51. Experimental

1233 Words
Althea remained silent, looking down at her lap as Nicholas carried her and walked her up towards her room. Once inside, he strolled towards her bed and laid her down over on the soft mattress. Althea said in an upright position and Nicholas turned his attention towards her ankle. He gently moved downwards and very carefully grabbed her foot, making Althea jump up in surprise. She gasped a little, feeling a tingling sensation travel all the way up towards the pits of her stomach. Nicholas closely assessed her ankle, studying the point where she had swelling on her skin. Althea’s eyes were stuck on his face and her mind was burning with so many questions. The way the tip of his fingers glided against the soft skin of her ankle, she gulped in greed as a nervous and curious thought settled in her mind, making her wonder how it would feel if he ran those same fingers across her waist, over the bare skin of her back and even have those fingers wrapped around the back of her neck. Nicholas shifted his eyes away from her ankle and up towards her calf, studying the length of her leg. Althea also followed his gaze, noticing that he wasn’t just focusing on her ankle anymore. The racing of her heart became rapid and a sudden shiver ran down her spine, setting her soul on fire. The jolt of electricity ran up from her back up till her very brain, setting a large electric spark in her body that burned her mind with curiosity. Did the guy really like her? She wondered, having many intrusive thoughts but also at the same time, trying to postulate, how to take in the affection of the man, if there was any to exist. She contemplated, whether or not she should be taking any action this time and show him that she also felt some sort of physical attraction towards him. It was quite obvious to Althea herself, that she did feel physically attracted towards Nicholas. There was no way, she would have ever allowed any man to get that closer to her. She didn’t know if it were his questions, that made him turn her body in to his hands so easily. Or whether it was just the mere fact that his touch melted her body and mind, right away. Either way, Althea knew that there was something in her heart and mind towards the man and she merely wanted to explore it. She wanted to know how far her curiosity could take her. Nicholas’s eyes darted right towards Althea’s exposed thigh, as the hem of her dress had curled all the way up towards her inner thigh. She cleared her throat and immediately moved forward to pull her dress down, suddenly enchanted by Nicholas’s gaze on her body. Nicholas felt slightly embarrassed that Althea caught his eyes trailing over her body, whilst Althea was just trying her very best to not to get caught, feeling so hot and bothered by Nicholas’s eyes trailing her legs. She looked up at Nicholas, who kept his eyes lowered, still ashamed. Althea wanted him to look up to her, so that she could at least try to read his eyes and see if there is something written for her in them, be it just mere physical attraction. She felt like a wanton, greedy to jump on the very first guy she found attractive. She immediately took a pause, asking her own self, whether or not she found Nicholas attractive and attractive to the point, where she was willing to get on top of him and ravage him like a delicious meal. She gulped hard, at the mere thought of getting intimate with Nicholas. The thought made her feel bothered and obviously hot. She straightened up her back, wanting to sit more erectly, just so she would remain sharp and have more grip over her thoughts. Assuming that she was uncomfortable and wanted to sit upright, Nicholas stepped forward and grabbed a pillow, placing it behind Althea. He was leaning down, with his face bent right next to Althea’s shoulder, as he fixated a pillow behind her. Althea gently rotated her face towards him, studying the side of his face, looking at his thick disoriented beard, a look that gave him a mysterious aura. Noticing Althea’s gaze burning his skin, Nicholas also turned his eyes softly, very tenderly in her direction, slightly tilting his face. His blue eyes held a lot of secrets, yet they were yearning for Althea to explore them. It was an uncalculated risk, but the girl was willing to take it. She shifted her entire body in his direction, welcoming him to make a move if he wanted to make any. Nicholas’s eyebrows rose slightly, understanding Althea’s movements. He was stunned and yet muddled, wondering if she was actually inviting him to make a move on her or if she was preparing herself to create distance between them. When Althea remained frozen and still, Nicholas realized that she wanted looking to create any distance between them and in fact, she wanted him to lean in closer to her. He gently leaned forward, tilting his head further sideways, the air from Althea’s breath reaching his face. Althea’s eyes shifted low from Nicholas’s blue orbs and traveled down to his life. The soft plum pink curves of his mouth, seemed devouringly alluring to her. She couldn’t control her urges anymore. She wanted him and needed him and she also needed to express her desire of having him. Lifting her arms up, she wrapped them around Nicholas’s neck and placed her hands over the back of his head, pulling him in and a bit closer to her. Nicholas gasped by the sudden express of affection that came from Althea’s side. His insides felt turned and his gut stirred with a sensual arousal, making him slightly hardened inside his pants. He didn’t know if it was the fact that he hadn’t felt a woman’s touch in the past six months or maybe, the fact that the touch that came in from the woman in front of him, was not only beautiful but also showing eagerness and willingness to get involved with him. They were already placed on a bed, what else could they want more in that situation. Althea had never been that expressing about what she wanted in a carnal matter and Nicholas on the other end, despite of being with many woman who eagerly opened their legs for him, still felt excited and jolted because all of that felt experimental and it just made things eagerly exciting for him. Althea tightened her grip around Nicholas’s shoulder and he also gently lifted his hands to get a hold of Althea’s waist, as his nose collided with hers and their lips remained only an inch away. Nicholas groaned lowly, closer to tasting heaven and Althea watched as his eyes fluttered shut and his hands remained only a few inches above her waist. A sudden clicking sound, went off as an alarm in Althea’s head, breaking her out of her stance and before she knew it, the door to her bedroom flew open, making her eyes go wide and act in a totally abrupt manner. --------------------------------- What do you think Althea might have done? Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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