Chapter 4 The Lexicon

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CHAPTER 4 The LexiconThe women in our settlement marveled greatly at the many strange and varied designs on the bodies of the Powhatans. They were amazed at their smooth, dark skin unblemished by the pox, and that they had no beards or hair on their bodies such as European men have. There was much giggling and whispering among them. Richard returned while I was preparing the day’s rations. Our sullen housemates remained quiet and unfriendly. Richard was in a very excited state and begged me to take him to Captain Smith so that he could seek his permission to learn the Indian’s language. “That’s it, lad!” John Wilcox said in a loud voice, from his place at the opposite end of the house. “Learn their language, find out where the savages get their gold, and I’ll see to it that you receive

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