71. Ignored and Hurt

1022 Words
Althea stood silent and quite dubiously, actually. She looked around at the entire kitchen, all the filled up rest of the spaces, whereby everyone stood minding their own businesses. Some of the contestants, who were obviously pretending their best to be interested were obviously pissed off that they had to get up so early and be part of a façade that they did not even intend to be. Salva and Serena also stood by the very front line of the kitchen, both yawning and stretching their arms out, as they felt extremely lethargic. A month had passed by and yet no one in the entire house had grown accustomed to getting up that early in the morning and preferred most of their affairs to continue and take place, later in the afternoon. But nonetheless, they were all struggling and surviving, hoping and wishing that Nicholas would come out stronger at the end of the entire drama and whatever they did, would pay off for his mental health. As they all stood there, determined to make things works for Nicholas, the very thought of the same man, appeared differently in Althea’s mind, who gulped hard and scanned the room around her. Whilst everyone remained steady and settled in their places, occupied with their own personal thoughts, Althea on the other hand, felt that everyone had already found out about her and Nicholas making out and were judging her, gossiping amongst each other, preparing material to attack her in the dark of the night and set her on family, just like they did in the olden times, when a woman would be caught to be a mistress of the minister of the town. They would shun her, misjudge her and set her soul on fire and Althea could tell that her limit to be eliminated could be anywhere near. It was obviously a cranial rule of any organization, a hard and fast one, whereby, if any participant, caught involved or sucking lips with a member of the management, he or she were to be eliminated, fined and disqualified for life from that organization. And The Secret Chef Hunter’s society did induce such a rule. Four years back, when one of the participant was caught sleeping with a management member, for the sake of his worldly pleasure and her contesting advantages, thinking that she could use the upper hand, not just in cooking but by sleeping around as well, she was immediately disqualified and till the date when Althea had her last contact with the social media, people still discussed and disgusted that woman and there was no way in hell, she would ever want to become another example. She had worked hard to be where she was and her feigning feelings of amore that aroused in her heart, were natural and she was ought to be attracted towards a guy, who would be as handsome as Nicholas but she needed to get her mind and herself in check and keep a control on her actions. Whatever happened in the morning, was never to be repeated again. She told herself firmly, making rules in her mind for abstaining from ever repeating the wanton action that she voluntarily did with Nicholas and at the same time, the feelings that aroused once again in the pits of her stomach, driving her immensely turned out, remembering as Nicholas’s hands explored her skin, with his fingertips tracing her curves and his tongue exploring her mouth at the same time. She had long forgotten the feeling of being sexually awakened in such a tremendous manner and the way Nicholas was able to work magic with her body by just a mere touch… But all of those feelings, were soon vanished, as she felt a strong pull on her shoulder, that made her jump up in shock. “Hey! Are you okay? I have been calling your name for the past minute.” Fiona told Althea, who shook her head. “You’re not, okay? You just vanished last night and abruptly got up and just left while we were playing cards.” She reminded Althea, who had actually long forgotten that the reason why she had decided to run away from the pool area at the first place.” “Oh, yeah! I actually wasn’t feeling well and…” “Eh! Anyways, Andrew and I also decided to cut the game short, since a storm was approaching anyways and…” “Wait! You guys were playing cards last night, without me?” Garry, who happened to be eavesdropping upon the conversation suddenly turned around and yelled at Fiona, who was shaken up a little by his quite evidently crude tone. “Hey! Relax! What are you jumping up so high for?” Fiona scoffed, moving back to her station, next to Althea and suddenly Althea had long forgotten about her concerns and then looked at Garry, who walked back towards Fiona’s station and cornered her. “Why are you doing this?” he asked her, looking down at her, scanning her closely, in her lose neck, sleeveless chiffon top and denim shorts. Althea could tell that the way Garry scanned Fiona and the look he gave her, wasn’t quite a friendly one, and mostly a hostile one. “Doing what?” Fiona shrugged with an obviously confused and annoyed expression. She remained tilted towards her station and it annoyed Garry even more that she wouldn’t even bother to turn towards her. Garry scoffed at her, grabbing her arm and making her turn in to her direction, which made Fiona gasp and open her eyes in sheer horror. Althea also watched in fright, afraid that Garry might do something hurtful towards her friend, since she could tell that Fiona's latent ignorant behavior was getting on to his nerves and understanding the kind of the man Garry was, who always feigned his ego, Althea could tell that he must be hurt by Fiona and now would like to get his revenge on her. ----------------------------- Welps! what do you think Garry would do now? Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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