110. An escape from the island

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Althea sighed, looking at herself in the wall stand mirror inside the closet. She ran a hand over the fabric of the sleeveless, that had two thin black straps running over the shoulder and haltering around the neck. The rest of the black fabric of the dress hug Althea’s body perfectly, accentuating her curves, running up till her knees, with a small cut on the back of the dress, running up till her mid thighs. She twirled around the mirror for a second, making sure that from her hair to her light makeup that she had donned on her face, everything was perfect. There was this anxiousness inside her heart, that just bloomed spontaneously and made her feel conscious of herself. She knew that no matter how hard she tried, she would still look the same but a sound within her heart kept on telling her that she could do better and look sleeker. She groaned in agitation, throwing her hands up in the air. She missed her best friends, Seb and Lur whom she knew would’ve made her feel less anxious but she had to improvise and decided to talk herself in to believing that it was her friends, who were helping her get ready. “Seb would tell me that I look just perfect.” She told herself, scanning and scrutinizing her look meticulously, “Lur, would tell me that it does not matter what I wear on the outside because what matters is, what I wear beneath these clothes because at the end of the night, that is what matters the most.” Althea snorted at her own words as she spoke in her friend’s snobbish tone. “Well I can’t ever believe that Lur was actually right.” She shook her head, as she finally picked up the chiffon scarf that she had been saving as her last article of her outfit and rested it on her forearms, bringing it forward through her back. She looked keenly at the earrings that she wore. They looks shiny and perfect to twinkle, as small crystal studs, in the dark of the night, where she assumed the date would be. Picking up her heels in her hands, instead of wearing them, she finally walked out of her room but immediately snapped back inside the room, remembering that her hair were still up in a bun that she had tied using a claw clip. She removed the clip and let her hair flow straight and silky down her back. Finally she stepped out of the room and looked around the corridor, both ways, making sure that the coast was clear and no one would find her or see her all dolled up at the late hour of the evening. Because even Althea was quite conscious of the fact that her attire could definitely raise quite a few questions about what she was up to. Very meticulously and smartly, she walked towards the left side of the corridor, making her way towards the back of the house, where an emergency fire exit staircase was installed. Nicholas had told her about it beforehand and had asked her to come down by using those staircases and even had guided her to use that exit to come towards the south west coast of the island. Althea understood why Nicholas had arranged a date for them by the south west coast. It was the most secluded area of the island and that’s why she also spent most of her time in isolation when she felt like being left alone and the intruders who had previously invaded the island also went unnoticed for an entire night because they remained located at that corner. As Althea finally made her way on the said corner of the island, her eyes remained wide and her mouth hung open at the magnificent view in front of her. A large double story yacht, all lightened up with neon purple and green crystal lights, embedded within the outer railings of the yacht’s structure. Up by the edge of the upper deck of the yacht Nicholas stood, a smile making its way on his lips, as he watched Althea walking out of the dark shrouding trees of the island, pushing past the palmy leaves and bushes and finally appearing in front of him. In the darkness, the only illumination caused was by the moon and the slightly bright light shades of the yacht’s own reflecting colors, which gave him the faintest of the idea of how what Althea might be wearing. It was something that wrapped her body tightly, and as she stepped closer to the yacht, he noticed the plain pencil heels in her hands, that she had not worn on the sand, that could’ve sunk down in the ground and made her journey difficult and with more steps that she took towards the yacht and the lights became strong enough to illuminate her face, Nicholas gasped audibly. His pupils dilated and his heart skipped a beat, the moment his eyes landed on Althea and her perfectly curvaceous figure, that was wrapped in that dark color dress. She looked simple but exquisitely elegant and profoundly beautiful. Nicholas snapped out of his trance and realized that Althea stood by the edge of the island, waiting for him to guide towards the entrance. He walked back towards the captain on the boat and ordered him to turn it around. The captain spun the wheel only a certain degree, making the lowered entrance of the yacht visible for Althea. Althea stepped towards the yacht and Nichoals stood by the small steps of the yacht, immediately offering his hand out to Althea, who took it, as she stepped on to the boat. She smiled, once she was finally on the top deck and looked up at Nicholas, to find him already ogling at her with an admirable gaze. “You look so beautiful.” He told her, wrapping his arms around her back and pulling her closer. He