114. Bad Blood

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“You are so full of lust that you did not even think twice that how you would be ruining our hard work before you went and f****d…” Before Salva could’ve said another word, Nicholas’s fist came in flying and a punch hit him right at the corner of his jaw, startling him entirely. He felt taken aback, as he took a few steps back and attained his balance that was stumbled due to the impact that he felt on his face. The insides of his jaw felt rattled and Nicholas’s punch definitely punctures a gum or two in his mouth, that Salva felt, as the warm and thick rusty taste started developing in his mouth. He brought his tongue out, touching it on the bad of his hand and the red spots on his skin were enough to tell him that the bond of blood had turned in to bad blood. He spit the blood inside his mouth aside and without a second consideration, he ponded right on to Nicholas, tackling him down on the ground and began throwing punches at him. “f**k!” Anthony screamed, as he made a run towards the two and everyone else only gasped and screamed in horror, witnessing the biggest and most horrendous spectacle one could’ve ever imagined. Nicholas was already repentant of his hit on the Salva and losing his cool, when Salva was slurring out profanities against his and Althea’s relationship. That’s why, the time when Salva hit him, spitting out his aggression in the form of physical abuse, Nicholas only held his arm out and defended himself back, instead of attacking Salva again. But Salva was beyond agitated and that’s why when Nicholas continued defending himself, he didn’t feel just satisfied enough and wanted to incur more pain to Nicholas. He was blinded by his own pain, as he began punching Nicholas down in his ribs, making the guy huff in pain and aggression and move his elbows down to block Salva. Seeing the opportunity that Nicholas’s face was open, Salva immediately hit his nose, making thin stream of blood run down his nostrils and on to his lips. Anthony immediately jumped in between the two and pushed Salva off Nicholas, who had held back by Garry and Gigi, both of the two having a hard time keeping the guy down on the ground and preventing him from attacking Nicholas once again. Anthony helped Nichoals get up but the man only sat back, touching his nostrils and seeing the blood that ran down his nostrils. His vision was blinded for a moment as black dots appeared in front of his eyes. He shook his head at once trying to gain back his vision and get back his senses but Salva’s punch had done a number on him and as Anthony finally helped him get on top of his feet and Salva saw the blood that ran down his nose, he also calmed down a little, finally being brought to his senses. Salva realized that he had brought blood in their relationship and he had ended up hurting Nicholas, the man who was the dearest to him of all. Anthony stepped ahead to talk to Salva but Nick held his arm and prevented him from speaking anything at all. Disappointed over Salva’s reacted, Anthony simply shook his head at the boy and grabbed Nicholas’s shoulder, walking the man inside the mansion. Salva also shrugged off Garry and Gigi’s touch off him body and dashed inside the mansion, getting inside his room. As the two cousins left the horrific scene, at the same time, Althea entered it, unfortunate for her, that Martha, Selena, Fiona and Andrew were already present there along with Garry and Gigi. As the girl walked towards the mansion and had barely reached the fountain, she could feel everyone’s judgmental gaze scrutinizing her. Fiona walked up towards her and held Althea accountable for the whizz that they had to witness. “What’s going on between you and Nicholas? Were you guys together throughout the whole night? Are you guys…?” Fiona couldn’t even bring herself to complete the words that she felt were scathing and disturbing for the sake of her own mind. “Fiona, I can explain…” Althea spoke softly but before she could’ve said another word, Serena appeared from behind the doors of the mansion. She had been standing in the living room and watching through the window the whole scene. She was saddened to see how Nicholas and Salva were fighting like stray dogs with each other but at the same time, she knew that their fight was going to act as a catalyst in the removal of Althea from the mansion. “Explain? What possibly can you say in your defense?” Serena spoke, attaining everyone’s attention, including Martha. “You will explain things to Fiona, now?” Spoke Serena, triggering Fiona, who felt belittled by Althea’s secrecy. “I couldn’t just tell you right away. It was going to put both mine and Nicholas’s position in danger…” Selena felt extremely sorrowful that the poor girl was simply still thinking from the point of view of the contestant and had no idea that the whole thing was bigger than he even could think of. On the contrary, Serena was enjoying the whole scenario that she had ended up creating with her own hands. “So, you decided to betray everyone. Don’t you think it makes you a woman of zero integrity? Do you really think it makes you look like a good friend as well? If anything, it makes you look like a deceitful woman who is loyal to no one. I doubt if you are even loyal to Nicholas.” Serena threw daggers at Althea with her stiff words, making her feel drenched with guilt. “Fiona, please…” Althea could care less about Serena’s hurtful words and all that she cared about at that moment with Fiona, who kept her gaze low and simply walked away from Althea, rendering her heart