69. No More Holding Back

1564 Words
Crimson paint crept in to Althea’s cheeks, as she blushed hard and looked back at Nicholas, who floated on top of her, forcing his weight down his own arms, that he kept on both of Althea’s side. “So, you were checking me out, when I was asleep?” he asked the question, as Althea breathed heavily, gently shaking her head in a negative manner. “Lie!” He grunted, as he brought his hands closer, enclosing the space for Althea to move even to the slightest. Althea could hear her own heartbeat and feel her heart palpitating in an unrhythmic manner, inside her throat, with her mind wobbling and her brain frenzied. She was already taken aback by being caught, whilst she was scanning Nicholas’s face and on top of all of that Nicholas had stirred her down in a sensual situation, rendering her even more muddled and bridled. “So, tell me, do you find me handsome?” He leaned down, hovering his lips only a few inches away and above Althea’s, who gulped hard and shook her head. “Again, a lie.” Nicholas stated nonchalantly, as he looked up at Althea’s eyes, this time, finding her breaths even more solidified, as it touched his face. “You find me attractive, don’t you?” He caught his eyes, feeling hypnotized by those blue orbs, that waved above hers, held her and scanned her vivaciously. She felt like his eyes had these invisible tentacles that spread out and reached for her soul, capturing her essence and her entire being. She couldn’t simply lie to him anymore and had this cranial need to simply nod and answer his honestly. Just as her little head bowed in agreement to Nicholas’s question, a vicious grin appeared on his lips, that uplifted them at one corner, giving him the confidence to lean further down. Althea retracted her head back, as her eyes fluttered lowly. The goddess of confidence that roared within her moments ago, that urged her to go ahead and touch Nicholas when he was asleep, had suddenly been watered down like a cat and had succumbed to some corner of shame in Althea’s mind, since all she felt was shyness taking over her entire system. But this didn’t pull Nicholas back. There was no way he was going to hold himself back anymore. Spending the entire night in the same bed, without getting to do anything with the woman, whom he not only admired physically but also in a spiritual manner. There was just something about Althea as a whole, that made Nicholas indulge in an attraction with her. He had been yearning to taste for a while and the moment the opportunity arrived for him, he wasn’t going to let go off it. “Well, let me tell you something Althea…” He leaned closer to her ear and whispered softly, brushing warm breath against the skin of her ear. “I like you too! I find you not just attractive but likeable as a whole and if you haven’t been able to tell lately, I like spending time with you…” His hand slowly found the collar of her, pushing it slowly and sliding it down her shoulder. Bowing his head down he placed a soft and warm kiss on her shoulder, making Althea close her eyes, as she felt thousand tiny bombs go off somewhere in the back of her head. Her body felt welted with a splash of fluids, that originated somewhere in the pits of her stomach and her neck straightened, jumping up in a natural reaction to Nicholas’s kiss, accessing more space for him to perform his little magic. Sparks electrocuted her entire body, running through the back of her spine and up until her brain, that felt electrified with a different kind of intensity and mortified with the feeling that had begun engulfing and consuming Althea’s entire being. She could feel her body stiffen at certain placed, especially her n*****s but at the same time, it soften at certain places, like her heart and her legs, that reflexively became ready to be molded and moved to the ease of the person, whose body was hovering right above Althea’s. Her eyes shut tightly and she only felt. The feeling on just touch of the man that she had begun to admire, was the most pleasurable experience that she ever lived to earn. Nicholas slid his hand down softly, through her arm and reached for her hand, grabbing it and intertwining his fingers with hers. He brought her hand in between their mouth, making Althea open up her eyes. She looked up at Nicholas at once and he simply smiled, as he kissed the top of her hand, making Althea swarm even more with wetness in between her legs. A small groan escaped her lips and a tensed knot formed in her guts, enhancing the enthrall that she felt at that moment. She cursed mentally, realizing that Nicholas was a guy, who knew his way with women, who knew just how to play and toy with a woman’s heart and mind and was well versed with just where and how to touch her. Nicholas pressed his lips tightly on her hands, pushing it down Althea’s mouth and within a glimpse of a second, just as a split moment had faintly passed away, he pulled the hand away, bringing his lips, next to Althea’s mouth. As their mouths connected, the feeling of elevated and excited, crammed further in to Althea’s heart, opening her eyes with shock at once but soon she earned ease and slowly as she closed her eyes, intoxication took the better control of her. Snaking her way around Nicholas’s body, she brought one hand over his neck and other over his jaw, as she kissed him back feverishly and equally energetically. Shots of happiness eroded Nicholas’s heart, one after the other as he felt exceedingly glad, that Yes! That girl also liked him just as much he liked her and wanted her in the same way, he did. Suddenly, his manhood evoked and pushed hard against his pants, paining awfully and extremely, which shot open Nicholas’s eyes with surprise. His junior hadn’t been up with that much energy and enthusiasm not just in the past several months but even in the past several years. Once again, his s****l desires turned back the clock and took his back to what he felt the first time, he had hit puberty. That feeling of impetuously surfacing pleasure that had started filling Nicholas’s veins with numbness, where he felt nothing but his pure carnal and s****l desires screaming to him for nothing but to achieve his own pleasure. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, as he closed them again and continued kissing and making out with Althea, who held firmly his face and opened up her mouth, welcoming his tongue, smoothly and naturally. The flow of things was so perfectly natural that nothing seemed to be of a problem and as the two continued kissing each other, time began to slow for them. The kiss wasn’t enough for Nicholas anymore, he wanted and desired for more. Reaching out for Althea’s shirt, he slid his hands down through the hem of her top and touched his cold hands over her body, that burned with hotness. Snaking his hands up, he reached for her bosoms and rested each hand, on top of each boob. He groaned, feeling the perfect bulge of her molds, that weren’t too big or too small, but just the perfect size to warm his palms. As he felt her breast, through her brassiere, he just couldn’t stay behind. He was a man in his prime, single and whenever, Althea appeared in any slightly revealing dress, that flashed her cleavage and emphasized her body, every now and then, his eyes did dart on her bosoms and he always wondered what it would be like to touch them and hold them. So, to feel them through her bra just wasn’t doing him any good. He slid his hands up and moved the lining of the brassiere, out of the way, making her molds pop out. He continued kissing her, as the tip of his fingers traced the top of her hard and erected n*****s and the slightest of his such an intimate touch to her body, made Althea lose control of herself and moan out and loud. Nicholas liked hearing the sound of her rejuvenating voices that told him that she was just as interested in the whole process of unraveling each other. His body was stiff and in pain, as he simply touched her and was yet to see what was underneath her shirt. His mind was beyond enticed as he wondered what would come forth, if he were to remove that shirt of hers and find nothing but perfection resting beneath all that, that remained hidden to his naked eye. Nicholas couldn’t keep the idea just in his head and he wanted to not just touch or feel but to see as well and just as he was about to take her shirt off, the alarm clock on Althea’s nightstand went off, startling the two out of their trances. ----------------------------------- Welps! Damn the alarm clock :D Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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