52. A Late Night Intruder

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Nicholas groaned lowly, closer to tasting heaven and Althea watched as his eyes fluttered shut and his hands remained only a few inches above her waist. Their noses brushed against each other and their lips only an inch away. Their breaths hitched and their hearts palpitating in anticipations. Lines of vividness ran through both of their heads, as they tried to understand the feelings that they were going through. But nothing seem to make sense and Nicholas simply closed his eyes shut, that meant for him, that it was a all in or nothing kind of moment for him, where he decided to trust his gut feelings and in that matter, he decided to trust the feelings of his little gut that was getting harder inside his pants, by every passing second. It was nothing, just a harmless kiss. Or at least, that was what he thought. A sudden clicking sound, went off as an alarm in Althea’s head, breaking her out of her stance and before she knew it, the door to her bedroom flew open, making her eyes go wide and act in a totally abrupt manner. She didn’t know how anyone else might react when they were going to find her with Nicholas, that’s why having no control over the moment, she ended up pushing Nicholas with full force and far away from her. Nicholas’s eyes opened wide, as he felt being pushed away and off of Althea. The moment his eyes opened up, he looked right at Althea, betrayal and hurt written all over them. Althea also looked at him with confusion and terror written all over her own face. She didn’t mean to hurt him or push him away at all, if anything she wanted to taste him and kiss him feverishly and endearingly but the way the door to the room clicked open, she was left with no other choice. She turned towards the door and watched as Serena and Salva entered inside the room but the two were busy chatting amongst one another, so they didn’t get the chance to look directly what was happening inside the room and by the time, they did look in to the room, their eyes widened with surprise, as they found Nicholas perched over on his back and lying down on the ground. Althea bit her tongue and gulped hard, as she felt extremely terrible for pushing Nicholas off her and ended up understanding why he had pushed her away the last time. Nicholas on the other hand, turned his gaze away from Althea and looked at the door, finding Serena and Salva standing there with muddle dancing all over their faces. “What are you doing on the ground?” Serena inquired, rushing to his side. Nicholas lifted his hand up in the air and stopped her from helping him. he got up on his own and dusted his hands and his pants. “I tripped.” Nicholas lied with an exhausted breath, looking at Althea one final time, who had nothing but embarrassment and guilt smitten all over her face. “I have to get to some work.” He said, storming out of the room, leaving Althea flustered and tensed. She sighed, resting her back against the headboard of the bed and Serena moved towards her. “You should’ve applied the balm that I got you.” She smacked Althea’s shoulder, making the girl wince and put her through more misery than she already was. “Ouch!” she complained, rubbing her shoulder. “Now! Apply some ice heat, I’ll get you an ice pack and also apply some ointment on your ankle, if you really want to get better.” Serena told her, walking out of the room, leaving just Salva behind. “Did you get me ice cream today?” Althea joked and Salva rubbed the back of his head. “Umm, I’ll have to order some from the town nearby and you don’t have to get injured every time for that ice cream” He told her, making Althea chuckle slightly. “I couldn’t help it! The ice cream was really good.” “You need to rest more. Five days weren’t enough for you to rest. I’ll just send some more ice cream for you. Okay? But this time, recover well.” “Okay! I’ll be waiting then.” Salva nodded and walked out of the room, realizing that he needed to get on task, if he planned on getting Althea the ice cream. He had made the last one on his own and made sure no one found out about it and once again, he had to be careful to prepare more ice cream for Althea. As Salva left and Althea was left ridden with stress, regarding to what Nicholas might be thinking about her, since she had pushed him off quite rudely. She decided to take a nap and let her sleep and time off the earthly matters, take care of everything that was bothering her. She laid down straight, grabbing her quilt and pulling it over her body. Closing her eyes at once but the moments from when Nicholas’s lips were hovering right above hers, began flashing through her eyes, making it look like a fever dream. She opened her eyes, bothered by the thought that she felt hot even in her sleep. Suddenly the idea of having a quilt over her body seemed too hot, so she took the quilt off her as well. She shook her head, trying to shake away every other thought of her mind. She slapped her face as well and touched her burning cheeks at once. She didn’t know why her body was reacting in such an abrupt manner and she only wished to find some distraction. The less she tried to think about Nicholas, the more her mind lured her back towards him. She was flustered, that she was so close to and yet bothered that once again, she couldn’t taste him. she was also embarrassed with the way she had to push him back and the way his eyes looked at her, with her face flashing anger and betrayal, she couldn’t shake off that humiliating moment and look off her mind. She wished for a distraction to resurface and much to her prays, the door to her room opened up once again and Fiona appeared out of thin air. She walked right in to Althea’s room and slammed herself right in to the sheets, taking Althea by surprise. “What happened?” she asked in sheer surprise. “You i***t! You happened! Everything in my life was going normally and then you appeared and I am a bigger fool than you, that I even decided to ever listen to you and because of you, I am left humiliated.” Fiona began crying out loud, making Althea cringe in pity. “You confessed your feelings to Garry and he turned you down?” Althea asked in a much more culpable tone and Fiona lifted her head up