Chapter 6

2436 Words
One Month Later I’ve figured out that sleeping with cotton balls in my ears is the better idea. It helps ensure I remain asleep even when Abel has a guest over. He hasn’t tried to kiss me since that day I ended up in his room, which is a relief. Every other week, I get an early night and take full advantage of it by going to bed early. It’s the best in such a shitty situation. I turn 18 today, and I’m scared. What am I going to do? This is also the year where I will experience going into heat for the first time. Can my life get any worse? I wake up, push myself out of bed, and get up for the day. As I pass the door to Abel’s apartment everything inside me freezes. I sense something alluring, but it can’t be. No, he is forbidden, admitting this pull will sign my death. With a shaky breath, I force myself to walk away and begin my work for the day. “My bedding needs to be cleaned again,” Abel announces as he enters the room. I look up at him and then force myself to look away. Does he know? I turn my attention back to dusting the shelves, only to feel him wrap his arms around me. “Are you angry with me?” He whispers. His tone sounds hopeful. “Why would I be angry with you? It seems you like to have the loudest guests you can find. It’s a wonder the sheets are the only thing needing to be cleaned.” I comment. He chuckles the kisses my neck. “What are you implying? Do you not think I clean myself enough, Janelle?” His teeth nip at my ear lobe. “I was referring to the dirty mattress covered in stains as much as your youngest brothers’ mattresses,” I state pulling out of his arms. Abel chuckles and shakes his head as he leaves. I breathe a sigh of relief now that he’s gone. I cannot be linked to him. This is a cruel joke the Moon Goddess is playing on me, why does this have to be? I’m just about finished with the laundry when I hear a commotion in the hallway outside the laundry room. I take a peak and see someone lugging a mattress wrapped in plastic up to Abel’s room. Gee, did he take my comment as an insult? Oh, I hope that’s not going to come back to bite me. I’m already screwed when it comes to him, I don’t want to have my mouth getting me in more trouble. As soon as the men returned with the old dirty and stained mattress, I slipped upstairs to make the bed knowing I needed to before I could say the day was done. Not to mention Helga requested that I also clean this apartment and bathroom as part of my weekly chores. As I finish making his bed, I can’t help but feel a tear slide down my cheek. How can this be my life? I hear footsteps on the stairs and move along to the bathroom to clean. I need to finish this apartment quickly. “Did you see my new mattress?” Abel asks me from the doorway of the bathroom. “Yes, but I…” His lips on mine cut my sentence off. “Abel,” “MMM, say my name again just like that,” He whispered against my lips. “Please,” I try to speak. He lifts me into his arms and carries me out of the bathroom, laying me down on his bed all while his lips are molding with my own. As he presses me to the mattress, my entire world starts spinning. “Abel… I’ve…” “No?” He asked looking at me. “Never,” I reply. “You’re 18 now, I can see it in your eyes. You know.” He smiled before kissing me again. “When did you turn 18?” “Today,” I answer as his hands slip under my shirt. “Please, I…” “I’ll be gentle, little wolf.” Abel husks as he tugs at my pants. “No one has to know just yet, but I need you, Janelle.” My mind is swimming. My wolf is crying for more, my body feels like it’s on fire, while my mind is screaming, I’m going to be killed for this. I feel him enter me, tearing my v****a as he pushes his manhood inside of me. I cry out in pain, only for his hand to clasp over my mouth. “The pain will pass, but you can’t be so loud. Later tonight you can be, but not now.” He whispers as he begins to move his manhood. I close my eyes, trying to calm everything down. My entire body is on autopilot and overdrive at the same time. I can’t control a single emotion as he continues to have s*x with me. His lips find mine again as a moan escapes my throat. “Abel,” I whisper as I try to grasp onto something. “Janelle, oh baby.” He pants as he lifts my legs higher around his waist and begins to thrust faster into me. His hand covers my mouth as the moans of pleasure begin to pour out of me. Oh Goddess, what is happening right now? I feel an orgasm zap through me and shiver under him as his lips find mine again. I feel something come out of him with a loud grunt as he stills on top of me before kissing me and continuing to move a bit slower before finally pulling out of me and falling onto the bed next to me. I lay there trembling trying to wrap my head around everything that just happened. He gets out of bed and walks to the bathroom where he turns on the water. Right, I need to get up and clean myself up, but as I sit up a sharp pain radiates through me from my v****a. I hiss in discomfort just as he comes back into the room. He wraps me in a cradle and carries me to the bathroom before lowering me into the bathtub which he is filling with warm water. I let my head lull back against the tub soaking in the relaxation and warmth. “Are you okay?” Abel asks. His voice is full of concern. “I’ve never been with someone who hasn’t had s*x before. I didn’t hurt you, did I?” “I’ll be okay,” I answered. “Janelle, I… Please, tell me. Did I hurt you?” Abel looks pained as he meets my eyes and reaches out to touch me. “No, I’m just… It’s normal for someone’s first time.” I assure him. “I’m sorry,” He repeats. “I… Can you forgive me?” “You didn’t do anything wrong,” I replied sitting up. “I need to get back to work.” “No, sit. I’ll tell my mom I have you cleaning something extra in my apartment.” Abel states, standing up. “Don’t