101. Someone is going to know

1046 Words
Anthony watched in sheer horror as Martha and Serena disappeared right in front of his eyes and entered inside the dining room, from where he knew that they were going to enter right inside the kitchen and their eyes might land right over on the couple that was engrossed in sharing a loving moment. It was just a start of the blooming romance and if people around the house were to know about their situation, instead of understanding the requirement of the moment, things might get ruined for the two, as people around the house would start questioning the integrity of their relation and situation and the more mouth were to speak of the relation, the more difficult it was going to be for the two to maintain things. Anthony knew it better than anybody else, having learned it with his age and experience that people don’t understand those in love and would give their own unwanted suggestions, that could ruin things not just for those in love but those around them as well. Things were quite at peace at the island for the moment and Anthony wanted things to stay that way. He immediately dashed in to the dining room and watched just as Martha and Serena had merely reached the kitchen door that connected the dining room from within. Anthony shrieked watched as Martha reached out for the door knob and acting on his impulses, he loudly called her name out, scaring her and halting her from opening up the door. “Martha!” The woman jumped up in fear and turned around to find her husband, standing by the entrance. “Gosh! Anthony! What happened? You scared me.” She complained, placing a hand over her chest. Serena also stood next to Martha, scared and horrified, as she looked between the husband and wife. “Anthony, is everything alright? you sound quite panicked.” “Yes!” he said out of instinct but just as he saw the confused faces of the two women, he realized that he needed to come up with a plausible lie. “No…” he immediately spoke right after. “What? Anthony what is going on? You seem to be quite in the splits.” Martha joked, noticing her husband’s confused state of mind. “Actually, I meant to call Serena…” he pointed towards the said woman, making Serena c**k up at him. “Me? Why? What happened?” “Fiona… she is looking for you.” One lie after the other one. Anthony was only glad that he wasn’t related to Pinocchio or else, he would have been caught by that point, building up his bridges of lies. “Me?” “Yes!” Serena shrugged, walking out of the dining room, in search of her daughter and Anthony only sighed in relief that he was done with one problem at hand. He watched in slight relaxation as Serena was out of his sight. He turned back to find his wife, looking at him with quite the suspicious gaze. “What is going on with you? You don’t look fine.” Martha asked her husband, who shook his head. “No! I am fine.” “Alright.” With that Martha once again, turned to grab the knob of the door to the kitchen and Anthony immediately rushed towards her, as she had only slightly opened up the door, right across of which Nicholas and Althea stood in each other’s arms, kissing and sharing a sweet moment with one another. Anthony immediately placed his arms across his wife’s waist and turned her around, pulling her towards him and pushed her on to the wall next to the door, making Martha grasp in surprise. “Don’t go in to the kitchen.” He warned her. She secured her arms around Anthony’s shoulders and looked at his face, with her eyes full of surprise and her mind and body somehow turned on, by her husband’s rough and spontaneous actions. “Oh! Anthony, what is going on? What has gotten in to you? Why don’t you want me to go in the kitchen?” she asked in a slightly excited tone, as she ran her hands up and down his shoulders, c*****g at him with quite the sultry expression, adding a slight grin to her lips. Anthony shrugged at her. “I just sent Serena away, because I wanted to spend some time alone with you here in the dining room. Just like the good old days.” He told her, planting his hands over her waist and pulled her in for a kiss. Martha smiled whole heartedly, as she kissed him back and wrapped her arms around his neck, glad that her husband was finally rejuvenating their old moments and her hard work and initial purpose of actually coming to the island was finally paying off. As Anthony was able to stop and divert his wife from knowing the truth about the newly blooming romance, he got somewhere lost between distracting his wife and getting turned on by kissing her. All the while, he remained oblivious of the fact, that as he was able to stop Martha from finding out about Altthea and Nicholas, he zeroed out a huge possibility and that was the fact, that as the two love birds remained busy kissing each other inside the kitchen, the door of the kitchen that was connected to the main foyer was slightly open and standing and watching the two couple with pure surprise and shock was Selena, who had unwantedly discovered the truth and now was rendered entirely frozen with horror of what she had ended up witnessing. You know what they say, that no matter how hard you try to hide the truth, someone was to know. How many people could the poor Anthony stop after all? If two people know something, the world would end up knowing. In Althea and Nicholas's case, the whole world had not known yet but who knew, that it just might had been the start. --------------------------------- Whoops! Do you think Selena and Anthony would be the only ones to know? Or more might get to know about Nicholas and Althea? Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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