83. The Only Man

4942 Words
"Can't risk you taking out like this!" Nicholas told her, throwing his shirt on top of Althea's naked body, as he dragged her out of the room, wanting to reserve her explicit beauty only for his own self. He pecked her lips, as the two giggled and Althea finally put on the shirt and the two walked out of the room. Nicholas was the first one to sneak his neck out and once he made sure that the coast was clear and no one was in the corridor, he dragged Althea out of the room, along with him and walked west of the hallway, reaching out for the west wing of the house, where his own room was. That room, once belonged to his father and the west wing was supposed to be the corner of the house where no one was bidden to go in to. Even the house help was proscribed from going in to the zone and ever since, she came to the island, even though never too curious to roam around the house, Althea still always wondered what the other side of the mansion, the unexplored side, looked like. And today, she would finally get to see. They entered in to a zone of complete silence, where they passed by through the corridor, where a small book shelf was placed next to an alcove bay window. She held her feet back and freed her hand from Nicholas’s grip. She walked up towards the window and stood looking out of it, seeing all the beautiful shiny glory of the ocean, where the moonlight reflected on the tidal surface of the dark water, that foamed near the shore, washing up the clear sands of the island. She then looked at the intricate structural design on the walls that held the window within a curvature. Althea kept her gaze intact at the structural details of the house and spoke softly. “I always wondered how someone might ever get the idea of building something so beautifully details and convoluted, in the middle of a deserted island. Everything about this mansion is so beautiful. Why is this part of the house hidden? Why isn’t anybody allowed to be here? this is the most beautiful thing, I have ever seen. Maybe, I have not seen a whole lot of the world but I can tell that even if I travel the whole world, this is the moment, I will always remember as the most beautiful one that I got to live through.” “Is it just because of the beautiful mansion?” Nicholas asked and Althea shook her head. “Moments are beautiful but people make them memorable.” She told Nicholas, enclosing his hands in between her palms and kissed his exposed fingers softly. “You shall always remember this moment?” he asked and she simply nodded, running her finger across his chest, tracing his upper torso, wanting to remember all the details about not just his face but his entire existence and being. “Let’s make it even more memorable.” He captured her lips with his, lifting her chin up with his thumb, whilst his fingers enclosed around her neck and his other hand tracked down her back, reaching for the curve of her butt. Gently pushing her leg upwards, he urged her to comply in to his demands and she wrapped her one leg around his back at first and then proceeded with the second. He assisted her, as he lifted her from her butt and held her firmly, carrying her all the way towards his room, all the while making sure to never leave her mouth alone. Once he was inside, he made sure to close the door firmly, which locked it automatically from inside. He then very intricately planted Althea down the bed and began by once again removing her shirt. The red on her cheeks returned as she laid naked in front of Nicholas, who couldn’t take his eyes off her body. It was like a different kind of intoxication took over her mind, every time his eyes viewed the perfection that her body was. “You said that its weird why someone would build something so beautiful like this mansion on an island right?” he asked her, as he came closer to her face and looked right in to her eyes. The very blue tantalizing eyes of his that were filled with mystique every time she looked at them, were filled with warmth, care and nothing but pure desire. Suddenly his gaze seemed to soft and not so scrutinizing anymore. It felt, as if he truly wanted to make love to her in every sense. One could call it the placebo effect, that perhaps Althea’s own mind was playing tricks with her and made her believe that just like her, even Nicholas was desperate for her affection but what she saw in his eyes, in that moment was something so pure that she was willing to risk her everything for him. Had he even asked her to give up her soul for him, just for that look, to retain and remain, she would do so. She nodded at his question and she smiled back at her. “Well, man tries to copy the creations of God. Man tried to build and hide something so beautiful, just like you were hidden, far away in a small corner of the world. Something so beautiful and perfect…” He told her, as he ran a finger through the side of her waist and rested his palm over the curve of her waistline. Althea looked away, shied at the conscripted commendation of her beauty. “I am barely perfect…” she admitted, what she truly felt about herself. “That’s what you think. Or perhaps, what every other human being thinks about themselves.” “Do you also feel the same way, about yourself?” She asked, as she looked up at him and Nicholas shrugged. “I guess, I am not mentally or emotionally perfect. My actions sometimes have