82. Open For Tonight!

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“Are you alright?” Nicholas inquired from Althea, noticing her weltered actions, that definitely seemed to suggest that Althea’s actions were off the spectrum of normal behavior. Althea on the other hand, contemplated. And even if she was alright, she wouldn’t know, unless and until she didn’t do the deed that would determine the status of her mental and physical well being. “Only one way to find out.” With that, she attached her lips to Nicholas’s mouth and began kissing him feverishly, planting all of her weight on to him. Nicholas lost balance, which made him take a few steps back but he made sure to immediately hold on to Althea’s waist and not fall down. He continued to fall back until his knees hit the edge of the bed and he pummeled on to the soft mattress, getting absorbed in the sheets, with Althea on top of her. His eyes bulged for a second, when Althea suddenly attached her lips with his and pushed her weight on to him. But his eyes shut down right away, the moment he felt her soft lips moving along with his. His body didn’t need to apply much work or force when it came to Althea. Everything just went on to happen in a perfect flow and motion. His hands traveled to her back and he grabbed her ore rigidly, pushing her weight further on to him, making her lose balance and crash right down on top of him. Her breast crashed in to his hard rock chest, which roared his inner lion. He groaned, feeling her soft breast planted on top of him and ran a hand through her back, reaching up for her hair. His other hand found her buttocks, which he grabbed and squeezed hard, cupping the perfect semi circular curve of her body with his cold palms, that had beginning to turn hot, as his hormones began circulating through his body and blood rushed deep and straight to his groin, igniting vigor in his body, that demanded for him to have Althea in her entirety. His other hand reached for the back of her neck and once he grabbed that, he pushed her upwards, removing his mouth of hers and began kissing her neck. He left sloppy kisses down her jawline and further down her entire neck. Even in the dim lights of the room, he could see the slight purple blemishes of his previous bites and the voracious need inside him screamed to make that mark darker and the most luster thing that one could see even when the lights are entirely gone. Moving his mouth to that particular spot, right between Althea’s collar bone and neck, and in line with her shoulder bone, Nicholas licked that spot gently, which made Althea moan out lowly at first. She planted her hands on both of her sides and on to the bed, grabbing a fistful of the sheets, as she felt an unsurmountable amount of pleasure building up inside her body. Nicholas bit her neck vivaciously and sucked on to the held part in between his teeth. Althea strengthened her hold on the sheets and gasped audibly, as she felt a stinging sensation at first but soon the pain even though it stayed, it became tolerable and within a glimpse turned into an accelerator for pleasure, that somehow became thousands of times more accentuated, deeming to yearn that completion of cranial feeling that aroused in both of their bodies and hearts. Nicholas’s hold on Althea’s buttocks, hardened, making her squint her eyes at once, while his bite became ferocious and sterner. Satisfied at once, as he removed his mouth and knew that it mark would remain visible on Althea’s skin for days, he moved away and on to her collar bone, kissing her softly and deeply, as he was about to accelerate a step of the entire process, from where there was going to be no returning. He straightened up Althea, who sat up on his torso, with her legs divided on both of his sides. Nicholas lifted the hem of her shirt and she assisted him, taking that pieces of her body. She always wore dresses around the house but that day, she had decided to go with a pair of denim shorts and a regular t shirt, not knowing that the shirt would be taken off by Nicholas, at some point during the day. Once she shirt was off, Nicholas grabbed her wrist and pulled her back, to lean down on her. The feeling of her bare skin, touching so close to his body, grafted a different essence in his mind. His eyes closed, feeling the beauty and sheer pleasure of the moment, as he continued kissing her. His hands traveled over her bare back, with his finger glibly sliding over her skin. Althea felt as if soft rose petals were touching her skin, which made her groan at the back of her throat in pleasure. Nicholas fingers once again found the hook of her bra and losing Althea’s mouth at once, he brought his lips closer to her ears, nibbling with her earlobe, making her squirm underneath his touch, as he had her captivated entirely. “I guess it was meant to stay open for tonight.” He spoke huskily in to her ear, as he finally unhooked the bra and removed it from her back. Althea’s cheeks grew redder, as she sensed that it was the moment, that could never be reversed. She would be naked in front of Nicholas for once and from that, there would be no turning back. Nicholas’s hands grabbed her waist and pulled her up, making her push her face past him and brought her soft breast on to his face. Gently gliding his hands to her front, at first he fondled the two molds, that fit perfectly in his palms. The perfect size! Was the first thing that rung inside his head. Her waist, the curves of her body and the molds that mounted her chest, were so