Chapter 5 Talk Fairly and Trade Honestly

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CHAPTER 5 Talk Fairly and Trade HonestlyThat night I slept little, thinking on what Wilcox had said and my own place in this world. I had no family who would welcome me back. I was not even a recognized tradesman. I was in a wilderness far from anything I had ever known, with only the clothes on my back. I lay for a long time thinking of what it would be like, returning to England a wealthy man with chests of gold and precious gems, a retinue of servants, coaches, country houses, and more fine clothes than I could wear in a lifetime. Wealth would bring respect, honor, and, perhaps, even the love of a beautiful woman. As much as I respected Richard for his dream of a new paradise, it was becoming clearer to me that the people in this colony were here for what they could get out of it in

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