42. Acting Bipolarly

1053 Words
Althea breath hitched, making her entire body tremble, as she held on to Nicholas’s shoulders, hanging on for dear life and at the same time, Nicholas also gripped her back and her hair tightly, securing her safely in his arms. Their eyes closed, hearts stringing out with strays of dwindling strings, illuminating with invisible glitter that dispersed around them. Althea felt elated, having nothing but sheer anxiety coursing through her, with anticipation of what might happen next. At the same time, Nicholas also leaned in, bringing his lips right on to Althea’s. His upper lip gently touched hers, which made Althea breath out in shock, tightening her grip over Nicholas. One of the doors, somewhere distant in the house closed loudly, which acted as an alarm for Nicholas, making him open his eyes widely, bringing him back to life. He gasped out loud, as his eyes saw the sight of Althea pulled up and close to him. Something went off in his head, making him immediately push Althea off and away from him. Althea’s eyes opened up in wide shock, as her hands flew up in the air and her body went flying all the way down on the ground, with her butt hitting the solid ground. Althea looked up at Nicholas in pure and sheer shock. She couldn’t believe why the guy would do such an imbecile thing. A moment ago, he was leaning in for a kiss and then he had pushed her and thrown her down on the ground. He was the one to protect her previously from falling down and then he became the one to push her down on the ground. “What the…?” She complained in exasperation and at the same time, the door to the kitchen opened up, right in to the main foyer, where Salva and Serena walked out of the kitchen and saw Althea perched down on the ground and Nicholas at the same time, stood in the staircase, a few steps above from Althea, looking at Althea and then at Salva and Serena in sheer confusion. “What happened?” Serena asked, immediately rushing to Althea’s side and lifting her off the ground. Althea whimpered in pain, that shot right up in her lower back, due to falling down on her back. She stood up straight with Serena’s assistance and Salva also stepped forward, looking at Nicholas with suspicion filled gaze. “Did you…?” he asked Nicholas in their silently gesturing tone, that the always communicated in cryptically whenever they were around their parents and their cousins. Nicholas’s eyes bulged, wondering how Salva was able to analyze the situation and find the truth but there was an instant and reflex action that came out of his body that told him to immediately refuse to take any blame. “What? No…” he lied straight away. Salva kept his gaze squinted at Nicholas and then turned his attention at Althea, whom Serena was assisting in getting up. “What happened? How did you fall down?” Serena asked once again. Once Althea was up on her feet and held her back with her hand over it, she looked at Nicholas with fury burning in her gaze. “I fell!” she lied, partially. To begin with, she had fallen down at the first place but then Nicholas saved her and not just that, he even tried to kiss her and then, just ended up pushing her back and down on the ground. Or maybe… she had fallen but not factually, maybe… figuratively… She immediately shook her head, waving away the thought from her mind. She was simply exhausted and just wanted to rest. “I’ll just go to my room.” She stated, straightening up to leave but Serena gasped, looking down at Althea’s foot. “Oh my God! Your foot is swollen. You can not climb up the stairs this way.” She told Althea and Althea also looked down at her foot only to have her eyes bulged out and realize that she had ended up spraining her ankle. Suddenly looking at foot, also made her realize the swear pain that she felt in her ankle, which made her stumble and fall on her side. Salva stepped ahead to grab her but before he could, Nicholas’s instinct jumped in and he immediately held her in his arms. Althea suddenly looked up, her nose brushing against Nicholas’s. Her hair falling right in front of her face and gently, Nicholas moved her hair on to the side of her face and then slowly he secured one hand over her back. Moving his other hand a bit down, passing the curve of her butt, that jolted sparks of electric current in Althea’s entire body, paralyzing her brain. Before she could even comprehend what was happening, Nicholas lifted her off the ground and took began walking up the stairs, carrying her bridal style. Althea’s face burned with embarrassment, turning red, as Nicholas carried her bridal style. Althea looked down in her lap, not having the courage to look at Nicholas. He didn’t bother to look down at her either and continued looking ahead of him, focused merely on covering the distance from the stairways towards the bedroom. Serena ran after the two, glad that Nicholas had the empathy enough to carry the poor girl up the stairway. Whilst Salva stayed back, watching as Nicholas carried the girl up the stairs. He couldn’t believe that only a few hours ago, the man was strictly against catering to the girl’s needs and now he was carrying her up the stairs, it was almost like he was acting bipolarly, something that was extremely unlikely of Nicholas to do. He was a very determined, straight and a conscious man, who knew that every act of his was keenly to be analyzed not just by the world but by his own self as well and that very guy was then acting out of his way. Doing things, that wouldn’t normally do. Salva couldn’t tell why but he was feeling a bit anxious about Nicholas and his behavior towards Althea. He believed that Nicholas’s actions could cost him in the long run. ----------------------------- Do you think Salva's concerns are justified? Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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