42. The Apology

1090 Words
Nicholas rose an eyebrow, as he looked at Althea, finding her staring at him. She immediately looked away, turning to look everyone but in to his electrifying blue gaze. There was something catastrophic about his gaze, that jolted Althea’s insides. She cleared her throat and took a step down, feeling a bit betrayed by her body that urged her brain to speak up and say what she meant to. Nicholas felt a bit startled by her movement, wondering if the girl had something to say to her. “Do you want to say something?” he asked, suppressing his usually crude tone that he used towards her. Althea sighed, finally coming to her senses that there was no point in keeping up a feud with Nicholas and also realizing that she needed to make peace with her situation and his as well. She was there just for the competition and her biggest goal was to win that whole and the entire thing. She wasn’t going to let, her petty difference with Nicholas, come in her way of achieving success. She looked up at Nicholas and cleared her throat, erecting her neck, as she looked at him fair and square. “I am sorry.” She finally blurted those words out, feeling no remorse or regret in her heart. Nicholas’s eyes bulged, as he heard Althea’s words. Her apology came at a very unexpected moment. When she really ought to apologize to him, she didn’t and instead remained head-stead. And when she even proved him wrong when he deliberately tried to burden her with an impossibly achievable task. And then she was apologizing to him, after proving him wrong. It really made Nicholas feel muddled. “What?” Althea was taken back by Nicholas’s answer. “I said, I am sorry.” She stated a bit more clearly that time, a bit offended that Nicholas might be pretending to not to listen to her, only to make her apologize once more. “No, I heard that. I am just confused.” He stated, with a sly smirk that curled his lips up from one side. He crossed his arms across his chest, pushing the file in his hand, right over his ribs. “Confused? About what?” “That why are you apologizing to me now.” He commented, making Althea pout a bit with her eyebrows knitting together in slight anger and irritation. “Well, so is there a time to apologize?” “Yeah, well there once was. When it would’ve deemed more appropriate for you to apologize to me but you didn’t back then and instead, gave me a pale and stale attitude which by the way, doesn’t suit someone like you at all.” Althea’s mouth hung open with anger, as she heard Nicholas’s condescending words. “What do you mean?” she asked in a hollow tone. “I mean, what are you? You are just a mere contestant, right? And you were actually trying to fight off the director of the society. You really think it is a smart move? Or maybe you got scared of what I did this morning and you know that this time you might have gotten lucky and not every time you would get this lucky and the next I give you a challenge you know you would definitely fail.” Althea fidgeted her tongue inside her mouth, doing everything with it but to use it to speak out to Nicholas because her heart and her mind wanted to do nothing more than just throw slurs and cusses at him for being such a cocky bastard. “I can not believe this.” She shook her head in sheer disgust. “What? What is so unbelievable to you?” “You and the way your brain works. I am here trying to apologize to you for my previous behavior, despite of no matter how obviously unnecessarily rude you have been towards me and instead of simply taking in my apology and being humble you are trying to play cocky with me. Wow! I really am wrong about you, aren’t I?” Suddenly Althea had forgotten all of the empathy she had in her heard for Nicholas and wanted to do nothing but fight with him. She was the kind of the person to always avoid arguments and fights and tried her best to not to get involved in any kind of debate but somehow Nicholas always ended up pressing her nerves. She couldn’t just help herself but somehow always ended up arguing or saying something offensive to Nicholas. Which was not even like her to do so. “Who said you were right about anything at all?” Nicholas snickered back, making Althea gasp with anger once again. “Go to hell!” she mumbled in anger and turned on her heels, ready to sprint back to her room. She regretted even pausing to stay back and apologize to Nicholas in the first place. She just turned on her heels to leave but standing on the edge of the stair, she lost her balance, that made her miss a step and fall right over her back. Her hands flew up in the air, as she fell right back and down from the stairways. Her heart thumped loudly in her chest as she closed her eyes tightly and went flying down the stairways. She was anticipating hitting her back down on the floor or on the staircase any given moment but instead, she felt two strong arms wrap around her waist and hold her tightly. Nicholas was still smirking and basking in the glory of his achievement that he had been able to annoy Althea yet once again. He didn't know why but somehow he simply enjoyed watching Althea squirm and he liked to see her annoyed facial expressions. The way her nostrils flared and the way her eyes burned with rage, there was just something about seeing her frustrated that made Nicholas feel at peace and once he was able to do so and watched Althea turn over her heels, he noticed that she lost balance and was going to fall over her back on the staircase that could hurt her pretty badly which made him immediately step forward and without a second thought, he immediately held Althea in his arms, stopping her from falling down. ------------------------------ Well, there cute moments have began :D Hoep you guys enjoy them :) Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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