84. Things That Don't Matter

2902 Words
Althea yawned, stretching her limbs out, over on the soft sheet, feeling a slight unease in her lower abdomen, along with her back and legs. She scrunched her nose, as the tedious feeling grew a bit more intense, making her sit up straight in her bed and almost moan with pain, as she tried to straighten up her back. She rubbed the back of her head, trying to replace the idea of why her body pained like hell and just as she darted her eyes on to her body, she squeaked out in sheer shock, finding herself to be entirely naked. She immediately grabbed the comforter, to cover herself up but something heavy tugged over the sheets. She looked to the other side of the bed and her eyes bulged out, as sheer horror appeared on her face. Nicholas, covered with sheets up till his torso, lying with his bare back facing upwards, and the way the sheets barely covered his naked butt, Althea could tell that just like her even the man was entirely naked. She closed her eyes, covering her face with her hands that burned red. She wasn’t even drunk and yet she still felt that the night before was intensely blurry and full of sketchy moments. Flashes of her sweated body rubbing up and close with Nicholas’s ran through her mind. She groaned, running a hand through her, as she felt the spot between her legs, that already throbbed in pain, moisten instantly, at the mere remembrance of what had occurred in the night before. She enclosed her face in her palms, having a heart void of regrets but a mind full of shame. The way she had gotten so shameless the night before, leaning on top of Nicholas, as he sucked on to her bosoms and then lying down underneath her, with her legs spread out like a hawk, moaning and demanding for more for lifting her body and moving her hips along with him. She turned her face towards Nicholas and watched him, lying in an extremely tranquilized state. The two had definitely worn each other out the night before and the way Nicholas laid with his arms spread out on each of his side, showed how much he was recharging himself during that sleep. She moved towards him, getting a closer look of his face, with his side profile visible to her. Very intricately, she ran her hands along his jawline and reached out for her nose. Her eyes darted towards his back and the signs of her nails, with his she had scratched her back and dug them deep in to his skin, were quite evidential. The blush of her cheeks darkened, as the sensual arousal inside her intensified as well. Her fingertips itched for her to reach out and trace down those very marks that she left on her body but instead, her hands reached out for her own neck as well, where she remembered all those placed where Nicholas had bit her, whilst they had s*x and left the mark of his s****l arousing on her body. She felt a movement on the other side of the bed, that startled her out of her thoughts and she gasped inaudibly, as she watched Nicholas stirring up in his sleep. That startled Althea, who immediately slid back on the bed and hid herself in the sheets. Soon she felt Nicholas change positions and then she felt a weight being lifted off the mattress. A moment passed after which she heard the door of the bathroom shut close, assuring her that Nicholas had left the bedroom. She sighed, lifting the quilt off her face and sat up straight, in order to sneak out of the bedroom. But the moment she straightened up, her eyes came in direct contact with Nicholas’s cobalt ones. He stood wearing nothing but his boxers, with his hands crossed across his chest and a daunting look covering his face. Althea’s eyes bulged out in utter surprise and before she could’ve reacted, Nicholas jumped up on top of her, entrapping her in between his arms. “Is this going to be a regular thing, whereby you share the same bed with me at night and then in the morning try to hide away from me?” Nicholas rose the question, reminding Althea that she had done the same thing, a morning before as well, when Nicholas didn’t make love to her but still slept in her bed, to accompany her when she was scared of the thunderbolts and lightening. Althea shook her head, still choosing to remain mum. “Oh! So, it might change one day? Shall I remain hopeful.” He joked, leaning down against Althea’s face, which made her squirm a bit back in the bed. “One day?” She asked, in sheer surprise, sensing that Nicholas proposed in a concealed manner, that the night before where they had their little rendezvouses, wasn’t going to be their first and only night. Nicholas hummed, “Yeah! Why? You don’t want me anymore?” Nicholas c****d an eyebrow, wanting to read through Althea’s mind. Althea on the contrary remained muddled, not knowing what exactly should she answer. “Oh my God!” Nicholas took offense to her silence and sat up straight, making Althea sit up as well, holding sheets over her chest. “I was just a one night thing for you? You just literally used me for one night and now you plan on discarding me.” He stated, bringing his hands closer to his chest, feeling exposed and manipulated. Althea’s eyes widened in utter shock, as she realized that Nicholas