107. Compromising Condition

2130 Words
Althea giggled as Nicholas kissed the soft skin of her chest, right underneath the mold of her breasts. “It tickles.” She laughed slightly and Nicholas also chuckled finding her laughter to be incredibly adorable. “Oh, really?” he asked, from underneath the sheets that were covering Althea’s body up till her neck. With that said, he deliberately lingered his lips on that very sensitive spot, making Althea laugh out loud and squeak gently. “Stop…” she complained and Nicholas moved his face out of the sheets and looked up at Althea. “Do you really want me to?” he smirked, as he kept his eyes focused on to hers and at the same time, with both of his hands over on her bosoms, he teased her by squeezing and pinching her hardened n*****s. She gasped slightly, moaning only a little in soft gasps. “Just don’t tickle me.” She complained and Nicholas laughed a little, moving up and bringing his hands around her neck. He kissed her longingly and Althea also wrapped her arms around his neck, as she kissed him back with all her might. “How did I ever get so lucky?” he asked, as he ran a hand through her hair and looked at her radiant face, that twinkled and glow underneath the sunlight that fell right on to her face. “Well, I could say the same.” Althea commented, as she touched his hard chest and felt his heart beating loudly. “Gosh! Are you alright? your heart is beating loud.” “Because my eyes are looking at the most beautiful thing in the world.” “Well, there are Gardens of Babylon in Greece, that you have yet to see then.” She snorted, joking about getting a compliment but Nicholas didn’t budge at all. His eyes were entirely focused such on mesmerizing the woman in front of him was and he felt beyond grateful that she laid right underneath him in his arms. “Let me take you out tonight.” He offered and she knitted her eyebrows together. “Take me out? Are we going to one of the gazebos in the garden?” she asked and Nicholas shook his head. “I have even a better place in my mind.” “Really?” “Yes! But that’s a surprise and I will meet you at the south west coat of the island at eight, okay?” Althea shook her head, “I can’t. the last cook off ends at eight and if you are taking me some place, I have to at least change my clothes or else, I would be covered in flour.” “You would still look ravishing. And besides, I would eat you anyways, so it would be good if you would come with some sort of seasoning as well.” He poked his fingers in to Althea’s rib, teasing her and making her jump up a little. “Stop! I have to at least look nice. It is our first date, after all.” She told him and Nicholas growled. “Fine! eight fifteen?” he offered and Althea c****d at him. “No! at nine!” “What? An entire hour? I can not wait for that long. I have to wait for the whole day at the first place. You know what, cancel these stupid cook offs for today. Just stay with me in bed and then I will take you out whenever and where I want to.” Althea couldn’t help but smile at Nicholas’s adorable demands, “Well, for one, we cannot do that no matter how much we would want to, because then everyone around the house would question why there were not any cook offs despite of no emergency and sudden situation and besides, the cook offs had already been canceled twice because of me. I don’t want any further delays. So, be a good boy I would meet you tonight, okay?” Nicholas sighed, having no other option but to node his head like a little move and roll over, giving Althea the space and moment to jump out of the bed and get ready for the day. ----------------------------- Althea chimed brightly as she focused on her first cook off and everyone inside the kitchen also tried to play along. Fiona had shifted away from her regular station that was next to Althea’s and now stood at the very end next to Andrew, where the two did not cook that much and only giggled and flirted with each other. Their giggles and little flirtatious remarks could be heard by everyone in the kitchen and as much as a nuisance it was for Serena and everyone else, Althea couldn’t help but smile, seeing how publicly the two displayed their love without the fear of resentment and judgment from others. On the contrary, Althea also felt a slight tinge on envy in her heart towards the two. She couldn’t be that open about her love in front of others and just as the thought of her love crossed her mind, the door to the kitchen opened up and Nicholas walked inside. She looked at him for a moment but then went back to focus on preparing her dish. Nicholas was feeling bored and anxious inside her office room. He was beyond excited to be taking Althea out on a surprise date. He had taken care of everything and had done all the preparations for the night beforehand, leaving nothing for the last minute. That’s how excited he was. He felt like taking a break from work, not even caring that his day off form work, stunned his employees back at New York, who even though extremely happy that their boss was off their backs for one day but at the same time, worried that the man who had not even taken weekends off for the past seven months, was suddenly off for an entire day. He refused to open any emails or did not bother to go on in any meetings, just he always did. The only thing left for him to take care of were his clothes and that was going to be brought by Salva, who was on his way to the island. And yet, sitting in his office, Nichoals felt dull and gloomy that he was not with Althea. That’s why he went to the kitchen, so that his