50. Cooking So Intimately

1554 Words
Althea’s heart raced rapidly inside her chest, as Nicholas’s words hit her ear drums. Her eyes widened, as she turned to look at Nicholas, their noses collided with each other’s, with their tips brushing against one another. Nicholas looked right in to Althea’s eyes, catching her off guard. She was surprised at how much he could anticipate her movements and surprise her with his actions. It was like he could read her body and her mind, already calculating her next move and before she would make it, he would already catch her and already be there, matching her gaze and studying her body tone. She swallowed a lump of anxiety formed inside her throat and Nicholas’s gaze traveled down to her long exposed neck. His brain wondered how it would be like to rub his lips along the length of her neck. He immediately shook his head, shaking the picture of him getting steamy with Althea. He looked away and she also turned her face back towards her counter, focusing on her dish. She moved away to pour the beaten eggs down the pan, without realizing that the butter in the pan had turned too hot. A loud sizzling sound went off when she poured eggs down on the pan, which made Althea gasp and jump back a little, only to exert pressure again on her ankle. She hissed loudly, as her ankle fell weak and she lost balance of her body. She almost fell down again but Nicholas was quick enough to observe all of this and immediately secured an arm around Althea’s back. He held her up and she also placed her hands over his shoulders for support. She looked up and once again, feeling his breath fanning her face, her heart began racing hastily. She hissed, as pain shot up through her ankle and she exerted even more force on Nicholas’s shoulders to stay up and not to put any pressure on her ankle. “You’re still on okay.” Nicholas said, looking down at her feet. The burning smell off the eggs strengthened, making Althea look towards the pan. Her eyes widened, as she realized that her eggs were burning and she needed to do something immediately. She tried to step towards the stove but Nicholas held her waist firmly, making her stay in place. His grip on her hips tightened, making Althea straighten up immediately. She didn’t know why but his touch felt too intimate and sensual to her. Every time he touched her, there were sparks of electricity flowing everywhere through her body, reaching up her mind and setting fire to her soul. Was it always there? She wondered asking that question to her own self. Did she always feel this way towards him? Was she always this hot and bothered by his touch? She felt this turned on by anyone ever but there was just something about Nicholas and the way he touched her that turned her on in such an impeccably displaceable manner. She couldn’t point exactly, as to why just Nicholas was able to make her feel this way but what she knew was that he was good, good at touch. But many a man is good at this art. What was so magical about Nicholas that Althea just couldn’t resist that man. The burning aroma of the eggs grew stronger, yearning for Althea’s attention. “I need to…” she pointed towards the stove and Nicholas sighed. He moved his hands down on her hips and grabbed her firmly, making Althea’s eyes go big. He turned her around and lifted her slightly off the ground, making sure that no weight gets put over on the ankle. Althea stood like a ghost, feeling extremely embarrassed as everyone in the kitchen looked over at her and snickered to their own selves, with some even joking amongst themselves. Everyone in the kitchen thought of this act to be Nicholas’s greed of making sure that Althea cooked him a meal, since he didn’t have anything made by her in over a week. Whilst Althea on the other hand, was simply shocked, thinking why was the director being so affectionate and helping towards hers. “You’re a participant. I have to make sure you don’t get too hurt. You’re my responsibility and the show must go on as well.” Nicholas whispered in her ear, making sure that Althea wouldn’t misunderstand his gesture as something else and Althea remained quiet, staying stiff as she took off the burnt egg off the pan and began beating two more. Nicholas stepped slightly even more closer to Althea, leaning his neck sideways and reading her movements. Even though, anybody else in her place might have gotten a bit tensed or worried or at least, slightly awkward but when it came to cooking, her passion hit the roof, as she didn’t care even if someone was holding her this close and she continued focusing on her job. It showed Nicholas that she was an extremely passionate and determined girl, when it came to ambitions and was it something that revved his insides, making him yearn for more from him. “Gosh! He will do anything to have her cook for him.” Serena joked to Salva, who also laughed slightly along with her but on the inside, he couldn’t tell why, but he felt slightly ticked off, seeing Nicholas touching Althea in such a sensual manner. He immediately looked away, taking nothing but a mere situation that Nicholas just wanted Althea to cook for him and he was missing the food that she cooked. Whilst, the last thing on Nicholas’s mind was food. All he cared about was the fact that he got to hold Althea so tightly and closely. Was he enjoying the feeling, did he like her? or did he just like how passionate she was. Once Althea was done cooking, Nicholas didn’t wait for her to say another word and immediately lifted her up in his arms, scooping her bridal style. She immediately held on to his shoulders, securing her arms around him. Nicholas walked her out of the kitchen and Fiona stood back, watching in amusement. Once Nicholas and Althea were out of the kitchen, she blurted in amusement. “Gosh! Nick would really do anything for food, huh?” Everyone began laughing at her words and everyone else left the kitchen one by one, including Serena and Salva, who went inside the dining hall to get Martha and Anthony, to film the videos of the pretend judges, tasting the dishes. Ever since, the real Secret Chef Hunter’s Society, was called by the police of Gragnano, the fake secret chef hunter’s society had become very careful and made sure to fake document everything and make everything look real, in case Althea’s family once again requested more videos of hers. For the time being, things had been under control and Salva and Gigi who were working day and night to keep things the same way, made sure that Althea’s family remained unaware of her actually whereabouts. Everyone else emptied the kitchen and as Garry walked out, Fiona trailed behind him closely. He noticed a shadow walking close by and he stopped and turned back to find Fiona standing right behind him. “What do you want?” he asked in a bored and annoyed tone. “You!” She didn’t hesitate to give an answer. “What?” Garry’s eyes bulged out at her words. Fiona had always tried to show that she did like him but she had never been this open about her feelings. “You! I want you. I want your attention and your care.” She stated, making Garry take a step back with her bold words and open gestures. Fiona took a leap of faith and leaned forward, placing her hands over Garry’s shoulder, pulling him in for a kiss but his instincts kicked in and he immediately pushed her away. “What the hell do you think you are doing?” Fiona was left flabbergasted and most of all humiliated and embarrassed by Garry’s crude gesture. But above all, she was angered with the way he had reacted. If anything, he could’ve at least kept regard of all the love and affection she had shown him over the years. She watched him enjoy all that and then, if she was being open for once, he could’ve kept regard of all of that and even if he didn’t reciprocate her true feelings, he could’ve at least kept regard of everything that she had ever done for him. He not only pushed her away but also rudely threw her hands off his body, as if she was going to contaminate him with plague. “Garry, I…” Fiona was left short on words and rendered speechless for experiencing such a cruel reaction, that she did not deserve to the least. “Oh my God, Fiona! I always knew that you liked me but I never said a word because I did not want to break your heart or anything and be the bad guy but know your stupid limits.” With that Garry stormed off, leaving Fiona nothing but incredibly and deeply wounded and heartbroken. ----------------------------------- Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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