113. Hurt Can Make People Mean

2250 Words
The moment Nicholas’s eyes landed on Salva, he knew he was in big trouble. He did not plan on hiding the truth from Salva for the rest of his life. Of course, he was going to let Salva know the truth and the way Salva had found out was definitely not Nicholas’s plan at all. Nicholas immediately stepped out of the water and on to the sand but seeing Nicholas approach him only made Salva’s heart rev up with disgust and anger. He didn’t bother to wait for Nick to come up to him and simply turned on his heels, dashing and storming out of the scene. “Salva…” she tried to call after him and stepped ahead to go after Salva but Nick sprinted towards her and held her arm, prohibiting her from making a run after Salva. “I will handle him.” With that he made a run after Salva, who was also jogging his way towards the mansion. He didn’t know why but he was beyond angered and frustrated. He needed a way to pent out his agitation and somehow running at that moment only seemed the viable and considerable thing for him to do. Althea remained in shambles, as she stood back and only wondered what Salva might be thinking about her and Nicholas in that situation. She only wished that Nicholas would make him understand everything and her small blooming romance with Nicholas would not reflect much on the competition and her performance in the competition would not be overseen. She grabbed her head and fell down on her knees, feeling completely lost and demotivated. She only hoped and prayed that Nicholas would handle everything and things would work out for the better. At the same time, Nicholas ran after Salva, calling out his name, over and over again. But Salva was running blindly, his eyes filled with moisture and a heavy sensation enveloping his heart at the same time. He didn’t know what exactly hurt him the most. The fact, that the first girl that he ever loved was not going to be his or the fact that the man that the girl loved was his own cousin, who was more precious to him anything else on the planet. “Salva!” Nichoals finally caught up with the guy, right outside the gates of the mansion, where Anthony, Selena, Martha and Fiona and Andrew already stood. None of them had been able to sleep the entire night, after they realized that Nichoals and Althea wree missing together from the mansion and Salva had reportedly gone to get them. The early peaks of the sun brought everyone out of the mansion anxiously, with Anthony calling the guards and telling Gigi to go on a patrol around the island. Gigi had barely left to the surveillance room, taking Garry with him but the moment they heard Nicholas’s voice calling out, they all came out of the surveillance room and joined Nicholas and Salva by the fountain of the mansion, just like everyone else. “Salva, you need to listen to me.” Nicholas grabbed his arm, to turn him around but Salva only aggressively, freed himself off Nicholas’s touch and turned to look at him with his face and ears reddened and his eyes full of glisten. “Listen to what?” he yelled out loud at Nicholas. “Let’s go to my office. We will talk there.” He tried to grab Salva’s arms once again but he only pushed Nicholas away. Salva quite clearly implied with his physical actions how he felt on the inside and it tinged and hurt Nicholas’s heart. Nichoas felt flabbergasted and completely taken aback by Salva’s action. “Salva, I know you are shocked but you also need to listen to me. I am willing to apologize for my mistake but let’s just talk first, okay? I get that you might be upset that I didn’t tell you earlier.” “Earlier? Do you really think that is the only problem here?” Salva yelled back at Nicholas, his voice reaching an octave that Nichoals didn’t even know could ever exist. Salva and Nicholas never had a single fight and argument in their life. Nichoals might have fought with his brother one too many times and even with his sister but never in his entire life he had a single fight with Salva. They always agreed on the same thing and never liked the same woman. Or if one did the other one would simply pull himself out and away from the situation. They were never a competition to each other. Or maybe, the two had never fallen in love with the same girl actually. They had never loved a girl to the brim just like had fallen for Althea and Nichoals was still oblivious to the truth that pained Salva alone. And that’s why he acted so abrupt and crude, since his own pain blinded him. He just wanted to lessen his pain and the only method he could find at the top of his head was to vent out his aggression by yelling at the man, who was responsible for inducing that pain in his heart. Anthony and Selena stood stunned to their core, unable to understand why the two were fighting so aggressively. They did comprehend the fact that Salva can be mad at Nicholas for hiding the truth about him and Althea but Salva’s reaction didn’t seem so justifiable to them even in that context. But Martha who stood next to them, somehow did understand Salva’s reaction. The call that she had received from Greta at the late hour of the night, was enough to rind multiple alarms in Martha’s mind. She remembered, when Anthony and Selena were in the main foyer, standing with Fiona, Andrew, Gigi and Garry and discussing where Nicholas and Althea could’ve possibly gone, with the latter four understanding that some sort of romance was brewing between the two. Martha was seated inside her room, having a hard time with wrapping the fact that Nicholas and Althea were involved romantically with one another, around her head. The phone that she had placed in her closet, vibrated, reverberating a repressed sound against the furniture. She went ahead and grabbed it, finding it to be Greta who was calling her at that late hour. It wasn’t out of the usual for Greta to call her that late, so Martha remained calm and decided to not to let anyone off the island know about the commotion that had taken place. “Yes Greta!” she kept her voice calm