captured her lips with his and she smiled against his lips, as she kissed him back but immediately pulled away. “Wait!” She told him, placing her heels on the ground and stepping in to them. She was about to bend down to hook the straps of the heels but Nicholas held his hand out and instead, bent down and tied Althea’s heels for her. She smiled looking down at him as she very gently touched her ankles and hooked the straps together. As he straightened up, he found Althea’s gullible eyes looking at him. She leaned forward and planted a soft kiss over his lips. “I love you.” She told him and he couldn’t help but grab her waist softly and twirled her around, guiding her towards the front deck of the yacht. He signaled at the captain who then sped the boat away and bring Althea in front of him, Nicholas held her against his chest, with her back facing him and his arms resting over her waist. “You make me happy.” He whispered in to her ear and Althea looked back at him and giggled. “You make me happier.” The kissed each other feverishly and longingly, as the captain continued speeding the boat away from the island and cold winds of the ocean, breezed through their hair, blowing away all of their worried and all that stood even in that chase off with the wind was their love. Their love was high and strong in the dark of the night and surely, was always going to stand the test of the time. Nicholas then took Althea inside the yacht, where on the top most floor, with a clear window view, was a small dining hall and a table set up for two. “This looks delicious.” Althea admired the colorful dish presented to her. “Not as delicious as what you cook.” Nicholas told her, as he took a bite of his food. Somehow, once again he was back on consuming food that was cooked by someone other than Althea. It was a normal journey that he had began taking and was on the road to finally recover fully. “Wow! That is actually the first time I am hearing you praise my cooking. No wait! The second time but I still love it. I don’t think I could ever get used to listening you praise my food.” Listening to her sweet words, Nicholas reached out for Althea’s hand from across the table and held it softly, bringing it closer to his lips and softly pecked the back of her hand. “And I can never get tired of eating your cooked food. But you know what else, I can never get used to of eating?” he c****d, grinning deviously and Althea’s cheeks grew hotter as she gulped hard. Still keeping his hold over on her hands, Nicholas pulled Althea up from her seat and stood up at the same time. He brought her closer to his own body and kissed her endearingly. His mouth traveled down on to her neck and found a sensitive stop on her jaw, right under her ear. Althea moaned, going weak in her knees and holding on to Nicholas for support. He pulled her waist up and lifted her high, with Althea wrapping her legs around his back. Nicholas found the knot of her halter neck, over her nape and untied her dress, all the while kissing her lips and took her in to one of the bedrooms, where he laid her down on the bed. Althea noticed the navy blue formal shirt that he wore, as she began undressing him. Once the top buttons of his shirt were undone, she kissed his neck and whispered hoarsely in to his ear. “You look really handsome. I had been dying to take this shirt off you.” Nicholas couldn’t help but snicker a little at her words. “Too bad, I made a lot of efforts on choosing this one.” Althea moved away and laid her back down on the bed, pulling Nicholas by the open front of his shirt and brought him closer on top of her body. “Don’t feel sad. That shirt might be the reason why you are getting laid tonight.” With that she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him longingly, running her hands all over his body and Nicholas felt jolted with excitement, as he began taking Althea’s dress off her body, ready for a night full of love and joy, away from the worries of life. As the two continued making love to each other, they remained unbothered and oblivious of what was happening on the island behind them. Behind them on the island, Salva stood inside his bedroom, admiring the ring that his mother had given him. A continuous glance on the ring, made Salva’s mind revert back and again towards the moment when he entered the island and Althea was the first one to greet him with excitement. He couldn’t help but smile out from ear to ear like a fool thinking about how much in love he was with her. His mind kept on reverberating back that moment and he played that moment again and again when she hugged him. That feeling just poured peace and tranquility right in to his heart. He even had a conversation with Nicholas later on where he gave him those shirts in his office that he had asked for and saw how happy Nicholas was to see those shirts but he did not bother to get much in to cousin’s mind because his own was occupied by something more important at that moment. He wondered throughout the day and lingered on the thought whether Althea felt the same for him and not. And to find the answer to that, he got out of his room and made his way towards Althea’s, all the while not knowing that the woman, whose bedroom he was going towards was not even present on the island at that moment. ------------------------------------- Hope things are keeping you guys interested :) Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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