74. How a real man acts

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Everyone turned towards the source of the sound and found Nicholas standing by the door. Althea gulped hard for a second, as she found it hard, controlling her urge to jump back on to Nicholas. He wore a button black shirt, the top buttons undone, revealing the light thin brown hair on his chest, all pumped and masculine. The nerves of her fingertips, itched asking for her to run them right across that chest of his but the moment, her eyes went up from Nicholas’s chest to his face, he c****d at her, catching her in the midst of checking him out. Her eyes slightly widened, as her cheeks blushed hard and she realized that he had gotten the idea of what she was up to. She immediately turned back and this time, it was her using her friend, Fiona, to hide behind. Nevertheless, even more pumped and jetted with confidence, Nicholas walked towards the station, where everyone had gathered. Garry was offensively looking at Nicholas, definitely, feeling humiliated by his words and as if, people had not already heard him from afar, Nicholas repeated his words again. “Are you even listening to yourself?” Nicholas c****d once more and everyone’s eyes were glued to the man of the hour, who was definitely going to be the deciding glue to make an announcement about the whole ordeal and the how it would be settled. “What do you mean?” Garry coed back at Nicholas and Gigi also entered inside the kitchen at the same time. Seeing everyone gathered by one particular station, with his brother held in the very center, something did sit right with Gigi, who had come in to the kitchen, already bearing troublesome news. He reached the station where everyone had already amassed and by the looks of it Gigi could already tell that the way everyone looked at Nicholas and Garry, and the two in turn looked at each other, some sort of trouble was brewing in between the two. “What happened? What’s going on?” he whispered in to Serena’s ear and the woman, shook her head, holding her hand up and gently touched Gigi’s chest, asking him to stay put and not to speak up. “You know what I meant and if you didn’t, let me make one thing clear to you. This girl and guy here and obviously sharing their personal feelings, though a bit too much in the public and we should refrain from putting out our personal businesses in the public, especially in the kitchen…” Nicholas pointed out making many nod their heads in agreement. “But, let me say this, even if they are exposing their feelings in the public, these two can not be intervened and Garry, when you say all of that, that Andrew is only doing all of this to piss you off or to compete with you, you don’t sound like a victim but only a shrewd, butthurt, self absorbed asshole. So, avoid being one and as Fiona said herself that she once loved you and gave you, your chance. But it is time for both of you to move on, especially after she has realized that she wants to give that chance to someone else and even if it is Andrew, Garry, you have to make peace with that.” Althea stood shocked, stunned at how Nicholas had unfolded and handled the situation to maturely. She couldn’t believe that he was the same man, who had undermined her previously and acted tumultuously only to extract an apology out of her. And yet, there he was, handling the situation in the most skillful way possible. “I just wanted to talk to Fiona all alone. First this b***h, Althea, pushed me and…” Before Garry could’ve said another word, a loud slap hit his face, with the splintering sound reverberating all across the kitchen. Everyone stood in utter shock, watching as Nicholas hit Garry right across his face. As much as stunned and bewildered everyone was, Garry’s face said it loud and clear, not only for the sake of his brother but his duties too, he felt humiliated and embarrassed but he engulfed his pride and stood back, watching as his master humiliated his little brother. “Control your f*****g tongue. Verbally abusing a woman, who is out there protecting another girl, is and should not be part of our imperative set of rules. Every girl on this island is under my protection, keep that in your f*****g mind. So, if you want to talk to someone, especially a girl, man up and act appropriately. Even if she pushed you, don’t throw slurs at a girl. She must have had a reason to push you away. She might have felt threatened or tried to protect herself or a friend. And even if she was wrong, a gentleman’s biggest and most notable feature is that he never ever hurts a girl, he it vocally or physically. Keep that in your mind.” Althea’s heart was melted in that very moment. There had been many a man, in her life, who had tried to physically violate her, hurt her and many threw curses at her but no one ever stepped up to protect her, honor her and keep her safe the way Nicholas had. A guy had thrown a slur at her way, something that did get her every time and hurt her but no one had ever stepped up for her in the way that Nicholas had. Hearing slurs, by her uncle, cousin and other guys in her town, who were just recalcitrant and the bad worms of the society, she had made herself belief that she should be accustomed to hearing all of that. Maybe it was her low status in the society or the fact, that she didn’t have a strong support system behind her, that gave her the valor to take a step against all the discrimination and destitute behavior that ever happened against her. She had made her peace that it was something that would always happen and that no one ever will support her or hold high regard of her. but then Nicholas happened and there he was, slapping a guy for just throwing a slur at her. She had been through worse but what Nicholas did for her, told her right away that, that man was someone who would hold her hand even through dark times and he was not just someone who would pretend to honor a woman, just for the sake of the clout but his values and moral were high and just a simply act condoned and condemned by him, put him in a high place in Althea’s heart. ----------------------------------------- Well, Nicholas is making his way in to Althea's heart :D Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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