some consequences that are projected out due to my inner emotional disabilities and lack of mental cooperation but physically, look at me, baby! I am perfect.” He winked at her making Althea chuckle out a bit. He sighed, as he gently cupped her cheek with his one hand, whilst holding her waist firmly with another. “You, Althea Ferrara, are insanely, the most beautiful and perfect thing that has ever happened to me, in such a time where I expected it the least to occur. In fact, I believed that nothing was ever going to come my way, be it good or bad. I had accepted the monotony that life had become but then you happened in the most unexpected way and I am just glad that you did happen. Because you make life beautiful and worth living. You don’t have to say that you are not perfect or beautiful because that’s not something for you to decide. Always remember, beauty is something that only a peculiar eye can pick on and not everyone had the mind and wits to recognize something as beautiful as you. Lucky are those, who, ever come cross someone like you and actually recognize how perfect you truly are and I want to be the luckiest one.” Tears warmed Althea’s eyes, with one gently escaping and sliding All her life, she spent always believing that she was never good enough for anything or anyone. She kept a firm face and held her head high, never showing her inner infirmity to anyone. She never exposed her deepest darkest fears to anyone and always believed that whoever, would become her companion would be someone who would have to deal with the burden of her emotional baggage and that’s why, there came a point, where she decided to put a pause on trying to find a companion in someone. She believed, her dark demons had the tendency to scare anyone away but perhaps, she didn’t even have to push them on to anyone. They just went along with her and slowly, they would either disappear or become part of who she was as a whole, since her scars were also something that she braced beautifully. And all it took for her was to just find someone with a kind and open heart. She was bare, not just from the outside but from the inside as well. She felt, as if Nicholas, could see right through her and didn’t even feel scary to her. That was a deciding moment for her. Whereby, she thought and finally decided that there should be no further evaluation of risk factors or reckoning for her. She deserved every ounce of that night and she needed to be with someone, without ever caring about the fragility of the situation or the next moment that it might bring. With those thoughts embedded in her mind, she grabbed Nicholas’s neck and pulled him in, kissing him longingly. Nicholas ran his hands through her waist and brought them up and front over her breasts, fondling them with his palms at first. And then as he leaned down, his mouth found its way back to suck on her breasts. He left his marks over her mounds, which made her moan and arch her back, dancing along with Nicholas’s work that he implanted on her body. Leaving her bosoms behind, he decided to explore more of her. He kissed the middle of her chest, moving further down, scanning her belly with his hand first and then further went down, kissing the top of her navel. The sound of his loud kisses, followed the soft touch on Althea’s skin, ignited a different kind of sensation within Althea’s nerves. She tightly grabbed the sheets on both sides of her body, enclosing her eyes, as her breaths got heavier, with her body squirming, twisting and churning with excitement in anticipation of what was about to come. Very slowly, Nicholas untucked the button of her shorts at first and instead of taking them off in one flow, he slid his hands down her leg, running it through the entire length of her lower limb, until he finally reached for her ankle. Grabbing it, he pulled it up and lifted it next to his mouth. Althea opened up her eyes, wondering what Nicholas was up to and what she saw dwindled her mind even more. The indigo of his eyes had turned even more darker, something that Althea didn’t even know was possible. He gently kissed her ankle, as he kept his eyes intact and looked deep in to her jaded eyes. Very slowly, he placed one hand over the waist of her shorts and pulled his down, as he continued kissing his way up her leg, at the same time, he pulled her shorts down. Althea lifted her buttocks up in the air, making it easier for Nicholas to take off the thick piece of clothing off her body. He discarded it off her body entirely, leaving her only in a baby pink skimpy cotton panty. Encircling his hand up on her one leg, Nicholas leaned down as his mouth reached her thigh and his heart was surely not just satisfied with kisses any more. He wanted to taste more of Althea and just tiny kisses were not going to be enough for him. Moving up her knees, he lifted her legs higher, all the while leaning down at the same time. Running his nose over the skin on the lower side of her leg, he brought his lips over the inner side. Where his mouth opened up involuntary, he took a gentle bite at first but then firmly sucked a good portion of her skin in between his teeth, where by her began suckling on it more and more vigorously. A grumbling moan, escaped Althea lips, who arched her back, pushing her leg further in to Nicholas’s direction. The man kept his hold over her leg firm and strong and