108. Jackpot for Serena

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Althea gasped as she realized that anyone could be by that door who could catch her and Nicholas soon. Her eyes bulged out of her sockets whilst Nicholas became even more calm and confident. “So, will you kiss me now or should I take you on these stairs right here and right now and whoever it could be to walk in from that door could find me inside you. So, tell me!” He gently tilted her towards the stairs and Althea could tell that Nicholas wasn’t just joking or threatening her. She immediately leaned forward, placed her hands on both sides of his face and kissed him quickly but Nicholas didn’t let that kiss to stay just a short one. He grabbed her waist and pulled her more into him, making sure to fulfill his own desires that his body yearned for. He could never get enough of her, no matter what time and moment it was. It was already a torture for him that for the sake of Althea he had to hide his love for her from everyone. He knew that Anthony was right and putting the truth out would complicate a lot of things. So, it was only for the best that he kept things hidden for now. He finally let go off her and Althea stepped back and away from him. She touched her lips, that fell swollen and her cheeks, were immensely flushed already. “You’re crazy.” She complained looking at Nicholas. He simply shrugged, remaining unapologetic. “You’ll get to know a lot about me.” As Nicholas teased Althea, she decided to ignore him and stood erect facing the door to the house, wondering who it could be who had showed up at the door. Serena remained hidden behind the staircase. She was disappointed that no one caught Althea and Nicholas in a compromising condition. She also didn’t step ahead and revealed it to Nick and Althea that she knew about the two because she wanted to preserve the fact that she knew about the two. Because if she were to ever work on her plans, she never wanted anyone to even remotely suspect her of ever knowing the truth about Althea and Nicholas. She was about to step out from behind the staircase when the door to the house opened up and Salva walked inside. The moment Althea’s eyes laid on Salva, a huge smile stretched across her face. “Salva!” She chimed with excitement and at the same time, Listening to his name being called out, Salva looked up. “Oh, Althea.” He had barely just said those words when Althea rushed towards him. Nicholas watched the way Althea showed enthusiasm and rushed to greet Salva. Salva was shocked as he saw Althea walking up to him. His arms flew up involuntarily and Althea took his gesture as she hugged him longingly. A pang of jealousy hit Nicholas’s heart as he saw Althea flying up in Salva’s arms. But he knew that there was nothing but only platonic feelings between the two so he immediately told his heart off that was simply possessive towards Althea. Serena walked out from behind the staircase and watched as Salva smiled wholeheartedly hugging Althea. She had been noticing how caring Salva had been acting towards Althea. And she then looked at Nicholas’s face and noticed that there was a hint of jealousy and unease on his expressions. A smirk of viciousness settled on Serena’s face, who realized that if she played her cards right. She can hit the jackpot. Althea on the other hand felt beyond excited and happy to see Salva. But to Serena it was a perfect moment.
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