70. Impositions

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Nicholas immediately moved back and Althea also got up and reached out for the alarm clock, turning it off. She placed the clock back on the table and sat still, with her head turned towards the night stand, not having the guts to turn back and look at Nicholas, just after what the two were doing. What did he expect? She wondered, questioning her own integrity. What was she even doing? He was her director and she aimed to work under him. Well, technically, you were under him! Said, this voice inside her head, that made her cringe hard. She was never someone who utilized her temporal qualities as an implicit factor to attain success. Instead, she was someone, who believed in acquisition through talent and yet there she was, exhibiting a different kind of talent. Her handful talent was the one, that aroused hunger in the stomach and the talent that she showcased, aroused hunger in mind and genitalia. She shook her head hard, snapped out of her trance of thoughts, that took her deep down in to a moment of self analysis and realizations. Nicholas on the other hand, sat back, just as frozen as Althea but more predominantly, he was only asserting and copying the pose and the stench that Althea was exhibiting. Why is she so stiff all of a sudden? He questioned mentally, seeing that Althea had refused to move and turn back towards him, after the alarm went off the two had to break away from their mindless venture that even though much spontaneous but had become an integral cry of both of their physical needs, since their hormones had been leeching to come out and express their likeability towards each other. The two had had long talks in a pleasantly romantic setting that had already satisfied their mental needs of being sure that their spirits were in sync and coherently vibrated on the same spectrum. And even their bodies were perfectly attaching and performing so well together until that damned alarm clock rang. Nicholas grunted mentally, cursing the zany clock, that ruined the perfect moment that he was finally panting out his body. Althea on the other hand, had finally decided to move back but realized that her bra was still drawn off her bosoms, leaving nothing but the thin tank top on her hardened n*****s. She couldn’t just turn back and face Nicholas, her cheeks were still burning red, ever since she got pulled out of the lostness of mindlessly making out with Nicholas. Without bothering to turn back towards Nicholas, Althea decided to regret out of the situation. She kept her face away from Nicholas, as she was the first one to break the ice, even though acting completely cowardice. “So, I think I’ll just get ready for the first test.” With that she retracted her legs, away from Nicholas, almost startling him and making him jump back. She climbed out of the bed and sprinted right and jetted all the way towards the bathroom, not bothering to turn back and look at Nicholas, who felt that some sort of current had been induced in Althea’s body that made her jump out in such a ridiculous manner. He wanted to go after her and ask her if she regretted what the two did but he decided against his own better judgment and simply got up and left the room, closing the door a little too loudly behind him so that Althea would know that he had left and he was right, the girl breathed in relief as she heard the loud shutting sound of the door and craned her neck behind the wall that led towards the bathroom and noticed that the room was finally empty. She sighed in relief and walked back towards the bed, slumping down with face first and then turned back, grabbing a pillow over her chest and grunted in agony. Everything was still hazy for her and her feelings were entirely jumbled together. Of course, she liked him and did enjoy the feeling of his touch as well but she had to keep in mind the prerequisite impositions of the fact that he was the director of her society and if she were to lay under him, only one assumption could come in the minds of everybody and might as well including Nicholas as well, that Althea was only with him for personal gains and it was something that she didn’t want to be labeled for. Nicholas on the other hand, entered his room, closing the door behind him and immediately went inside his closet, stripping off and made his way towards the bathroom. He turned the cold side of the shower and stood underneath it. It was a demand of his body that it should be washed down with something cold, since it burned so hot. There was no way, she didn’t like him. it was clear as a day to him. He never claimed to know women in their entirety, nor did he even believed that he could make any woman warm towards him. he was nothing like his over the top, confident driven brother Lucas, who always knew his way around girls. Nicholas was not an innocent guy either. He was a player for sure. But that before he saw that everyone in his family was either settled down or nearing to settle down and he did the biggest mistake of his life, rushed in for a flavor of eternity but it only left him with a heartbreak. And this time, he wanted a smooth ride. One where he judged someone through their actions, heart and their emotions but most importantly, he wanted to feel the physically compatibility to be the highest of all the indicators in the matter of togetherness. He didn’t know why, even though he enjoyed his time with Cheryl in bed but looking back at those moments, from where he stood in that present, he only sensed monotony in that relationship. Their intercourses were mostly repeated and plain positions. Back then, he was definitely in love with Cheryl and saw a potentially stable partner in her and that’s why, he enjoyed the stability even in s*x but this time, he wanted to be experimental and wild and the moment he lays his eyes on Althea, that stagnant animal in him that he believed had long been subsided, suddenly wakes up and roars out loud, urging him to touch Althea, trace every corner of her body with the tip of his fingers. His fingers that felt the hard tips of her n*****s, encircled around the tip of his p***s, that was standing hard and erect, urging him to let it be felt by Althea’s insides and not just those pathetic fingers of his. He let go off his p***s, cooling himself down at once with the cold water alone. He couldn’t just let his body beat itself down. He needed to act calmly. Getting out of the shower, once his body was calmed and not so much, even though still slightly, yearning for Althea, Nicholas finally brained out a plan that he believed could turn things in his favor. He went inside the closet and put on a pair of formal pants and a button down shirt, ready and determined this time, to bring Althea down on her knees and make her succumb and admit her feelings to him. It was the only final resort that had come in his mind and he was going to fight tooth and nail, to make sure that this time, even if the world splits apart, there would be no way, he would let go off Althea, without getting what he wanted. --------------------------------- Do you think Nicholas would be succcessful or not? Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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