and threw daggers with her eyes at Althea, who squinted her eyes in shame. “Sorry?” Fiona grabbed a pillow and threw it at Althea, “You f*****g i***t! Your sorry, would not bring me back my face that I lost because of the humiliation that I just suffered through. Do you even know how embarrassing it was for me when I tried to kiss him and he pushed me back?” “Wait! You tried to kiss him?” Althea asked with her eyes widened and Fiona nodded, suddenly frozen after seeing Althea’s reaction. “You i***t! Who the f**k told you to try and kiss him? I told you to wait for his reaction. Why would you go ahead and kiss him?” “Because I was overcome by my urges.” Fiona complained and Althea grunted, smacking her palm against her forehead. “Then you should’ve kept your stupid hormones in check.” Althea threw a pillow at Fiona, making her grab it and throw it down on the bed. Fiona smothered her face in to the pillow and began crying even loudly. “I hate you.” Fiona cried out loud and Althea sighed, leaning towards her and gently patted her back. “You know, who you should really hate, right now? Garry! And instead you are crying over him. Pathetic. You shouldn’t have tried kissing her, you idiot.” She yelled at her, smacking her with another pillow. “What? It isn’t like you never had a crush on someone and had the urge to kiss him?” Fiona yelled back at Althea, taking her by surprise. Well… there wasn’t much that Althea could say. She pondered on Fiona’s words for a moment and then immediately shook her head, realizing that not just Fiona but Althea also needed to over come her humiliation and shame. “Fine! but from now on, you will do whatever I ask you to do, if you really want to make Garry regret what he did to you. Okay?” Fiona lifted her head up from the pillow and looked at Althea. “You can do that?” she asked with hope filled in her eyes and Althea nodded with a soft smile. “Well, it is not a full proof plan and it is still fifty – fifty but don’t you worry. We will get equal with him.” She pulled Fiona in for a hug, who also closely snuggled to Althea. The two spent the rest of the day together, with Fiona taking care of Althea and Althea explaining Fiona what she needed to do, in order to get over Garry and at the same time, make him regret rejecting her. As the night fell upon the island, everyone left to their rooms or at least that was the impression that everyone was trying to give. Salva was the first one, to sneak out of his room in the dark, who tip toed his way towards the kitchen and the first thing he did was grab the ice cream maker. Garry on the other hand, snuck past his brother’s room, who was still up till the very late, working on his laptop, keeping his surveillance on Althea’s family and at the same time, eating the left overs cooked by Andrew during the morning’s cook off, since after Althea’s injury in the morning no other cook off was held. On the other hand, Serena stayed up inside her room, watching an old episode of Golden Girls on her mobile phone. She had two phones on the island and had kept the secret about owning two phones just to herself, knowing the risk that it could be if Althea caught her or saw a phone on the island, she decided to bring that phone out only at nights, after she locked her room. Whilst right next to hers, was Nicholas’s room, whose doors usually remained unhinged past midnight, till eight in the morning. But not that night. That night, as soon as the clock struck midnight, the door to Nicholas’s rooms opened up and he extended his neck out at first, looking around the entire corridor and checking if anybody else was present or not. Once assured that the coast was clear, he walked out of his room and gently checked the back pocket of his pants, making sure he had the goods necessary for him to complete his mission. As the entire house, although pretending to sleep, dispersed throughout the different corners of the house, Althea on the contrary actually remained slept. She was exhausted after spending the entire day with Fiona, even though she had spent majorly the entire day in the bed, yet Fiona was quite talkative and full of energy, and Althea wasn’t used to spending much time with people like her without a drink in her hands. She laid deep in her sleep, when a slightly disturbing sound from somewhere in the room disturbed her. Even in the deepest of her sleeps, she was always able to detect the slightest sound that ever came. She lived without anybody to ever protect her, throughout her childhood and even during her teenage years, before her mother moved back to Gragnano, there were instances where people had tried to break in to their house and hurt her family, knowing that there were only women living in that place. That’s why she was always on her guard and her mind developed, giving her the cognitive ability to always stay on ground even in her sleep. That’s why, when the door of the room created a slight stumbling sound, her eyes opened up slightly, judging that there might be someone in the room. Her eyes were still half shut when she saw a slight shadow move across the room. That very sight, made her heart beat faster, even when she was half asleep. She opened up her eyes wide, even though her vision still blurry. She straightened up to catch any glimpse, whether anybody was actually in the room or if she was having some sort of misunderstanding that there might be someone in the room. Her heart beat got louder and fasted as she feared that an intruder might have entered the room, which made her stand on her guard. She grabbed the small fake cement pot plant off the night stand, ready to attack whoever it might be but someone grabbed her wrist before she could make any move in her defense, making it immobile. Althea’s eyes widened, as her fears came true, that someone was actually inside the room. She opened up her mouth to scream but the intruder’s other hand rested on her mouth, making it impossible for Althea to even make the slightest sound. Her fears grew in to a dark harrow as a whisper echoed closely to her ear. “Stay quiet! Don’t make a move.” ------------------------------ Who do you think it is? Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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