Chapter 5

1612 Words
Load moaning and crying wake me up. I glance around and see it’s still dark outside. What time is it, and what is that noise? “Oh, Abel… YES!” I hear the cry of a woman from upstairs, then the loud banging of furniture and a slapping sound. Goddess, he’s having noisy s*x upstairs, and I need sleep. I stumble out of bed looking for something, anything to put in my ears to drown out the noise. I find cotton balls and stuff them in my ears, which only muffles the noises coming from upstairs, but it's better than the full audio of it. Hopefully, they’ll finish soon, and I won’t have to fight to go back to sleep so much. It’s extremely disturbing to have to listen to that and try to fall back asleep. ******************************************* I wake up to a hard slap on my shoulder. I sit up and pull the cotton balls out of my eyes only to see Serge’s hand coming at my face. Before I can dodge, he strikes me causing me to see spots. I taste copper in my mouth telling me he split my lip. “You are late getting up, girl. It’s unacceptable.” He growled. “You better be moving at lightning speed today.” “Yes, sir. Sorry, sir,” I replied groggily as I scrambled out of bed. Serge walks out of the room, leaving me to get up and dressed for the day. I have a large angry handprint on my cheek, a split lip, and my shoulder is sore from being struck. I guess I just learned what a minor punishment is. All because Abel had to be so noisy last night. Ugh, it’s not fair, but I’m a nobody who was supposed to be killed months ago. I’m a lonely slave who cannot point blame on anyone but myself. I quickly go about cleaning. As I’m finishing the main room, I feel a pair of hands clamp on my hips and I freeze. “My sheets need to be cleaned today, little wolf,” Abel whispered in my ear before kissing the back of my neck. “I’d imagine,” I replied through my teeth. “I’ll get to them right away.” “Do you sleep well?” “Not particularly. My new neighbor was awfully loud last night with his guest.” I admit praying he lets me go before Helga exits the nursery. “MMM. Sorry about that, she was rather vocal. Though she served her purpose.” He murmured against my neck. “I’d rather have someone else, but I was denied.” “I was warned not to seduce you,” I remark. “Do you think I was talking about you?” “I have work to do, please.” I pull out of his grasp with great effort and continue cleaning and dusting. “What is your name?” “I don’t have one here,” I answer. “I didn’t ask that; I asked what your name is.” He repeated sounding annoyed. “You don’t need to know it,” I reply feeling shaky. “Play your games then little wolf, we’ll see how it ends for you,” Abel sighed and walked away. I’m not sure if he just threatened me or challenged me, but either way, I’m terrified of the outcome. I finish with the main room, then go to his apartment to remove his blankets to wash. It stinks of s*x in here, so I open a window while I work. Once I have the washer going, I begin working on bedrooms knowing I’m going to have to be completely done with everything by four. The handprint on my face has been hurting all day along with my arm, but I can’t let it stop me. I finish everything except making Abel’s bed when everyone enters. I’m only halfway done putting the fitted sheet on the bed when I hear everyone in the yard. Goddess, I’m out of time. I hurry as fast as I can to finish. As I’m scurrying to the stairs, Abel is coming upstairs. He smiles, pulls me to him, and kisses me again. “Our Alpha is here, you have to stay here until he leaves.” He explains. “I can’t… I…” “Shhh. No one but us will know, but if you go down to your room now, my father will be angry.” He whispers before kissing me again and pulling me to the sofa. “What happened to your face?!” He snapped when he noticed the mark. “It’s nothing,” I reply. “Who did this?” The anger in his tone has me flinching. “It’s okay, it doesn’t hurt that badly. It looks worse than it is. I’ve always marked easily.” I offer to try to calm him. Why is he so angry that I have a handprint on my face? “Stay here, don’t make a sound. I will bring you dinner, to avoid anyone finding out.” Abel insists, standing back up. He leans down, and gently strokes the handprint on my face before kissing my lips again. “You taste good, little wolf.” I sit staring at the blank television screen not daring to move from the sofa. Everything seems to be exploding around me. Am I breathing too loudly? If I get caught up here, I’m going to be killed without mercy. But if I go downstairs and get caught out of my room, I’ll face the same punishment. My heart is racing so fast, it feels like it’s about to beat out of my chest. I’m going to die of a panic attack. Everything about this feels wrong… Footsteps on the stairs have me panicking even more. I’m finding it hard to breathe as I wait to get caught. “I’ve come to keep you company,” Abel smiled as he reached the top of the stairs. I swallow hard trying to calm my nerves. The smile seeps from his face as he comes closer to me. “You truly are fragile.” He sighs sitting on the sofa next to me. “Take small breaths. In and out, not so big. Little breaths, everything is alright.” He whispers as he reaches out and rubs my arms up and down as he speaks. After several minutes I feel myself regaining control. “Th… Thank you,” I whisper as I focus on my breathing. “Little wolf, you need to stop stressing yourself out,” Abel murmurs leaning into me as he gently cups my face before kissing my lips. “I’m not going to put you in harm's way.” “Every time you are near me, you are putting me in danger,” I reply. “I was warned that if I seduce you, I will be killed. I am to stay away from you.” “Are you trying to seduce me?” “No, I would rather you stay away from me.” I retort. The smile on his face returned as he leaned in to kiss me again. “Tell me your name, and I’ll leave you alone for a bit,” He offers. “Why do you want to know my name?” “Because you know mine, I should know yours.” He shrugged sliding his hands around my body causing me to shiver. “You want me?” “I want you to leave me alone and stay away from me,” I answer. “Why?” “Because if I get killed, it’ll be for something I do.” “Tell me your name,” he demands pulling me closer to him on the couch to kiss my neck. He moans as his hands begin to grope at me. “Tell me your name, and I’ll stop.” “It’s… J… Janelle.” I stammer trying to keep myself from screaming in fear. “Janelle?” He ponders my name as his lips press against mine. “Please, stop.” I plead. “You promised if I told you my name, you’d leave me alone.” “You just taste so good…” He stood up and left the room, leaving me alone again. I curl up on the sofa and allow my eyes to close not knowing what else to do. I still cannot leave, but maybe I am safe here in this room for now. ***************** I open my eyes when I feel someone kissing my lips. “What?” I push him away and sit up realizing I fell asleep on the sofa in Abel’s apartment. “You fell asleep.” Abel smiled. “I brought you dinner, and our Alpha left, you may return to your room unless you want to stay here.” I sat up and stretched my arms with a yawn. I stood up, grabbed my plate of food, and left his room as quickly and as quietly as I could. In my room, I happily ate my dinner, hoping he kept his word and no one knew I was in his room this whole time. After I finish eating, I lay down and close my eyes happy to be able to sleep some more. ******************** I wake up to the sound of loud moaning again. What the hell? I get out of bed, find cotton balls again, and try to will myself back to sleep. The last thing I want to do is hear him f*****g someone every night. This is extremely disruptive to my sleep.
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