Chapter 7

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Abel I waited a month to be with her, and now she’s still too scared to give in. This will not stand, but she is afraid of my mother’s warning to her. I could have been more gentle with her yesterday, but the excitement of having her know was too much to contain. I felt guilty every time I took another woman to bed, but I needed to get it out of my system. One thing I wouldn’t do was force my mate to lay with me. She cried today because she realized that I had multiple others in the past month knowing she is mine, though she wouldn’t tell me. When my mother and father told me they got a servant to help with the house chores, I was expecting someone I could ignore. Not my mate, then I saw the handprint on her face the second day I was home and she just told me it was fine. I hate hearing that it’s fine, it’ll heal. I need to protect her more. I woke up this morning and saw she was still sleeping. As peaceful and beautiful as she looked I knew she needed to get up. The last thing I need is for my father to have to wake her up. I fear he was the one who harmed her last time, but without her telling me, I have no proof. I kiss her soft lips wanting to pleasure her again, but know I have to wait. Goddess, this is torture for me. I have to talk to my parents. Uncle Vin will understand, she’s my mate. Dad told me we were not to tell Uncle Vin about the slave. I leave her room and walk to the kitchen for breakfast before I have to go do my patrol of the territory. “Dad, I need to talk to you,” I announce when I enter the kitchen. “Later son, you have patrol today, correct? First round.” My father noted. “Yes,” I answered. Dad’s excited because it’ll make him my boss. He’s the head warrior for our pack. It’s not much, but he’s the youngest son of three to the former Alpha. His eldest brother, Vinny is the current Alpha, and Clayton, the middle brother is the pack Beta. Why my dad isn’t the pack’s Gamma I never understood as Gamma is a higher rank within the pack than head Warrior. However, I believe it has something to do with my mother. It’s not discussed, but I know the tension within the family shows when Uncle Vin comes over for dinner. “Good, I know you’ll make us proud,” My Dad replies. “Hopefully we won’t be going to war again for a while.” “It’s been four months since the last one,” I note. “I’m aware,” My dad gruffs as my siblings all enter the kitchen for breakfast. “Do you think there will be a retaliation? It’s been awfully quiet in four months. Usually there’s a retaliation.” I add. “There can’t be a retaliation if there were no survivors on the other side son.” My dad informed me. “None?” “None that can be known about,” he glanced at the clock. “Curse that girl, she’s really going to make me have to wake her up again? You would think she learned her lesson last month when she slept in.” He grumbled standing up. “She’s awake. I saw her go into the laundry room when I came downstairs.” I supply. I hope she comes out of her room soon. “Good,” he seems to calm down. “That is one smart wolf, a quick learner too. Your mother is very pleased with her.” “Mother deserves the help, she seems less tired now,” I note. “Yes, though she complains that the girl doesn’t speak enough. I guess that’s my fault. I scare everyone.” My dad grinned. “I have a similar effect,” I add knowing how much we look alike. I finish eating and then return to my room to change for the day. I pack my gym bag knowing I plan to work out on my lunch break and head downstairs. In the main room, I see her cleaning up the toys and books my siblings have thrown everywhere, why mom allows that I’m not sure. The kids have left, and Dad just walked out closing the door behind him. I hear my mom in the nursery with baby Sadie, leaving Janelle alone, just like I like her. I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her thin frame. She’s so small I’m afraid I’ll break her if I squeeze too tightly. I was worried I’d injure her in bed, which is why I waited for her to be 18 and know we were mates before I pushed for more. I kiss her neck and hear a low moan. “I have work, but I’ll be back,” I whisper in her ear. “My sheets will need to be washed again today.” “I know,” she stated in anger. “What’s wrong?” “Nothing, I need to work.” She tries to pull out of my arms, but I hold her in place. “You’re angry, I can hear it in your tone. You’ve been angry with me since last night.” “I’m a slave, Abel. You took advantage of that, twice.” She whispered. “No, Janelle. Don’t say that, you know you are more than that disgusting title to me.” My voice breaks as I realize what she’s saying. I kiss her neck and close my eyes trying not to cry. “We both know the truth. I will tell them all. They won’t harm you.” “Please let me go, I have work to do.” She replied pulling free from my arms. I grab her and spin her to face me before kissing her lips. “I will be thinking of you today,” I say. I lean in close to her ear and whisper, “You are my mate, Janelle.” When I pull away her eyes look like they are about to pop. “Don’t forget it.” I smile at her, then turn and leave the house. She’s just so cute, all the expressions she does fill me with delight. ************************************ Janelle My Mate… his words echo in my head as he walks out the door. I know this, but I never expected him to say it out loud. Not to mention, the fact that he seems happy about it. I’m less than half his size and he still wants me as his mate? I’m a slave in his parent's house, a captive from a war with my pack, and he wants