once, satisfied of her taste, he finally moved to the other thigh, contented that he had left a dark imprint of his fondness over Althea’s body. To him, every time, he explored a new corner of her body, even more perfection came his way. Her legs were just the perfect tone, in Nicholas’s mind. He usually went for skinny and toned girls, who were just the right proportion in his mind. In any woman, the first thing he ever saw was her body and that would be a major determining factor in his mind, if he would take her to the bed or not. But that was not the case with Althea. Although, he did feel elevated and ecstatic that her body was the epitome of perfection, with the way her curves accentuated her physical appeal and even though, she never flaunted or emphasized on her body with her clothing, making him wonder if she even was aware of how beautiful her physical appearance was, just one touch to her breasts and one cup on her butt, was enough to give Nicholas the idea of how curvaceous and voluptuous her body was. But that idea of perfection only came after Nicholas explored it with his own hands. Before that, he was only curious and wanted to dig deep and completely in to Althea. He wondered that even if she would not have been that perfect, he would have still held her down and desired to worship her body in the same intricate manner. Leaving his marks all over her inner thighs, he moved up and tugged his hands in the elastic of her panties, pulling them down at once. Althea kept her eyes closed, not daring to look down even the slightest. Her face burned with embarrassment but her body was set on fire, as something even more mesmerizing was coming her way. Discarding the skimpy piece off her body entirely, Nicholas lifted her legs up and planted his face in between, reaching down in between her feminine folds. Althea gulped hard, keeping her eyes shut and before she could even have the time to prepare her mind for what was about to happen, Nicholas’s tongue flickered, parting her labia on either side and reached out for her sensitive c******s, igniting a current of an extremely high voltage, that ran through her entire body, especially through her spine and shot right up in her brain, threatening to explode her skull, due to the incremented velocity. The fire that burned and molted her on the inside, showed right out on her body as well, as Althea squirmed, lifted her hips up and further down over Nicholas’s mouth, encouraging him to repeat that action over her once again. Nicholas secured one arm around her leg and moved his hand up, reaching for Althea’s bosom, that he grabbed on to and squeezed firmly. She reached out for his hand, placing hers on top of his and he let go off her breast, turning his hand around and grabbed Althea’s hand in return. Somehow, that became more important to him. His tongue continued flicking and licking over her sensitive s*x button, that kept on sending erotic impulses up to her brain. He tightened her legs around Nicholas’s head, as his actions over her clit, kept on building momentum inside her body, until the encapsulated feeling of ardor, threatening to open up, waving out a spread across her body and Althea tightened her hold over Nicholas’s hand, whilst her other hand flew up, running through her own hair and reached out and behind, grabbing her pillow, since she needed something to grab and squeeze tightly. Sensing the strength of her hold on his hand, Nicholas picked up on the signal that she was near and that accelerated him and the alacrity inside him also grew by many folds, as he fastened the action of his tongue that finally sucked and nibbled over her excited clit, until a loud moan escaped out of Althea’s mouth, with the ball of zeal, that Nicholas had created inside her, burst out, sending impulses of electrifying intensity all over her body. Her back arched up and she bolted up straight, throwing her head back and further down on the pillow. Her grip over Nicholas hand loosened, along with her legs spreading out and moving away from Nicholas’s head at the same time. Nicholas still darted his tongue deep in between her labia and gently sucked on to her opening, having a taste of her sweet fluids. He crawled his way, quite avariciously back towards Althea’s mouth and captured her lips with his. Breaking their kiss, he lowly whispered close to her mouth. “I want you to have a taste of yourself and know how sweet you are, Althea.” Althea still felt out of breath, as her body tried to calm down, from the ablating c****x that she had just experienced. “Tell me Althea, say that I am the only man that has ever made you feel this way.” Nicholas pressed his chest on top of Althea, sliding his body gently up and down along with hers. Althea nodded, as she wrapped her arms around his beautifully built and contoured back. But a simply and silent gesture wasn’t going to be enough from Nicholas. He wanted to be the mural and sky of Althea’s life, the only guys that ever gave her the sense of sexually implicated satisfaction. “Say it! I want you to say it out loud.” “You are the only man, that has ever made me feel this way, Nicholas…” Without any shame or hesitation, the words of truth slipped out of Althea’s mouth. She couldn’t lie to him, even if she wanted to. She couldn’t deny that no man had ever driven her sensually high and voraciously ever in her life. She had only