100. What do you put in your food?

1693 Words
Althea stretched her arms across the bed and opened her eyes, with the first thing reaching her blurry sight was Nicholas’s face, with his eyes still closed and seemingly still asleep. She blinked her eyes one too many times and just as her vision cleared, she got closer to Nicholas and gently pecked his cheek. A smile appeared on Nicholas’s face, signifying that he wasn’t sleeping and Althea also chimed, placing her chin on his chest and looed right at his face, as he gently opened his eyes and revealed that he had been all that time. “You always did it, didn’t you?” she c****d and Nicholas shrugged, pretending to be oblivious of what Althea was referring to. “Every morning you pretended to be asleep only so you could catch me when I would be looking at you or admiring you, right?” Nicholas smirked deviously, as he looked back at Althea, “Well now you know.” He placed his good hand over her back and pulled her closer, kissing her lips feverishly. Althea also kissed him back lovingly but soon their kiss broke off, as Althea’s alarm went off. “Ugh! We really need to get up.” Althea complained and Nichols also grunted in agitation. He only held her even more closely, refusing to let go. “I don’t want to.” “I know, neither do I, but I have to get up and get ready for the morning cook off and…” “Let it be! Skip it today. I am the director, I can work it out for you.” Nicholas offered, making Althea snicker. “I know you are big gun but I don’t want our relationship to effect this competition and vice versa.” “What do you mean?” Nicholas inquired, looking back at Althea with confusion. “I mean, what we have is something utterly and entirely different and this competition is a completely different thing. I don’t want you pulling any strings or using your power in my favor, that would result in you ruining the integrity of this competition and for the time being, I would also want our relationship to remain just between the two of us. Because other contestants can raise objections and they wouldn’t be wrong. I don’t want people to think that I am here only because of you. I made it so far because of my talent and I want things to remain the same.” Nicholas looked down at Althea with a soft smile plastered on his face. “So, you are telling me that you are with me for me and not because I can give you some sort of extra favors in the competition and take you further ahead?” he c****d and Althea nodded, until a realization dawned upon her, as she keenly pondered on to Nicholas’s words. “Wait! You thought that I was with you because I expected you to pull some favors for me?” Nicholas laughed up a little, “Well, it depends on what you are willing to do.” He smirked, running his hands down her back and grabbed her buttocks, squeezing it firmly and pulling it upwards, making a small yelp escape Althea’s mouth. She immediately cleared her throat and shook her head, preventing blood from running up till her cheeks. She placed her hands down on his chest and pulled herself up and away from him. his singular arm strength wasn’t any match to Althea’s persistent and fiercely pull. Nichols felt a little disappointed that Althea left him hanging high and dry but at the same time, he knew that they wouldn’t be able to do much at the moment because of his injury. So, he took her rejection as a sense of self acceptance and let her go for the time being. He also left her room and went to his own but he just had this eagerness in him to join Althea once again and as she also got ready and made her way towards the kitchen, she already found Nicholas already present in the kitchen. She looked at him with confusion. “What are you doing here?” She asked, as she walked up towards her station, where Nicholaas was located. “I am hungry. Make me breakfast.” He shrugged aimlessly, making Althea c**k at him. “Seriously?” “What? I thought you are chef. Aren’t you?” he grinned as he stated those sensitive words and Althea, only shook her head, as she prepared simple scrambled eggs with toasted bread and placed it in front of Nicholas. Nicholas didn’t pick up the fork on the plate and instead, pointed innocently towards his injured arm and Althea’s eyes bulged out of her sockets as she realized what he was asking her to do. “You were literally grabbing my ass thirty minutes ago, with your fine hand.” Althea squinted her gaze sharply at Nicholas, who only smiled viciously as he looked back at Althea. “I can do that again. In fact, I would love to do that.” with that he extended his hand to grab Althea’s butt, but the girl was quick enough to arch her back and jumped away from the guy. “Your hand seems to work fine.” she pointed out and Nicholas remained indifferent and incessant, even though it was clear as a day that he was simply using his injury. “You see Althea, my hand can only grab soft and smooth things. A metallic fork is hard to hold. Besides, if I remember, I took this bullet for someone. Do why don’t you actually be grateful for what I did and tend to the wounded, who is wounded because of you.” Althea’s mouth hung open, as Nicholas blatantly and openly emotionally blackmailed her and manipulated her to make her succumb to his demands but what else option, did she have? The man was definitely in that fragile condition because of her and even if he asked her to massage his back, she would have to oblige. Not because it was the only righteous thing to do but because that was how giving Althea’s personality was. She could never hurt anyone and always aimed to please people. Nicholas so far had been able to guess just the right thing about her, so he decided to feign her guilt a little more and enjoy it while his injury lasted but only to get more of her affection. Shaking her head in astonishment, she prepared a bite for Nicholas and offered him. A large smile appeared on his face, as he took the bite in happily and Althea couldn’t help but feel glad, seeing Nicholas looking so radiant. Nicholas couldn't help but moan as the proteins of the eggs exploded in to a delicious taste in his mouth. His taste buds felt elevated and taken up a notch, to another level. He had never eaten any simple scrambled eggs that tasted so divinely exquisite. He couldn't believe that even some simple eggs could ever feel so occult to him. The egg was a regular one and Althea had prepared everything right in front of him, there could be no way that, a simple dish, prepared with simple ingredients using simple methods, with no exceptional spices added to it, could ever taste just so out of the world. He couldn't tell that whether it was the effect of Althea feeding him or if it was the simple fact that everything that the girl makes it just so superciliously delicious. But Althea's presence just made everything extremely tasty. As Althea continued feeding Nicholas, out of the blue, he grabbed her wrist with his fine hand and pulled her closer, stealing a kiss off her lips. “Why is it so that even something as simple as scrambled eggs tastes so exceptional when I eat it off your hands? What do you really put in your food, to make it so tasty? Are you some sort of witch? Do you have some sort of secret potion that you add in to things, that your presence just simply elevates, even the most simplest things and make it eloquently, so delicious. How can you be just so exceptional?” Althea smiled as she looked in to Nicholas’s eyes and all she saw was genuine love. She tilted her head to the left, as she looked at his lips and smirked, shifting her gaze back up towards his warm blue eyes. “Do you want to know what I put in my food to make it so tasty?” she c****d and Nicholas simply nodded, his gaze shifting down to her lips. She stole a small peck off his lips, as she spoke. “I put a lot of love.” She then tilted her head on to the other side, “And a lot of love…” She continued tilting her head on to each side every simultaneously as she continued kissing Nicholas on the lips. Nicholas couldn’t help but chuckle as well, as he held Althea closer to him and the two shared small yet loving kissed remaining completely oblivious to the fact that standing by the door of the kitchen, watching the two was Anthony, who smiled to his own self, pulling back from the door and left the two love birds to their own privacy. He was happy to finally see his nephew doing better and not just recovering physically but emotionally as well. Just as he turned around towards the foyer, his eyes bulged out, as he watched Martha and Serena entering the dining room and he knew that the two would from that place enter the kitchen, where Nicholas and Althea were completely and totally lost in each other’s gaze and before the two would know Marth and Serena might catch the two, which could cause a commotion in the entire household. -------------------------------------- Welps! Do you think that Martha and Serena will catch Nicholas and Althea in the act? Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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