full of sorrow. As Fiona rushed inside the house, Andrew followed after her, leaving just Serena and Martha facing Althea. Althea felt ashamed, which only made her walk inside the mansion and as she crossed paths with Martha the woman called her out. “You knew about Salva and Nicholas being cousins, didn’t you?” she asked Althea, making her take a pause and look up at Martha with confusion. She wondered what the fact about her knowledge regarding to Nicholas and Salva’s relationship had to do with everything at that moment. Martha on the contrary, stood facing Althea with fire blazing in her eyes. “Well, then you should’ve been nosier and should’ve known that these two had never fought even for once in their life and today that did! They got in to a physical brawl because of you. You should be ashamed of yourself and if you have even a single ounce of shame left in you, then you should leave the island by dusk. Or else, I would understand that you are a woman of zero integrity and veracity.” With that Martha dashed inside the house, rendering Althea paralyzed and completely shocked. She couldn’t believe how easy it was for Martha to berate her. Selena was also taken aback by her mother’s callous words and that’s why she also dashed after her mother, and at the same time, Serena also went after Martha, catching up with her in the main foyer. “I am glad you took the right decision.” She told Martha, who held her feet back and only turned her neck in Serena’s direction. “Last night when I told you about Althea being nosy and extracting out of Fiona about Nick and Salva being cousins, I just wanted to let you know how shrewd the girl is and how we all should stray away form her. I am just glad that everyone else is also able to see the girl’s true face now. She is not as innocent as she looks and…” “Fiona should’ve been careful as well.” Martha told Serena, who simply nodded in agreement, making sure to not make an argument out of the situation, especially when everything was going according to her plan. “Of course, I would give her an earful about it.” With that Serena left the main foyer, leaving the two mother and daughter alone. “Mom! How could you just say that to Althea? You don’t know the whole story.” Martha was in no mood to listen to her daughter, who was actually trying to side with Althea, whom Martha had proclaimed to be her family’s biggest enemy of peace. “Selena, it is better you stay out of it. you and your father already knew everything and yet you guys hid it from me. Had you guys told me everything, I would’ve taken care of things in my own way and…” “Really? Taken care of things by asking Althea to leave when you don’t even know how much Nicholas loves her and the reason why he is alright today, is only because of that girl. Had it not been for her, Nicholas would’ve never recovered. And you know why Nicholas is fine now? It is because of her. her food and her heart, makes him feel better. Mom, for f***s sake! Nick took a bullet for her and even shot someone for her. he is serious about her, with his life on the line. How could you just be so ruthless?” Martha fell quiet as she heard Selena’s words. “Nicholas is not just playing around with her, no matter what you guys might think of it. he is serious to his f*****g core about her and you and Salva both need to realize that.” “Salva is also serious about her.” Martha finally exploded her secret out, making Selena fall in to sheer and utter silence. Right outside the mansion, Althea stood frozen, not knowing whether she was even allowed to take a step inside the mansion or not. She felt culpable for what had happened between Nick and Salva and knowing that she was the reason why the two ever fought for the first time in their life, rid her heart with even more guilt. She sat by the steps of the house and Garry walked up towards her and gently patted her shoulder. “I don’t know how to comfort people but I can only say that you don’t have anything to worry. None of this is your fault…” he told the girl, actually feel sorrowful for her. In that whole situation, he was the only one, who actually understood Althea’s point of view and knew that the housemates who were being angry were just being irrationally judgmental towards her. “I should’ve been more careful.” Althea tried to counter argue but Garry only clicked his tongue and shrugged his shoulders. “You can never be careful when in love.” With that he walked inside the mansion, making Althea even more confused. Gigi on the other hand, felt that something was mixed up and quite unconventional in the entire situation, so he decided to get back to the surveillance room and began with some of his own digging up. Sitting on the front steps of the mansion, Althea wept to herself, feeling ashamed of her own self and sensing the culpability of what she had ended up doing, she decided to hold herself accountable for her actions and decided to do the right thing. Inside the mansion, Salva sat inside his room, holding a pack of ice next to his jaw, that felt shaken and rattled due to Nicholas’s punch. A bunch of crumpled up tissue papers filled with blood, some filled with blood and some containing only slight smudges, showing how gradually the blood from his mouth disappeared. A knock on his door made him look up. The door opened up without any permission granted and in the entrance stood Selena, who walked up to sit next to Salva. “Mom told me about your feelings towards Althea.” ---------------------------------- Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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