me to be his mate? I finish cleaning the parlor and head to the kids' rooms to clean and organize them. Of course, not just one but both younger boys wet the bed last night, leaving me three beds worth of linen to wash today. At least I can save his for last as he won’t tell his parents I failed to complete the laundry in time. “Girl, the nursery needs to be cleaned. Also, wash the bedding.” Helga orders from the doorway. “Yes, ma’am.” “There’s clean linen for the crib in the closet of the nursery.” She instructs. “Yes, ma’am.” She walks away, and I quickly finish the room and then go to the nursery. I know I don’t have a lot of time before the baby goes down for a nap, so I want to get the nursery complete before I continue with the bedrooms. The good thing about the crib linens is they are small enough to be added to a load with the other child’s bedding to save me time. I vacuum the floor in the nursery as well as dust to ensure it is perfect for Helga before I go back to the other bedrooms. I finish a second room, then switch over the laundry knowing I still have to make two beds once their linens are done. I also wipe the plastic bedding off to ensure the urine is gone before I try to remake the bed with clean laundry. At this rate, Abel should get a plastic sheet for his bed. I don’t want to know what kind of mess his sheets look like. I finish cleaning the rooms and make one of the two beds, then strip Abel’s bed expecting to see more blood. Except there’s no blood on the sheets, just wet marks. I find the dirty towels and his hamper full of laundry and bring it all down to be washed. So much for me only having bedding to do. As I wait for the machines to finish running their loads, I begin sweeping the floors and mopping them. Finally, I make the last bed for the kids and begin dusting the furniture. I finish dusting the main room, just as the first kid arrives home. I left the room to go tend to the rest of Abel’s laundry as I did get to it the day before as I had no idea where it was in his room. I go up to make his bed, and vacuum, dust, and clean the apartment knowing I haven’t done much in his room except clean the bedding. I finish, go downstairs to the laundry room, fold his laundry then put it away. As I’m coming out of Abel’s room, Helga meets me in the hallway. “What were you doing up there?” “Cleaning, ma’am. He requested that his bedding be washed today, and I know it needed a good scrubbing as I haven’t cleaned there in a week.” I admit. “I was looking for you,” Helga stated. “I’m sorry, ma’am. I will try better to be where you know I am.” “Conrad came home and just vomited everywhere. I was looking for assistance to clean the mess while I helped him clean himself up.” Helga replied. “I really wish these kids would stop trying to eat non-food products at school, or at least have a teacher pay more attention.” I follow her out to the main room, and the smell is overpowering. I’m not sure who Conrad is but man, he projectile vomited everywhere. I run to the laundry room to get a bucket and rags, filling the bucket with a cleaning solution before going to the room and cleaning it up. I’m just about to dump the bucket of dirty water when I hear another scream and crying coming from a bedroom down the corridor. I run over to see what I can do to help, and see one of the youngest boys vomited all over Helga. He got the entire front of her, the floor, and his wall. I quickly run to the bathroom and bring out an armful of towels, hand one to Helga and one to Conrad. Before cleaning up more. “Something is wrong,” Helga announced. “I’ve never had a kid vomit like this.” “Ma’am?” I’m not sure what she wants me to say, but when I hear him begin to dry heave again, I dump a pail of toys out and toss the pail to him just as more vomit comes out. Helga looks at me, then at her son as if she’s wondering what to do. “I need to take him to the healer, Serge, Abel, Quil and Gus are all out. I need to leave you in charge.” Helga stated. “Ma’am?” “Don’t ma’am me, girl. Gus and Quil left for training today, which leaves Nia as the oldest in the house at 13. No, I can not trust her to look after the others. I need to leave you to do so. Have you taken care of an infant before?” Helga asked as Conrad began vomiting again. “Yes, ma’am. My brother… He was six months old, and my sister was 6.” I admitted. Her eyes took on a sympathetic look, “I can trust you to care for Sadie? The others are self-sufficient enough, just don’t let them leave the house. The only one who will give you trouble would be Masey. She’s a hellion but being number 6 she has it easy.” “Yes, ma’am. I can help.” “Good, hopefully we won’t be long at the healer. I will ask Abel or Serge to get home sooner rather than later. I apologize for adding this to your chores.” Helga replied. She picked Conrad up and carried him out of the house. I returned to his room to clean up the vomit mess. Put his comforter in the wash again and began scrubbing the floors. “Is Conrad going to be okay?” A little boy asked from the doorway. “Yes,” I gave him a smile trying to reassure him. “Weldon, what did Conrad eat at school? You two are always eating things that you shouldn’t,” Masey demanded. “I’m not sure. I only eat paste and dough. Conrad eats the erasers and things.” Weldon defended. Masey scoffed in annoyance. “Honest, Masey I didn’t see him eat anything. Maybe a bug at recess.” “He’s eaten plenty of bugs before. Look at this mess.” Masey gestured to the room. “Where are your two other siblings?” I ask Masey. She gasped. “You’re not supposed to speak to us.” Masey