perfectly proportioned in Nicholas’s perspective, that he only wondered if there had been ever a woman in his arms, that felt so starkly impeccable. Snaking one hand behind her back, her pulled her closer and on to his face, earning a more comfortable position, with which he rubbed his nose over the skin of her bosoms. The hot air from his mouth, only felt like an incoming alarm to Althea, who tightened her hold on the sheets, her moans getting louder with every passing second. The sound of her grunts and grumbles, told Nicholas that she was also just as much exigently eager for more, just as much as he was. Pulling her waist slightly up, he pushed her chest down on to him and enclosed the erected n****e of one of her bosom, in his mouth, capturing the soft nipping bud in his mouth. He sucked on to it for a good minute, playing with the tip of her n****e with his tongue, that flickered through it, moistening it, while his other hand fondled the other breast, that he pressed and squeezed it tightly, pushing it upwards, with force, igniting more vigorous passion between their bodies. Althea also swiftly moved her body, vacillating it to and fro, noticing the motion that Nicholas’s own moves demanded from her. With his free hand, secured around the nape of her neck, Nicholas turned Althea around and planted her back on the bed. Getting on top of her, he took his own shirt off and threw it down on the floor, not caring wherever it went to. He looked down at her, panting and heaving, in exasperation and excitement. The rise and fall of her perfectly erect and round bosoms, made Nicholas weak, as the view was perfectly magnanimous for his eyes to simply culminate at once. He closed her eyes and brought his head closer to her chest, gently resting it on top of her body. Althea gently slid her hands through his hair, as Nicholas simply tightened his arms around her waist and rested in complete peace, as he hugged her. “I could stay like this forever.” He gently admitted, feeling no resistance, in being so open and bold about he truly felt about Althea. Althea also simply kept a soft smile on her face, as she continued running her hand through his thick hair. A moment passed by and Nicholas lifted his head up and looked at Althea, with his crystal blue orbs, scanning the beauty of her expressions and face. “Why are you so pretty?” he asked her in a playful tone and Althea shrugged. “My parents’ genes, I guess.” Nicholas couldn’t help but bluff a laugh out. “Your wittiness is something else, Althea Ferrara, do you know that?” Althea nodded, “A little.” Nicholas straightened up and brought his face, up and closer to Althea, gently stealing a kiss off her lips. “I want to go all the way with you? Do you also want that?” He asked, his tone clear and his words emphasizing, showing Althea that he was eager to take their situation to a level, where their carnal needs would be satisfied. Althea slightly parted her lips, taking in a deep breath, gauging through her own personal desires and the oscillating professional restrictions that she needed to carefully stipulate through. But what had she gained her entire life by putting her professional restrictions and principles before everything. For the first time in her life, she felt enticed and enthralled. She felt valor enough to muster up the courage and put her own self first. What personal principles of her own world, would actually be tarnished, if she for once put her own self first. Did her own principles mean more to her, more than her own happiness. She knew that she would be happy if she did cross the limits with Nicholas because it would mean that she would be opening up a new chapter of deep carvings, that might become an epitaph one day but what would she really lose in all of that? Her heart? It was still only craving for her to fulfill her own personal cranial desires and longings. Her mind? It was also set lose, the moment she kissed Nicholas for the first time. What was there for her to lose? She wondered and Nicholas felt niggled due to her longing pause to give him a reply. “Please, tell me what you really want? I want to know too.” Althea smiled softly at him, before she finally caved in and nodded her head. “I want you too.” The buoyancy that bloomed in his heart, clearly appeared on his face, as it lit up with the luster most smile one might had ever seen. With nothing more said, he leaned down and kissed Althea with all of his might. Lifting her up from the bed, still not breaking contact from their lips, Nicholas pushed Althea against a wall and held her neck firmly. He broke contact with her from lips and began kissing her neck. It was a soft kiss to begin with and Althea mind swirled, as she rolled her eyes back in to her head. There was just something so deliriously intricate about the way, Nicholas’s mouth felt on her body. He looked up at her and slyly smirked, “Let’s go…” He told her, grabbing her wrist and walked her towards the door. “What? Where?” Surprised by his sudden change of plans, Althea questioned Nicholas’s motives, who simply took her out of the room. But even in a state of hurry and rush, where there was only one thing on top of his head, Nicholas made sure to not to take Althea out of the room in a bawdy state. He picked up his shirt and slid it on top of Althea’s body. “Can’t risk you taking out like this.” -------------------------------------- Things are about to get quite steamy! Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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