been with one man her entire life and having no other experience, she never had a touchstone to compare Angelo’s actions in bed. There would be moments, when together Althea would feel more energetic in bed than Angelo and would want to try something more than just missionary with him but he would simply cry down and reject her s****l solicits. She would hear tails of Angelo’s s****l ventures with other women, whenever the two were broken up and would only feel dejected that the only reason why Angelo never tried any of that with her, was because maybe, she wasn’t beautiful enough or good enough for him. After breaking up with Angelo and going to therapy, she was made believe that there was nothing wrong in her, if her partner wanted different things, it was obviously other person’s insecurities and mentality that made then act a certain way. Althea agreed with the idea but never believed on it, until the moment where she laid down in front of Nicholas and he made her feel like a goddess as he worshiped her body and sweated out against her. He touched every inch of her being and brough something completely different in and out of her. That’s why, when she told Nicholas that he was the only guy that had made her feel so occult and magniloquent, she wasn’t lying. “Then I want to make you feel even more exquisitely magnificent. I want to tell you what you truly deserve and how amazing you deserve to be made feel.” With that, he opened up the drawer of his night stand table and pulled out a packet of foil, that rested there, for God knows how long. And Nicholas didn’t even know whom he belonged to. But he had seen it when he first came to the island and knew that someone who had used the master bedroom before him had left it there. He held the packet in between his teeth and began taking his pants off. His c**k throbbed in pain and he couldn’t spend another second, delaying the relief and release that the most sensitive part of his body was yearning for. Throwing his pants, along with his underwear down, his little hardened member finally breathed in slight relief, as it stood perpendicular to his body, signifying who turned on the man was at the moment. In the dim lights of the room, Althea could make a whimsical sketch of what his member looked like and she could tell that it was quite a big one, the size that she wasn’t much accustomed to. Again, she wasn’t trying to put Nicholas up for comparison but the lack of experience in her life, was inevitably going to put up Nicholas as a touchstone. The guy had technique and trick, which already made him stand out in Althea’s point of view and then judging from the size of his hard c**k, she could tell that there would be changes made to her body, some that might be unreversible but the effects of those changes would not only be physical. They would be mental and emotional and Althea might be left lingering for the sensation that she felt with Nicholas’s touch. Only to have him in his entirety and feel him inside of her, was going to alter her life forever. A change that she was willing to accept with all of her mind and heart. Sensing Althea’s look on his cook and the slightly stunned expression on her face, Nicholas smirk, leaning low and pushing Althea’s chin up with his finger. “Surprised with something?” he asked in an exuberating tone, feeling delighted that not only Althea but even he held certain elements with which he could startle her. Althea refused to open up her mouth and only grabbed Nicholas’s face, as she kissed him feverishly. Nicholas returned back her passion with equal ardor then finally positioned himself in between her legs. The vein on his c**k, pulsated out, threatened to explode any given second and as his erected p***s, came in touch with Althea’s opening, a groan escaped out of Nicholas’s mouth. Keeping one hand steady on the bed, to maintain balance, very gently, he grabbed his hard p***s and began rubbing it softly Althea’s moistened labia, pushing past it, he rubbed it over her clit, sliding it up and down at once. Althea breathed heavily, as she held on to Nicholas’s neck and ran her hand through her back, digging the nails of one hand in his back, whilst her other hand explored his hair, that she ran through messing up from the back up till the very front of his head. Nicholas continued teasing Althea, watching as her back arched and her fingers curled over her body, which enhanced his desire to play a little more with her, since he could tell that Althea enjoyed the phase in s*x, where the build up lingered on and prolonged. But there came a point where even Nicholas was going to become selfish and, in that phase, he tore the foil that he had previously kept aside and slid the rubber over his c**k. Althea watched with a scared little gaze, as Nicholas was completely ready and she also held her breath in, preparing to mentally adjust herself for the impact, knowing quite well that nothing else could prepare her body for the physical impact that she was about to experience. She dug her nails firmly in to his back and at the same time, her fingers of her other hand, curled in to his hair, tugging on to his strands. Nicholas knew that the girl was scared, since he felt her breaths quivering, with her visibly trying to hold herself from breathing too loud. Nicholas understood the fear and anxiety, mixed with enthrall that Althea experienced