75. Last day on the island?

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Althea was lost in her trance when Salva stepped in and pushed Garry away from Nicholas, creating space between the two. Garry’s head remained bowed and lower, whilst Fiona was simply shocked at the fact that Nicholas had just slapped Garry. Had it been the good old days, she would have definitely been offended but she wasn’t and in fact, she felt glad and relieved that someone put Garry in his place. Ever since, he had rejected her, she had started seeing him for who he truly was and had finally realized that he was too full of his own self and not even for the good. With Nicholas giving a good earful and a slap to his face, it was going to act as a wake up call for Garry, or at least that was what Fiona hoped for. Salva got slightly closer to Nicholas and whispered in his ear. “Talk to Gigi, he will know better.” He made sure that no one heard him and Nicholas understood what Salva meant. They couldn’t open an entire pandora box in front of Althea, who was still a stranger to how things actually were on the island. Nicholas hummed and decided to wrap up the entire situation. “I don’t think, it would be appropriate to carry out today’s competition. Everyone should take the day off. Gigi, Garry and Serena, come to my office and Salva, get Anthony and Martha as well.” Carl, who was still leading the camera crew, rolled his eyes in exhaustion and nodded at the rest of the cameramen, to pack up the instruments and decided to go back towards the guard’s watch room, where they all gathered during the day, when they were off duty and whilst, everyone else remained busy in performing their original duties, Carl on the other hand, was assigned with task of assembling the videos and editing them, so that in case they were required to send a video to Althea’s family in any given day, they would be prepared with a fresh video. As he got busy with his work, in the kitchen, everyone scrambled away, ready to take the day off, with some planning on hitting the beach and some others planning on laying low, Althea remained conspicuously worried about Fiona, whom she held and patted gently. As Nicholas left for his office and so did everyone, whom he had summoned followed him out, the rest of the staff of the house knew that something in the books was going to be written for Garry that was not going to be good for him. Fiona held on to Althea’s hand and dragged her out along with her but Althea’s other hand was held back by Salva and she paused, acting as a chain in the middle and stopped Fiona along with her as well. Fiona turned back to see why Althea had stopped but then found Salva holding her back. Her own mental state was too weak to even comprehend why Salva would hold Althea back, so she let go off Althea’s hand and lowly murmured. “I will be in my room.” With that Fiona left the room and Andrew rushed after her. Althea wanted to go and be there for her friend, to make sure that she didn’t lose her cool with Andrew, since Althea had the realization that Andrew was simply out there pouring his love for Fiona and feared that Fiona might not be in the right mental state and capacity to understand the entire situation. And feared that she might say something that would be hurtful to Andrew. But she also had to look in to the person, who held her back. “I have to go…” she told Salva, as she looked down at his hold on her hand and he gently let go off his hold. He couldn’t tell the very exact reason but holding Althea’s hand like that, just felt right to him. He cleared his throat and nodded. “I understand but I also have to ask something from you.” “What is it?” Althea gulped hard, as fear began resonating inside her brain and the memories of her morning lascivious mischiefs, with Nicholas played inside her head. Horror resonated inside her brain, as she worried that Salva might have found out about her and Nicholas and now not just Garry but even Althea was going to be put under the bright flame of being held accountable for what she had done. She postulated the possibility that Salva was nice towards her and even if he had heard it from someone, or had seen Nicholas sneaking in or out of her room, he wanted to give Althea at least, one single chance to prove herself innocent or free of guilt from any of the charges that Salva was about to put on her. She wanted to open up her mouth right away and admit the entire truth to Salva and had even mapped out what her next move would be. First would be denial of course. She would never admit that she ever did such a horrendously disgraceful act. Her immediate response would be to say that she did nothing and would wish and pray that for the sake of his own rank, Nicholas would jump in to the act with her but at the same time, she also needed a plan B and a back up. And for her, that back up would be the fact that if someone Salva had solid proofs, she would beg him for forgiveness and beg him to give another chance. “Are you alright?” Salva snapped his fingers in front of her eyes, snapping her out of her thoughts and made her realize that she was reaching out in to nothing and needed to get a grasp and a firm hold on herself. She had lost herself long in a chain of thoughts that simply didn’t add up and she needed to be firm in her cognizance, if she were to battle whatever Salva had in the plate for her. She nodded and held head high, as her heart resonated loudly in her ears, with fear shaking her limbs and her spine running cold. Her guts churns as anxiety wrapped its thorn-y tentacles around them, pushing her bile upwards. She cleared her throat and looked Salva right in the eyes. “What is it?” She asked him, wondering if it was going to be her last day on the island. --------------------------- Do you also think that it is going to be Althea's last day on the island? Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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