was taking the entire thing out of context. “What? No!” She yelled out loud, shaking her head in defiance. “Really? Then, what was it for you? If not a one night thing? I should’ve known it! I am too perfect and any girl would use me just for my perfectly amazing body. Gosh! Why am I too gullible. This is exactly what happens when you have an innocent mind and an amazing body. People just use you and discard you.” “Oh my God! I totally did not use you or mean to do so.” Althea finally spoke up in her defense. “Really? Then what was it that happened between us?” he sat up in a much more composed and directed position, turning his entire attention at Althea, holding her accountable for her indictive misdeed. “I don’t know. I mean, we could talk it out and figure it out along the way.” She suggested, feeling indicted of a crime that she never intended to commit. “What do you want to talk about? How you will further use me for just my body?” Did I just use Nicholas? She asked her own self. Of course, her mind wandered every now and then, drooling and swooning over the man’s chiseled chest and his broad shoulders. The perfect tan of his skin and the voluptuous muscle mass that he carried on his biceps, that made his body of the perfect proportion that drove Althea’s s****l harness insane, was beyond any comparison. And his physical appearance did add to the attraction that Althea felt towards him. But it was never just his physical appearance that pulled her so magnificently towards Nicholas, that made her lay down underneath him and open her legs so easily for him. In fact, he was generous, understanding, polite at times for sure and that also once he warms up towards someone and also one with a hand always open to help. He respected her not just as a someone he held attraction for but instead, he respected her as a woman and that was something that Althea thought she would never find in any man. There were many things that accounted for the reason why she willingly, spent the night on Nicholas’s bed, having a sensuous moment that each and every inch of her body devoured and enjoyed. But just his body alone, could’ve never made her go down on her back like the way she did the night before. There definitely were a large number of reasons why Althea submitted in so easily to Nicholas. “Wow! Your silence says it all. I was nothing but a piece of meat for you to chew on and throw it away.” Nicholas concluded and got up to leave but Althea immediately grabbed his wrist with one hand, securing the comforter over her chest with another and held Nicholas back. “No! you weren’t.” she told him, making Nicholas look at her with concern. “Then what was I to you? What was it, that happened between us tonight.” “Something celestial, I guess?” she stated, making Nicholas scrunch his nose in confusion. Seeing his confused expressions, even Althea laughed out a bit. “I don’t know how to word it exactly, okay? But I was not with you last night only because I wanted a good time for one night. No! in fact, if you ask me then, I guess your body was the last thing that made me fall for you. Yes, your physical appearance do add to a factor that I am attracted towards you but I guess, I still would’ve fallen for you the same way and had done the deed with you, just like I did last night, even if you didn’t look the same.” “Really? Even if I was say bald? Had a huge belly and a small p***s?” Althea laughed out loud. “What you are trying to make sound like flaws are nothing but just normal features on any guy. Size and physical appearances don’t matter. Specially for girls because when they fall in love, everything becomes exceptional. The s*x, the guy that they love, everything just becomes marvelous and Nicholas the way I was with you tonight, for me was not a one night thing. It was special. It was something very close to my heart. I would’ve still laid down with you, had you had all the attributes that you were just telling me about.” She laughed lightly, making Nicholas look at her with warmth settling in his eyes. “Really?” “Of course. It wasn’t something superficial or merely physical for me Nicholas. It was something special and I am not the only one determining the course of events in our situation. It has to be from both sides.” “Okay, so what is the situation from your side? Do you want to continue our little rendezvouses in secret?” Althea shrugged, holding back her urge to smile widely, “Of course I do.” Nicholas hummed, “So, it is done then.” With that declaration, he got up ready to leave but Althea called him out. “What is done?” “That we will continue to perform our little adventurous acts, for every night to come ahead of us.” Althea’s eyebrows rose in clear surprise. “Every night seriously?” “I said adventurous acts, that could include a lot of other things. Or do you just want to…” He leaned down, lingering over Althea, who rolled away, moving from underneath him. Nicholas smirked, resting his hands against the headboard of the bed, understanding how Althea was being playful with him. He looked at her and held a devious smirk. “You do know that now even if you try and act physically aloof from