109. Why Serena Hates Althea

1390 Words
“I am so glad that you are back.” Althea told Salva, as she stepped away from him and Salva also smiled back at her, a bit hesitant to let go off her but he also knew that it was the only appropriate thing to do. His heart felt full and a tinging sensation of happiness enveloped him, when Althea hugged him and somehow he felt like he was exactly at the right place. Althea ignited this sensation of satisfaction in his heart, that told him that he didn’t need to go anywhere else and no matter where he went, he would come back to her. His heart would bring him right back to her. He had started to understand how love actually worked. That person becomes your everything. That person becomes your comfort zone and your home. That person becomes your solace and makes everything around you bright, just like their heart that one falls for, to begin with. “I am glad to be back.” Salva’s smile remained constant as he looked at Althea and spoke the truth. Actually, only half the truth, the rest remaining to be the fact that he was glad that he was back and Althea was the first one who greeted him. “Oh Salva, you are back.” Serena also chimed, moving out from behind the staircase and pretending that she just walked out of the corridor where her room was located, all the while she remained hidden behind the staircase and only wished for Nicholas and Althea to be caught. “We all missed you so much.” She smiled, hugging the boy, dearly. Salva also hugged her back, a little awkward and still hesitant, due to the last of the memories that he had of Serena before he left, in which she had one too many bitter words about his entire family. Once Serena stepped aside, Nicholas walked ahead and hugged Salva. “Let’s go to my office.” With that the two moved away and Althea and Serena stood in the main foyer, watching as the two left for the office. Once the two disappeared, Althea was about to walk towards her room to prepare for the night but Serena called her out. “You seemed to be quite excited to see Salva.” Althea looked at her and noticed her scrutinizing expressions. She shrugged aimlessly. “Well, I am happy that Salva is back. He makes the place better and he is an important part of the society.” She remained calm, still not understanding the stiffness in Serena’s expressions and tone. “Hmm…” the woman spared a glance at Althea, judging her from head to toe. “I don’t think I will understand.” As obvious as her words would be to Althea, who would only consider that Serena couldn’t relate to her reasons to miss Salva, Serena on the contrary only judged Althea and her physical attributes, expressing her disappointment on how pale she was compared to those girls that the two cousins usually went after for. That’s why her words, ‘I will understand’, held a very emasculating meaning in Serena’s heart that she cleverly threw at Althea but if she played her cards right, Serena was definitely going to discard Althea not only from the island but from the lives of the two cousins for good. She knew that Althea was only a momentarily bliss for the two, who may have felt deprived of a feminine touch on the island and with Althea acting as an open invitation for the two, the boys had only started acting love deprived but Serena was going to make sure that she would expose Althea’s true intentions and her true face to everyone on the island. Serena believed that no one actually saw what Althea was and people were just blindsided by her sweet and kind behavior and her little sad story and Serena believed that, those were the exact same tactics that Althea had used to hypnotize Fiona as well, who was completely smitten by Althea and did not care of Serena’s approval about Andrew, as she was openly dating him in front of the entire island and it only ignited more hatred in Serena’s heart for Althea, whom Serena believed was the cause of Fiona’s rebellious and ignorant behavior, A flashback played in Serena's head reminding her of the day when Althea went to her to inform that Fiona was going on a date in the gazebos with Andrew. Serena at first, felt a little warmth in her heart for Althea, considering her to be a respectful and kind girl, who had still decided to keep regard of Serena and went to inform her about Fiona's progressions, even if Fiona was not keeping Serena on the hook about her life. So, just to keep her daughter safe and being the woman who always looked after her, Serena decided to go to Fiona's room later that night to ask her how her date went. As per usual, Serena dashed inside Fiona's room, who was changing in her closet. She walked out of the closet, changing in to comfortable clothes, surprised to find Serena in her bedroom. "What are you doing here?" Fiona asked the old woman, who had all of her enthusiasm washed away due to Fiona's rude tone. "Umm, I found out that you went on a date tonight. So, I decided to ask you how it went." Fiona's expressions fell and her smile that she had when she walked out of the closet turned in to a grimacing frown. "Why do you care?" She snapped back quite ferrociously. "I just wanted to ask my daughter about her date and..." Serena took a step towards Fiona but she only shrugged her mother's hand, that was about to reach out and touch her hair. "Don't. I know you would only listen to me once and then for the rest of the time, I would be with Andrew you would do nothing but scrutinize him and pick him apart. Just like you always did with my friends or any other guy that I ever liked." "But I never did that with Garry. You were always open about how much you liked him and I always supported you. It was never my idea for you to propose him and now look what happened after you did so. This heartbreak was exactly, I was always protecting you from." Serena pointed out, wanting her daughter to be grateful for letting her enjoy her crush on Garry. "That was because you always knew that Garry would never want a girl like me and it made you feel safe. You actually feigned my feelings for Garry only because it made you feel secured that I was going to blindly play with the laser that Garry was and going to act like a cat. I feel so stupid now that I have finally realized the kind of the person that you are. And I will always be grateful to Althea for that. Had she not encouraged me to propose to Garry, I would never actually have my eyes open up and see the reality of the world and the ultimate truth of my life. That I also deserve someone who loves me back and with Andrew, I have finally found that. I don't want you to ruin things for me. So, just leave me alone." Serena felt her heart broken and shattered in to millions of pieces, as she walked out of Fiona's room. But instead of seeing where she went wrong, she only saw where things decided to go awry and Fiona fell out of her control. All of that happened after Althea came in to their lives and that's why, Fiona had decided that Althea needs to be taken out of their lives and thrown off that island. And now Serena saw a light of hope in her heart and using that, she was going to extract and throw Althea out of the house for once and for all. ------------------------------ I hope it is clear to you guys now why Serena is after Althea and now she is going to play a very important role in the story :) Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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