at the moment but didn’t waste much time and simply slid his c**k inside her wet hole at once. He inserted only his tip at first and as Althea spread her legs apart, Nicholas further entered inside her. He felt restricted at first, guessing that Althea’s body might not be accustomed to his size but oblivious of the fact that she had not had, a s****l encounter in the past four years. Althea could feel something inside her tear apart but at the same time, she could feel her heart opening up with light, as Nicholas finally entered his entire length inside her. She hissed with pain, letting out a suppressed breath and Nicholas immediately captured her mouth with his and at the same time, he began stroking her gently, moving in and out. Althea held on to his body, as tightly as she could and Nicholas left her mouth, embedded his face in the crook of her neck, where he kissed every inch of her skin and left his marks at any spot that he could find. He continued thrusting, in and out at once and both of their bodies rocked together. Soon, Nicholas felt his high turning in to a point of reach, where his body finally climaxed and at the same time, Althea also felt satiated. Nicholas breathed, as he finally collapsed on top of Althea, rubbing his sweated chest over hers and she also tried to catch her breath but Nicholas’ mounting weight made it hard for her to breath. Soon Nicholas flipped over, sensing that he might be suffocating the poor girl and the moment his back hit the mattress, he placed his arm up on his head and looked up at the ceiling. His mind was out of focus and he couldn’t even see anything clearly for a moment. Dark spots appeared in front of his eyes, startling him that he had just excruciated his entire energy out. He didn’t know maybe it was the fact that he had remained celibate for the past six months and abstained himself from even performing any personal s****l releasing activities and that’s why he felt like he imploded right away or maybe, it had something to do with the fact that there was just something mesmerizing about Althea and her body felt like a temple, that he exhausted himself worshipping. He turned to look at her and found her already enveloped with drowsiness. Her eyes fluttered as she tried to stay up but felt too tired to even keep her eyes up and still. Nicholas neared his body to hers and placed his hand over her shoulder, gently pulling her in to him. She snuggled closer to him, finally enclosing her eyes, letting her tardiness win over her. “Just sleep!” Nicholas whispered in her ear, as he ran his hands through her hair and pecked the top of her head. He could feel a sensation of warmth developing within the deep vents of his heart, slowly enveloping his entire being. He could feel his old self coming back and close to Earth, where he was before things ruptured for him. He breathed with a sheer sense of satisfaction, something that he had long forgotten the feeling of. Every night, he stayed up, awake and disturbed. Sometimes, it would be his thought of inevitable humiliation that he had to face in front of the world and at times, it would be the fear of future, whereby he thought that things would never change and that he might never get over the hurt that he felt at that moment. But then, there he was, peaceful at last. Holding a beautiful woman in his arms, that he just made sweet love to. Soon he felt Althea’s soft breath fanning his chest and as her body vibrated gently, he could tell that sleep had already taken over her. He slightly moved her away and looked down at her face, that glowed even under the dim twinkling lights. Her facial features, were incredibly spectacular in his point of view. Her eyes, were round and even when closed, they carried a certain lifted shape. Her nose, straight and slightly healthy and not too pointy, that otherwise looked a bit too spurious. Her cheeks perfectly contoured, separated by a sheer inward natural line, that emphasized her sharp jawline. She didn’t even need any fillers to accentuate her beauty. He couldn’t believe how he had never looked so keenly and attentively at her face ever before. He was too engrossed always censuring her for her cooking skills, that his eyes went her exceptional features. And even though, there were times, when his eyes would find scanning her body, every now and then but somehow, all of a sudden, Althea looked remarkably outstanding to him. As he ran a hand through her hair, he realized that her hair were incredibly long as well, that reached her back. Was it also the first time, he was noticing their length? He scoffed, at his own absent mindedness. The first thing, he always scrutinized in a woman was her looks and yet, there he couldn’t believe that he had fallen for a woman’s cooking skills. The last thing he ever thought, he would ever find attractive in anybody. He sighed, feeling the contentment in his heart, finally filling his eyes with sleep. He tightened his hold around Althea, resting his head over hers and closed his eyes, not wanting to think much about how he would deal with things in the future and simply wanted to preserve that night as one of the most beautiful nights of his life. -------------------------------- Well? What do you guys think about Nicholas and Althea? Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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