view would be nothing else but Althea. The moment he entered inside the kitchen, he saw her looking at his way but then immediately she went back to cooking. That’s how focused she was and nothing was ever going to distract her. He felt happy that she was very determined towards winning the title. It did settle a sense of guilt in his heart that everything was a hoax but at the same time, remembering that she was rejected from the real society, he felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart that he was helping her live her dreams and nothing else mattered more than her happiness. Nicholas kept his eyes glued over on Althea, as she continued cooking and saw as Garry came towards her station to grab a knife and she looked up at him, their gazes colliding for the first time in two days, ever since the incident on the south west coast occurred. She remembered the way, fearlessly, Garry stepped ahead and saved her. Fiona informed Althea that he was a guard before he became a chef and that’s why he was quick enough to help her out. As Althea looked up at Garry, he moved his hand back but she pushed the knife towards him and smiled. “Thanks for the other day. Fiona tells me that you used to be a guard? I guess you did a great job as that but I believe you are a better chef.” She complimented him as a fellow contestant and Garry simply nodded and moved back to his station, but not before his eyes darted at the last most station, where he saw Fiona and Andrew all cuddled up, with him helping her cut the vegetables, as he stood behind her and had her wrapped up in his arms. It did saddened Garry that he lost his chance with Fiona but at the same time, he felt happy that she found someone who loved and appreciated her, unlike him, who took her for granted and never actually appreciated her existence in his life. He tacitly continued cooking and Nicholas appreciated Althea’s kindness and character. If she wanted, she could’ve stayed bitter towards him for calling her slurs the other day but Garry’s one little act that was an obligation to him, made Althea not only forgive him but be grateful to him as well. It showed just how compassionate and open hearted the girl was. If anything, it only made Nicholas fall more for her. As the round ended and all the cooks left the kitchen, Althea was the last one to leave and Nicholas immediately caught up with her in the main foyer. He held her hand, making her turn around and her eyes bulged out of her sockets. “Nick! Let go!” She warned him and Nicholas shook his head. “Why should I?” “What if someone sees us?” she hissed back at him, trying to free herself from his grip. “Really? Then let them. I don’t care. Because you were ignoring me already in the kitchen.” “What? When did I ignore you?” Nicholas pulled her closer and in to his arms, securing them tightly around her back. “Say that you love me or else, I won’t let you go.” “What? Nicholas, let go off me, now.” She tried to push him away but his grip was way too strong for her to fight against. “Nick! Let go, now!” she whispered yelled at him but he did not budge. Althea heard footsteps approaching the main foyer and her eyes popped out of her sockets, making her feel afraid more than ever. Serena walked out of her bedroom that was located in the corridor behind the main foyer. As she continued clanking her little block heels against the marbled tiles, the sound grew louder towards the main foyer with every passing second. And the loud noises caught Althea’s attention who suddenly grew awry of the fact that someone was walking towards the main foyer and they might catch her and Nicholas in a compromising position. “Nicholas, this isn’t a joke. Let go off me now. Someone’s coming here.” She complained as she pushed against his arms, trying to get free off his grip but Nicholas only smirked, remaining unfazed and unbothered and his attitude was even more scary to Althea. “Nick!” She hissed at him. “I told you, I’d let you go if you kiss me.” “Wait! You said…” “The more you delay it, my demands will increase. So, kiss me before I change my mind and ask you to f**k me right here and right now.” Althea looked at Nicholas with horrified expression and then noticed that there were no particular sounds coming in the background. It only showed her that whoever was approaching the main foyer was gone by that point. “I don’t think anyone’s coming anymore.” She c****d back at Nicholas, who immediately lost the smug look from his face. Serena who was the source of the voice had stopped right behind the staircase when she saw the profanity that Nicholas and Althea were doing in the main foyer. She didn’t want to make any sound with her feet and that’s why she held herself back, so that if not her someone else might find the two in such a compromising condition. Nicholas rolled his eyes around the main foyer to observe Althea’s statement and she was right. No one was coming towards them. At the very same time, the revving sound of a car’s engine echoed from far away and Nicholas knew that it was time for Salva to arrive and as the sound grew loud enough for Althea to hear it as well. “Well, so should I ask for that f**k now?” Nicholas smirked viciously as Althea looked at him, with fear dripping down her face. As the sound of the engine grew louder and she realized that whoever was in the car, if they got out and opened up the door of the house. The first thing they would fine would be Althea and Nicholas in a completely compromising condition.
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