiona mighty in his prespective.” ================================ Welps! Andrew just admitted his feelings to Fiona. What do you think would happen, next? Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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