43. Which Ones is Yours?

1076 Words
Althea’s heart was still beating rapidly, she slowly opened her eyes, as she realized that she hadn’t fallen on the ground. Her gaze fell right in to Nicholas’s, that seemed enchanting, alluring and whimsically straying. Nicholas looked at her soft expressions. For the first time, he felt like he was seeing more than just an agitating woman, who was always confident. For the first time, he felt like seeing a vulnerable girl. Underneath, all the layers of strength, he felt that he saw someone who was just a mere and weak little girl, who also needed help but with the walls built up around her, she had refused to take anybody’s help and that’s why, even the smallest gesture of help from anyone, made her so offended and made her think that someone is just trying to take advantage of her. Nicholas could tell that she was stunned, more than thankful that Nicholas was helping her and protecting her from not falling down. She was obviously not used to of being helped and that’s why she had her hands held against her chest, instead of holding on to Nicholas. A little mischief played in Nicholas’s mind, that made him lose his grip on Althea, who felt shaken and scared, which made her in turn, extend her arms out and she immediately wrapped it around Nicholas’s neck, holding on to for dear life. Nicholas smirked slyly, feeling victorious that he finally, even though gesture-ly but at least made Althea admit that she did need his help to survive and to not to fall down. He pulled her back up and Althea’s cheeks turned crimson. She didn’t know what was making her feel so hot or bothered. Maybe she was embarrassed that she had been too much clumsy around Nicholas and always ended up falling in to situation where she needed his help and his protection or maybe, because her face was too close to Nicholas’s. His hot breath fanned her face, he pulled her a bit more closer, their chests only an inch or two away from touch each other and their noses almost gliding against each other’s skins. Gently and slowly, Nicholas looked keenly squinting at Althea’s face, studying her muddled, hypnotized and confused expressions. “Why is it so hard to admit, when you need help?” He asked, having that strange thought run through his mind as he looked at her. Althea didn’t say much and simply gulped, tightening her grip around his neck, gently digging her fingers over his nape. “Maybe because we are afraid of looking weak or maybe when you help your own self a lot and don’t have anyone around you to look after you, you just become over independent, mentally, physically and emotionally. Which ones is your problem?” she asked Nicholas, retorting back at him and hitting him right in his heart. He straightened her up in a gif and before she knew it, he placed his hand over her back and pulled her closer and tighter against him. She gaped, her hands still resting over her neck, with one sliding over his shoulder. Nicholas pulled her right in to his body, her breast submerged in to his hard rock chest, that breathed heavy. His warm minty breath, reached her cheeks, burning them with fire. Her heart beat loudly and rapidly, as she felt fumes of hotness erupting from within her body. She couldn’t place a name on that feeling but it was alien to her, something so cloudy yet so familiarly desirable to her body. She was scared to feel so, but at the same time, she felt elated and wanted to continue to feel that rapid anxiety and danger that her heart felt in that moment. “Which ones is yours?” He asked that question, bringing her back to their conversation. She felt cheated, that he had flipped her around and turned her body in to a dancing puppet that she had even forgot what they were talking about in encrypted words. They both knew that they had some sort of emotional issues that they were pushing against each other but at the same time, none of the two were being straight and clear and were simply flaying around with words, beating around the bush. Althea didn’t dare to say another word but Nicholas didn’t take her silence for an answer. He pressed on her back, sliding his hand slightly to her side and grabbed her hips, making her gasp and open up her mouth, urging her to speak up. “Which ones is yours?” he asked again and she remained silent yet once again. He slightly lowered his gaze, looking down at her nose and then his eyes shifted towards her lips. They were trembling somehow and so was her entirely body, feeling his closeness. She tried to keep them together and close, to prevent them from shaking such terribly. Her lips enclosed, aligned in a perfectly plump shape, somehow enticing Nicholas even more. He was curious about a lot of things but among all, he seemed to be most interested in her taste. He wondered if she tasted just as enticing as what she made. He leaned forward slightly, waiting for a response from her end. Althea remained still, sensing Nicholas leaning in towards her. She didn’t know what he was up to or what he wanted. She also didn’t know what to expect. But she remained still and didn’t move her head back or resisted Nicholas’s moves. Instead, she simply closed her eyes, silently welcoming his touch. It was clear as day to Nicholas that the girl didn’t mind his moves, without further ado, he simply leaned forward and brought his lips closer to hers, his hand moving and gliding over her back, touching the exposed skin right under her neck and reached for the back of her head, where he slowly grasped her hair, tilting her head and guiding her. Althea kept her eyes closed, her body shaking with anticipation, as her lips parted slightly open, grasping for air, as her body seemed to be totally unfunctional. She remained still, only wanting to feel Nicholas’s touch and his lips on hers. Nicholas also closed his eyes, bringing his head forward and enclosing his lips on to Althea’s. -------------------------------- Welps! are you guys excited about what might happen next? :D Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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