me, it will not work with me. Because you just admitted to my face that you want to be with me.” Althea’s face fell with bafflement, as Nicholas won the game of wits and she realized that very cunningly and connivingly, he had made her confess her true feelings for him. “Now, if you want I can stay back and annoy you more but since you just admitted and we decided to have more nights together. I’ll save the teasing and annoying for further nights to come.” With that he walked towards the washroom and Althea also got out of the bed, wearing her clothes on. She hated how Nicholas had extracted such a heartfelt confession out of him, with such a meticulous move and that also by playing the exploited and maneuvered victim, while he was the entire opposite of that. Althea squinted her eyes, as she finally got dressed and turned to have the last word in her conversation with Nicholas, refusing to abdicate without having at least won one battle in their war of wits. She went towards the bathroom and knocked the door, which startled Nicholas, who also opened up the door. “I knew that you would want to join me in…” Nicholas chimed with excitement, hoping that his desire to have Althea in the shower with him would come to be true. “No! I am just here to tell you that I just agreed for our nights to be shared and spent together. It doesn’t mean that you get to have my days.” Nicholas sighed, a bit dejected but the sight of Althea was enough to have him smiling vivaciously at her, as leaning his head over the door and simply shrugged. “Don’t worry, I have my ways to make your days mine as well.” Althea’s mouth hung open at his atrocious words. She rolled her eyes and shrugged a bit superciliously, walking back inside the bedroom, reaching out for the door to finally exit Nicholas’s den. She held a bit sense of pride when she felt that she turned down Nicholas’s desire to be in the shower with him. Although it was to the dismay of the hormones inside her, she still decided to hold her head high and not be the only one to have been played in that moment. She had just reached for the doorknob when Nicholas called out for her, still standing in the door of the bathroom. “By the way Althea! Do you have any makeup with you?” “What? Why? Now you like girls who wear makeup and want me to start dolling up for you?” Nicholas smirked, understanding the insinuation coming from Althea, who assumed him to be just like every other guy, who preferred a woman dolled and dressed, looking all spurious at times. Nicholas clicked his tongue to reply negatively to Althea’s remarks. “You know what? Why don’t you find a mirror and you’ll see it for yourself. And then, you would understand why you shouldn’t have used that smart mouth of yours to run back with altercations and instead should’ve asked me for help with that same, pretty little mouth of yours.” Althea felt muddled by his words and simply decided to ignore Nicholas’s remarks, leaving his room and making sure to sneak out of the west wing and back to her room. She felt relieved that no one saw her leaving Nicholas’s room, that also in his shirt. But once she was finally back and inside her room, she took his shirt off and threw it over the bed. She was about to walk away when she grabbed it and took a sniff out of it. It smelled, just like him. Cedarwood, spice and slight notes of lavender. That aroma was very intense but very unique. She remembered, having that odor embedded deep within her olfactory. That scent of his, had somehow become layered somewhere in her mind and even when she would not be around him, she would still smell him and him only. Smiling to her own self, she took that shirt with her and placed it inside her own bag that she had kept in the upper shelves of one of the closets. She made sure to keep it hidden, so that no one would get to see it ever and also she would have a souvenir from Nicholas to keep forever. She turned to leave to get ready for the day’s first cook off but stopped when her eyes landed on the wall length mirror in front of her. She was naked from her upper half and her eyes looked at her body in complete and utter shock. Looking at herself in the mirror, she finally understood what Nicholas meant by his words. Everything that felt encrypted to her, finally became clear, when she saw the marks on her body, spreading out till her breasts. Deep, dark and blue and purple marks, encircled with red spots, that showed where the spread of the love bites that Nicholas made Althea had been marked down. Some marks were big and some were small but they were numerous. She couldn’t believe it with her own eyes, how her entire body was smudged with those spots and the process of their creation that she had enjoyed the night before had left an imprint on her and they were quite visible and she would surely be needing not just a little but a whole lot of makeup to cover them up. ------------------------- Do you guys agree with what Althea said about when a woman falls in love and physical and material things don't matter to them anymore? Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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