115. At The Borderline of Selfishness and Selflessness

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115: “Mom told me about your feelings towards Althea.” Selena revealed to Salva taking him by quite the exhaustive surprise. He was already tired, due to the heavy migraine that danced right on top of his head and the pain in his jaw wasn’t making things easier for him as well and then listening to Selena confess that she was aware about his feelings for Althea, did not held the poor guy in anyway. “Listen, I know how Aunt Martha found out about it. I told some things to mom and I am pretty sure she just jumped to conclusion and…” “It’s not your fault.” Selena abruptly interrupted Salva as he was in the middle of explaining his situation. “Anyone could fall in love with Althea.” She told Salva, who scoffed, shaking his head quite vigorously. “Love? I can barely say that. I think all that I felt was pity for the girl. I just got my feelings confused and…” “Salva…” Selena pressed his hand placed between the two over the bed. “It is fine. it is I, who you can share your feelings with.” Salva looked down at her gentle hold on his hand. He remained silent as Selena further went on to explain why she was being over affectionate towards Salva. “I know you share your true feelings with Nicholas only and more than anything in the world, the thing that is pissing you off at the moment is the fact that you can not share this one thing, that was so special to you, with him.” Salva remained stagnant, frozen to his core as Selena’s words acted as a reality check for him. She had perhaps maybe, actually understood him more than he understood his own self. He finally realized what actually made him so blazing mad. He was mad at Nicholas for not just swooping Althea away but also the fact that the only person in this whole world, that Salva was so open to, now seemed unreachable to Salva’s heart. There was this impermeable layer that Salva felt was built that no matter what he did, nothing could ever be crossed between them. He couldn’t just admit it to his own self but his real anger was not over losing Althea, it was over the fact that he felt that he was losing Nicholas. More than losing Althea, he feared losing Nicholas at that point. Nicholas hid his affair with Althea and that hurt Salva. Had Nicholas revealed his true intentions for Althea to Salva, the poor heartbroken guy, would not only have been saved by a heartbreak but also may have acted as Nicholas’s biggest supporter in the matter because nothing mattered to him more than his brother’s happiness. And now he felt envious of the fact he would never be able to share neither his true feelings with Nick nor would he be able to rejoice his love. Fate had played a cruel game with him and had left him hanging in the middle of a split moment, where not only he had to make a life altering decision but he had to make the mature decision, one that would determine his future matters with Nick. He was left at a point where either he could act selfish, break free of his bond with Nick and walk away from him. he knew that once he made that decision, he could go to any corner of the world and simply break ties with Nick without having to face any consequences, since he had his own reservations and had his own feelings and a broken heart to take care of and heal. But at the same time, he realized that his one sided love could cost everyone some very important relationships. Althea and Nick, both were simply two entities in love with one another, smitten by each other and then there was Salva, with his inadvertently evoked feelings, that seemed to be adding only fuel to a small flame that burned between two people, their bodies and hearts. He was brought at a point where he stood at the borderline of selfishness and selflessness, rendered paralyzed to make a decision. A part of him wanted to be selfish yet another part of him told him that being selfless was the only way to mend things and take care of everything. Salva gulped hard, feeling pain in his throat, as he had to swallow his pride. He looked at Selena and asked with a heavy heart. “Sel, tell me one thing and be honest to me about it.” Selena straightened up and completely turned her body towards Salva, showing it with her physical gestures that she was completely attentive towards him and listening to him with all her heart. “Yes! Ask me anything.” “Does Nick really love Althea?” Selena gulped hard as she looked at Salva and noticed the grave expression on his face. She knew that the man didn't want to listen to any lies no matter how much she might be tempted to tell a lie, taking pity on his condition. But at the same time, she realized that she needed to do the right and the sensible thing. Hence, she sighed, as she mustered up the courage and the right words to answer Salva's question. --------------------------------------- What do you think Selena's answer would be? Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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