get out until I come back up here, understand?” “Yes, sir.” “Don’t… Say… that… to… me…” The anger in his eyes as he forces each word out through his teeth. “I’m sorry, I will remain right here, Abel.” I force a smile. He leans down and kisses me before leaving. I remain in the tub until the water gets cold, and I climb out shivering. Did he forget I was up here waiting for him? I wrap myself in a towel, dry off, then pull my clothes back on, before going back to work cleaning his bathroom. I’m sore, but I can power through it. As I exit the bathroom, I glance at the bed and see the blood on the bedding. Oh, my goddess. I strip the bed once more and bring the bedding to the wash to clean. I exit the laundry room and almost walk straight into Helga. “Abel said you were cleaning his room as he had a guest over last night that spilled a few drinks.” She informed me. “Yes, Ma’am. I have been trying my best to remove the stains.” I’m hoping the blood doesn’t stain, but I’m not telling her that. “Good, here’s your dinner.” She states handing me the plate. “And girl.” “Yes, Ma’am?” “Don’t let me find out you are seducing my son.” She warns. I swallow hard. “I’m not ma’am.” “Good,” She turns and walks away. In my room, I set my plate on the table and began to shake. I’m going to be killed. The moon goddess tricked me and sentenced me to a death that would be long and painful. Suddenly I have no appetite and just want to curl up on my bed and cry. When the machine buzzes in the other room, I wipe my tears and force myself to go switch the load to the dryer. He has taken my innocence and his family has taken my freedom. I return to my room and curl up wanting nothing more than to disappear. So much for my 18th birthday. The laundry finishes and I have to go remake his bed. This is just torture. I’m just about finished straightening the covers when he enters his room. I glance at him, then quickly finish my task before walking towards the stairs. He wraps me in a hug from behind and just holds me in place. “I got called away for work, it couldn’t be avoided.” He whispered kissing my neck. “Please don’t be angry with me.” “I’m not,” I reply trying to keep my voice level as I feel like I’m falling apart. “I need to go to sleep, excuse me.” I try to pull out of his embrace, but he doesn’t release me. “You are angry with me, I can hear it in your voice.” He whispers spinning me around to face him. “How can I make it up to you, Janelle?” He asks kissing my lips as he pulls me with him back to his bed. “Abel, not again,” I plead. “Janelle, I don’t want another woman. I only used substitutes until today, please. Don’t make me beg.” He states as he pulls off my pants. “I want to see all of you,” He insists as he tugs my shirt off before stripping his pants off. He lifts the covers with a grin. “After you, these covers are warm. Fresh out of the dryer.” “I know, I just made this bed again.” He wraps an arm around my waist as he climbs into bed, towing me with him under the covers. “If you don’t want to have s*x, say so now, Janelle. But don’t expect me to be faithful if you refuse.” “Faithful?” “The moon goddess is testing my patience with you, little wolf.” He growls as he leans in and kisses my lips. “I’ve waited so long to find you, then you took another month to catch up. Now, I have you, and I want you completely.” He moves so that I’m pressed to the mattress underneath him again. He pulls my legs apart before sliding his manhood into me again. A moan escapes my lips as he begins thrusting with excitement. I dig my nails into his shoulders as my moans get louder with every thrust pushing me closer to my climax. Damn, I’m definitely going to die soon at the hands of his mother. “Oh… Abel… Oh… OH… YEEESSSSS.” I shiver under him as my climax shudders through me. He doesn’t stop though; this time he speeds up with more urgency causing me to experience a double take of an orgasm. When he finishes, he pulls out of me and drops onto the bed beside me with a sigh. “Now that… That was worth the wait.” He chuckles propping himself up on his elbow and leaning in to kiss me. He climbs out of bed and disappears into the bathroom, only to return wiping off his p***s and tossing me a hand towel. “I’m not going to leave you a mess,” He comments before climbing back into the bed. I take the towel, clean up between my legs, and start to get out of his bed, only for him to wrap his arms around my waist and pull me back. “Where are you going?” “I need to get sleep. I have to wake up at seven.” I state. “Stay with me,” he requests. “I can’t. I just told your mother today that I’m not seducing you. When she finds out we had s*x… I wish your father just killed me when he found me in that cave. Save me the mental torment…” I begin to sob. “The moon goddess is being so cruel to me. First, she let my baby brother and sister be slaughtered, and now this…” “Shhh, it’s okay,” Abel whispers sitting up to pull me in close. “I’m not going to let anyone hurt you. You are safe with me.” His kisses seem to help calm me as I relax against his chest while he kisses my neck and cheek. When I finish crying, I wipe my eyes and force him to let me go. “I need to go to my room. Being here today has been so risky, I can’t keep pushing my luck.” I say as I gather my clothes and head downstairs to my room. In my room, I take a quick shower to wash his scent off of me. If they smell him on me, they will know. I thought for sure Helga was going to kill me this afternoon, but since I was just carrying his bedsheets down, she probably assumed that’s how his scent got on me. He keeps saying he won’t let anyone hurt me, yet he keeps putting me in positions where if someone smells him on me, I’m dead. How can my life get any worse?
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