Chapter 3.1: Shia Cristella Michirian

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This is the first time I heard my mom sound so happy. It looks like I made the right decision to let my mom marry someone again.   At first, I didn’t really like it when mom told me that she got a boyfriend. And of course, you can’t blame me on that part.   My father left him when she got pregnant with me and I am afraid that it will be the same again for her.   I was just being cautious because I really love her. I don’t want her to get hurt again.   But Uncle Jasper proves to me that he is really serious about my mom. He really loves her and I can see in their eyes that being together will really give them happiness so I didn’t say anything more about their relationship and accepted him for my mother   Until he decided to propose to her and she immediately accepted.   They plan to get married as soon as possible. They also planned for me and my mother to move out of the city and start living in Uncle Jasper’s house in Vind City.   I got totally mad at them because they didn’t even ask about my opinion and just insisted on doing what they wanted.   I do really like Uncle Jasper but their decision to get married was too early for me and I don’t have enough time to process the new things in our lives.   But I can see how much mom loves Uncle Jasper. And I know that this is what will make them happy so I set aside my emotions and just agree to what they want.   I don’t want my mother to get sad because of me because she deserves all the happiness in the world.   And I think I made the right choice because everything is going smooth since we moved here.   "Shia?"   I turned to the woman who just called my name.   Her forehead was frowned while she was staring at me. And after a few moments, she smiled widely and immediately went near me. "Waahh! I am glad that I did not make a mistake. You are surely Shia." She hugged me tight.   "Ahm,” I don’t know what to say.   She let go of me and pointed at herself. "Don't you remember me?"   I stared at her and my eyes widened when I realized who she was. "Aicy!"   "The one and only." She flipped her hair and wink. "Aren't you in Cena? Did you also move here?"   I nodded. "Mom got married to someone that lives here. We sold the house and land in Cena and moved here."   "Oh? Why didn't we get invited to her wedding?" She pouted, acting like a child.   "We didn’t hear anything about you after you moved out of Cena," I said, crossing my arms over my chest and raising an eyebrow at her. "I should be the one who is sulking right now because you didn’t even contact me after that.”   She hesitated to smile and scratched her head. "I'm sorry. Dad was so upset about the fight between him and your mom. And you know his pride so he banned me from contacting you."   Aicy Feliz, 20 years old and my cousin. Her father is my mother’s only brother but they had a huge fight before that’s why they moved out of the city and cutted his ties with us.   "Nevermind." I hugged her tight 'cause I really missed this girl. "That was all in the past. The more important thing now is that we see each other again after so many years." We're close to the point that people mistakenly thought that we're sisters so it also had a big impact on me when they suddenly moved.   "So? Where do you live now?" she asked as we sat down. "And who did Auntie marry?"   "My mom married Sir Justin's dad," I said. "And we're staying at Aria Subdivision."   "What?” Her eyes widened. “ It means, Sir Justin is your step-brother?"   I nodded.   Disbelief was all over her face with some kind of regret. "Too bad for you.”   I frowned. “Why?”   “Well, Sir Justin is so hot and handsome but you will only become his sister. He is some kind of husband material and you lost your chance.” She flipped her hair. “But on the other hand, it is great because our house is also in the Aria Subdivision. Actually, that was 3 streets from Sir Justin's house."   "Really? Then, I will come over and visit you later," I said. "I also like to visit your dad too."   "No. I'll come to you first," she said. "I'm not really sure if Daddy doesn't feel bad about you guys anymore. You know that, right? He has so much pride and it won’t allow her to forgive your mother just like that."   "Okay,” I said. “Then, I will wait for you later. We have so many things to talk about."   "Just wait." She left for a moment to approach the group of men not far from where I was sitting. She spoke to them as she wrapped her arm around one of them and dragged him closer to me. "Shia, I want you to meet Retri Getta."   "Seriously, Aicy?" the man replied. "Do you really need to strangle me just to introduce myself to her?"   "Shut up, Ret." she said angrily. "She's my cousin and also a transferee student so I am introducing her to you to make sure that you and your friends will not mess with her."   "You're so mean." he said, trying to get out of Aicy's grip. "Is that how you feel about us."   Aicy nodded without hesitation. "You love playing with a woman's heart so I'm warning you about who you shouldn't touch and mess with."   Retri turned and stared at me with a smile. "She's not the type of that girl."   I frowned at what he said. What does he mean?   "What do you mean?"   He turned to Aicy. "She's not the type of woman that I will label as my pastime. She is someone who needs to be cherished."   I feel my cheeks suddenly heat up because of what he said. Well, I know that every woman deserves to be cherished but I never had this kind of complement so I can't help but feel shy about it.   "So, you can rest assured that none of my friends will mess with her." He patted Aicy's and left without even looking at me.   "Retri Getta and his friends are known here as heartbreakers. I don't know how he chooses his targets but most of the girls here don't even care if they are playboys so they have a lot of victims here." Aicy explained and looked at me. "So, in case anyone messes with you, tell me immediately, okay?"   I nodded. "But you don't have to worry about me that much,” I said. “I am just starting to adjust to my new environment here so I still don't really have any time in that kind of relationship with any man."   "Good." She messed up my hair. "It's almost time. I'll just come to you later." We immediately went to our room.
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