68. Planets and Stars Aligning

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Althea fell in to complete silence as she heard Nicholas’s words. “I got left at the altar.” She felt frozen and still as Nicholas sighed and looked up at the roof, not daring to look down or back at Althea. He let go off an exasperated breath that he felt stiffened his heart. “About seven months ago…” he began and Althea noticed, looking at her hand that Nicholas firmly grasped, as he shut his eyes tightly at once and then opened them once again. Althea understood that it was hard task for Nicholas to do, who breathed in heavily as he continued speaking. “I was about to marry the love of my life, Cheryl. We had been together for over a year and what I thought was true love was just experimental for her and she had ended up consuming my entire soul and with that, she decided to run away and left me at the altar.” “That must’ve been so hard for you.” “She said that not only was she afraid but she was also not ready for that. She left a lame apology letter. That’s what I got after giving her my heart.” Althea gently squeezed his hand twice, trying her best to assure him that she was listening with all her attention and all her empathy. “I actually haven’t talked to anyone about this, except for my family, of course.” He scoffed slightly, as he turned and looked at Althea, finding her light green eyes turned hazel in the dark, as they looked right at him, with nothing but melted softness and graciousness. “And when all of that happened, I thought I was going to spit apart and the fact that my life over and everything just felt like I was living in ruins of the world that I once imagined with Cheryl but the world had been burnt down by the gratuitously crude act that Cheryl had done towards me. But I realized it wasn’t just her cruel act of leaving me high and dry at the altar but actually the fact that it was even more grotesque that she didn’t even love me. Had she loved me, she wouldn’t have been afraid of being with me.” “She was just plain stupid.” Althea minored down Nicholas’s complex feelings, molding them in to a much simpler shape. “What?” “That Cheryl girl. She was plain stupid.” “Why would you say that?” Confusion gripped Nicholas’s tone as he heard Althea’s words. “I mean, it is easy already to know that the world is full of selfish people and if you find someone who loves you and cares for you, you need to hold on to that person but at the same time, there are stupid people and perhaps just unfortunate enough to never know that love could come at their door knocking and they would never open up. And not that, they don’t find love. Maybe, love is written for them in a different way but some people learn through the hard way and some the easy way that true love is rare and once you find that, you hold on to it. So, Cheryl was stupid enough to never realize that love was knocking at her door but also, I think that it wasn’t the love for her. if it had been, than planets and stars work, day in and night out, making sure that the strings of the hearts of two people connect and join together in every possible way and that they fall in love through some sort of celestial powers and once that happens and once that completes down, nothing in this entire universe can reverse their love for each other.” Nicholas laughed out a little as Althea gave her analogy of love. “That was quite extensively explaining and honestly, kind of heart warming as well. I can’t believe I am saying that but I actually feel better talking about my past. It is almost like it didn’t even ever bother me.” “That’s what you call moving on.” The two looked at each other as they smiled and having no cognizance of the moment that they were living in and just like Althea had said their hearts and their invisible little strings had begun connecting with each other, as out beyond the cloudy skies, aligned all the stars and the planets, that came together, showering the celestial love down upon the two. The night went on and the two slept in the same bed, distanced by the pillow but their hands still intertwined. As the morning rays shun inside the room, Althea felt slightly irritated as the sun rays hit her directly over the face, crossing all the way across the room, since the sun was peaking high at that moment. She groaned, shifting towards the other side of the bed, in order to escape the rays but instead she felt startled, to find Nicholas sleeping over on the other side. She gasped out loud and then remembered the moment in the night when herself had asked Nicholas to stay. She straightened up to create some space and to not to startled Nicholas but paused when she felt a slightly tug on her hand and looked down to find Nicholas strongly holding on to her hand. She felt a slightly enticement surfing through her body as she decided to lean in, instead of moving away. She got closer to Nicholas, making sure to not to wake him up. She gently touched his forehead, tracing her fingers all the way across his perfect structured face. She wondered how, he was so beautiful. All she knew that men could be handsome but never knew that they could be gorgeous as well. She placed the tip of her finger across the tip of Nicholas’s nose, gently tapping on it but little did she know that he little activity, startled the guy out of his sleep, making him suddenly open up his eyes and look back at Althea. She gasped lowly, as her eyes bulged out, immediately her peripheral nerves working, making her jerk back and move away from Nicholas but his reflexes were quicker, even if he had just woken up. He immediately grabbed Althea's back and secured her and pulled her towards him, at the same time, turning around and moving her right beneath him. "Now, my turn!" He uttered those words, as he smirked, looking back at her blushing face. -------------------------- Wow! Are you guys excited? :D Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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