and low. But Greta on the other hand seemed excited and jutted for some reason. “Martha! Give me the good news. Has it happened yet?” Greta asked right away, rendering Martha confused. She could not possibly be talking about Nicholas and Althea eloping behind everyone’s back in the dark of the night and even if she were, Martha knew that she couldn’t be that excited for it. so, Greta must had been referring to something else. “What? What are you talking about?” “Okay! I think you don’t know and when it will be revealed, can you please act like you didn’t know. Just act surprised, okay?” “Alright, but what are you talking about?” Greta took a deep and excited breath, as she finally explained everything to Martha, which only shook her soul beyond any providence. “I also gave Salva my ring and told him to give to Althea because I really think that these two are going to be it! I have never seen my son so in love and talking about a girl in such a fussy manner. Salva seems very serious about her because he is getting involved in business now. This shows growth and I think that the girl is a positive change and will bring nice impact on him. I know he told me that she belongs to a peasant family but that doesn’t matter. If she makes my son happy, all that is that matters to me…” As Greta continued chanting proclaimed vows of her pre-acceptance to the entire situation, Martha was left in complete schism. She remained horrified the rest of the night and then came the next morning where the two cousins stood yelling and fighting with each other. Anthony immediately stepped ahead to pull the two away from each other but stopped as he sensed that Nicholas was calmer than Salva in the entire situation. “I get that I may have hurt you but Salva, please you have to listen to me.” “Listen? Listen to what? And why should I listen to you? You are a narcissistic d**k, who is so self absorbed that he does not give a f**k about others. We went through hell in over the last two months to make sure that things keep running smoothly. And here you are. Sabotaging every f*****g thing that we are working like a fool to keep only so that you would get better. Is that how all along you were going to feel better? By f*****g some one?” Nicholas felt triggered and most of all hurt by Salva’s words. He could tell that Salva may have assumed the situation to be the fact that Nicholas was simply being irresponsible with Althea and he even tried to defend himself but Salva didn’t let him speak a word. “Was it all that it was going to take for you to get better? Then why the f**k didn’t you tell us that? we could’ve gotten a w***e from you off the town and we didn’t have to work so hard to keep one in this house. Tell me, what did you offer her that made her fall for you so easily, like a f*****g fool.” He yelled out loud saying the words that were on the top of his head and he only assumed them to be, triggering Nicholas beyond his control. Nicholas held on to Salva’s collar and pulled him closer, his jaw clenched tight with aggression as he heard Salva blatantly humiliating and slurring the woman that he loved beyond himself. “Watch your mouth Salva.” He whispered at him, pulling him closer and sneering at him with anger. Everyone in the crowd gasped, at the unprecedented profanity unfolding right in front of their eyes. They had never seen such an aggressive exchange between the two. Salva looked down at Nicholas’s hold on his collar and scoffed disappointedly. “Why? Does it hurt your ego now? Because no one and nothing is above you?” Salva’s menacing words pierced right through Nicholas’s heart, making him drop his hands down and take a step back. He couldn’t believe that it was the same guy, who had done so much only in the hopes that he would get better and now he was throwing daggers with his tongue right at his heart. “We will talk later. You are not in your right mind.” Nicholas told Salva, pushing past him and walking inside the mansion but Salva was still not satisfied with hurting Nicholas. Salva was hurt and he just wanted Nicholas to feel his pain as well. Besides, wasn;t there a saying that went, 'Hurt can make people mean'. Well, if there wasn't any than there must be made one, because of what Salva was displaying was pure and sheer devious meanness. His heart felt bleeding and he only wanted to impose that hurt on Nicholas as well. The look of pain was not enough that he saw over Nicholas’s face. he wanted to see more and hurt the guy more, just in the hopes that he might feel better. “Oh Nick! I am more than in my right mind. In fact, now I am more in the right state of mind than I have ever been. I was a f*****g fool to not see how selfish you are. You wouldn’t even care for an ounce about others and all that matters to you is fulfilling your personal lust.” Nick halted his feet and bawled his palms in to a fist, looking ahead of him at Anthony, who shook his head at him, warning him and subtly trying to make Nicholas understand, that he should not take such an abrupt step that could cost him in the long run. Nicholas closed his eyes for a moment, swallowing his anger and pride and comprehending the fact that Salva was simply bothered at the moment and he should be the one who should keep his calm. “People on the island are stupid and you have belittled their hard work Nicholas. You have showed that you are not worthy of putting up all this hard work for. Because at the end of the all that matter to you is to f**k everything, including any woman who would ever step towards you. You are so full of lust that you did not even think twice that how you would be ruining our hard work before you went and f****d…” Before Salva could’ve said another word, Nick turned around and threw a punch right at his jaw, making everyone scream and gasp in sheer shock. --------------------------------------------- Oh! Did you guys expect things to get this bad for these two? Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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