snapped. “Your mom left me in charge, I’m not going to boss you around. I just want to know where everyone is.” I explain. “Tomorrow, I promise I will not speak to you.” “Nia’s in her room, and Fletcher is in the parlor watching television.” She sighed. “Why’d she leave you in charge? You’re just a servant.” “Because I’m the oldest one here. Your dad and brothers are away, and she had to take Conrad to the healer.” I explained. “Servant or not, oldest is left to see to the safety of the younger ones.” “I’m seven, I know how to be safe.” “I’m sure you do,” I assure her. “But do you know how to change the baby’s diaper?” “Eww, gross. Mom does all that.” Masey was dejected. “But she’s not here, so if you were in charge you’d have to do it.” “Sadie does massive poops. I am not changing that.” Masey states wrinkling her nose. “You can clean the gross stuff, just don’t tell me what to do.” “The only thing I’m going to say is that your mom said no one is allowed outside. Other than that, be safe and have fun.” I state, standing up to empty my bucket of dirty water. I need to refill it. Masey scurried off to her room, while Weldon just stood in the hall near the door of Conrad’s room. I returned with a fresh bucket and saw Weldon still standing there looking lost. The more I look at Weldon, the more I realize Conrad is possibly his twin brother. I’ll have to ask Abel if we ever have a serious conversation where he’s not trying to have s*x with me. The cook announces dinner while I’m feeding the baby a bottle. Thankfully, Helga had some bottles in the mini-fridge in the nursery. I hear the front door open, and I panic. I get up carrying the baby with me and check to see who’s there. Serge looks at me with rage in his eyes. “What do you think you’re doing?” He demands. “Who said you can touch my child?” “Sir, your wife…” I stammer trying not to panic as I’m holding a baby. “Your son is ill; she took him to the healer. I’m sorry, she…” “Which son?” He asked me, his tone a little softer. “Conrad. There was no one else to watch them.” I reply. “Where are my other kids?” “Having dinner. I cleaned the boy’s room… No more vomit, but the baby was hungry. I found the bottles in the nursery.” I explain trying to keep myself from trembling. Serge walks to the kitchen without another word. I walk back to the nursery with the baby as she finishes her bottle. I burp her, then lay her down for sleep. As I exit the nursery, Serge is waiting for me. “The kids are going to bed, I’m going to the healer. When Abel gets home, you may go to bed, do not go to bed until one of us is home, understand girl?” “Yes, sir.” I nod. “The kitchen can be cleaned and whatever else Helga has you do during the day. Do not answer the door, and don’t think this will be a new thing.” Serge warned before storming out of the house. I can’t tell if he’s angry with me or concerned for his son, but he’s scary. I genuinely fear for my life when he’s around. If it wasn’t for the stupid mate bond, I’d feel the same way about Abel as he looks exactly like his father. I finished cleaning the kitchen, picking up the main rooms again, organizing the shoes so they don’t look so messy, and go get Conrad’s blanket from the dryer to put on his bed. “Girl, can you read me a bedtime story? My mom always does.” Weldon calls from his bed. “Umm. I’m not really supposed to.” I reply. “He can’t sleep without Conrad. I’ll tell Dad that Weldon requested,” Masey replied. “Okay,” I walk in, sit down in a chair near his bed, and read two stories before he’s asleep. I put the books and chair away and exited his room. “You’re not all that bad, it’s nice having another girl in the house,” Masey smiled before closing her door. I walk back to the main room and see Abel coming back down the corridor. “There you are. What are you doing over there? I know the rules they gave you.” Abel whispered pulling me in for a hug and looking around to make sure I was not going to get in trouble. “Your parents are at the healer with Conrad, he was vomiting excessively and your mom was worried. She left me in charge, and then your dad left me in charge until you got home. I’m tired now and wish to go to bed. Goodnight Abel.” “Hey, don’t be like that. I missed you,” he whispered tilting my chin up and kissing my lips. “I smell like vomit and baby s**t. I just spent the last three hours cleaning up your brother’s projectile vomit from his room and changing your baby sister’s diaper. I’m in no mood to play this game with you. I need a shower and sleep, let me go.” I demand. “What game?” He asked releasing me. “Good night Abel,” I repeat walking down the hall. The shower helps relax me. As sore and stiff as I felt today, I managed to get everything done, plus all the extra work. I exit the bathroom, only to find Abel sitting on my bed. “What are you doing here?” He stands up, pushes me to the wall, and kisses my lips. “I can’t sleep knowing you’re angry with me. How can I fix this Janelle?” “I’m not angry.” “You feel I took advantage of you. That makes you angry with me. Can I at least just hold you? I haven’t seen you all day, and I’m craving your touch, Janelle. Please?” He looks at me with such pain in his eyes. “I need my mate.” There’s that phrase again. My mate. “They will kill me if they find out you're in here,” I reply. “No, they won’t. I won’t let them harm you, dear. Please, for me?” He steps back, takes my hand, and leads me to the bed. We lie down together, his arms wrapped around me in a cocoon. I close my eyes giving in to the exhaustion of the day.
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