Chapter 3: Shia Cristella Michirian

1128 Words
Because Charlie and Nico were persistent I accepted their help regarding the topics that I missed. And to be honest, it's also a big help, especially since the two of them are good at explaining. I could more easily understand everything they taught. Well, it's no wonder why they're on the whole school's top list.   Yeah, these two are smart. And overall 2nd year level, Charlie is in the top 13 while Nico is in the top 10. Denmark is in the top 11 but he is not one of my tutors because he also helps with the arrangements for the upcoming event to be held here on campus.   "It's easy to teach you." said Charlie after she checked the seatwork she had me do. "I'm sure you can take your exam tomorrow." They are only teaching me every lunch break and because I got in this school pretty late, the professors said that it is okay for me not to take the exam first.    They said that they will give me time to study the topic that I missed together with Charlie and Nico before they will give me a special exam.   "The topics are still easy." I said as I put the things in my bag. "Besides, my tutors are good."   "Enough with your sweet talks," Nico said while shaking his head. "Anyway, you can go back to our room first. I need to go somewhere together with this chibi." And he put his arm around Charlie who was now frowning. "Don't react anymore. Everyone knows that you are small."   I just laughed when Charlie couldn't do anything but to pout. Well, it is true that she is small because her height is just about Nico's shoulder.   I have been with these two for almost a week and I have got used to their frequent arguments. As well as their noise whenever they are together.   And every time I stare at them, I can’t help but regret that I didn’t give myself a chance before to have such experiences with other people. I was so overwhelmed with fear. Sometimes, I also get jealous when they start sharing their happy memories with each other.   Because I don’t have those kinds of memories. And the only thing that I can remember were our quiet house and the books that scattered on my desk.   But I think it is not too late for me to have new memories with other people. I mean, memories I have with people I can consider friends.   "Hey." I snapped back to reality when Nico pinched my cheeks. "You often get spaced out huh. Are you okay?"   I tapped his hand and stroked my cheek that he pinched. "I'm okay. I was just wondering where we can tour in the town since I am about to finish all of this."   "Don't be too excited, lady," Charlie said. "Pass your exam first before we take you on a tour. "   "I know that but I am confident that I can pass." I stood up and took my bag. "All right, I'm leaving. I'm going back to the room."   "All right."   I left the library first to go back to our room. And as I was walking I felt my cell phone vibrate so I immediately took it out of my bag and I saw my mother’s name on the screen so I answered that.   "Hello, Mom." She also didn't call me for a week and I understand that because this is the first time that she just got out of town. And I am sure that she enjoys being with Uncle Jasper. "How are you?"   "I should be the one who is asking you that question, my daughter," she said. "How are you?"   "I'm fine. And to tell you this, I already did what I promised to you," I said. "I already have friends."   "Really?" I sense happiness in her voice. "Are they nice?"   "Of course. They're the ones who help me to catch up with our class."   "I am happy for you," she said. "How about your brother?"   I was stunned and then sighed. "We're still the same, Mom." I sat on the bench in front of our building. "We're both busy so there's no free time for us to talk. He also has a lot of work to do at home and you know I don't want to bother him"   "Oh. Justin is also a real workaholic.” I heard her sighed. “Maybe that’s the reason why he hasn't gotten a girlfriend yet."   "Eh?"   Justin is hot and handsome. Most of my classmates keep asking me questions about him. And not only that. He is also famous in other classes even though he doesn't teach them. Even to his fellow professors because he is also kind and helpful. He is actually a man of every woman's dreams then single.   I am sure that if everyone in school learns that she is still single, they will immediately take action to get his attention.   "Hello, Shia." Ah, I heard Uncle Jasper’s voice.   "Oh. Hi, Uncle Jasper."   "If it's okay, can you do some favor for me?" he asked.   "Sure." I answer immediately. "What is it?"    "If you see my son awake at 03:00 am, could you please lock his study room and hide the key," he said that made me frown. Why do I have to do that? "That brat is abusing his body and prioritizing his work over himself. And even though I told him to rest enough, he won’t listen to me and I can’t let him continue that kind of lifestyle.”   Well, Justin is really a workaholic man and I can understand why his father is this worried about him. His lifestyle is definitely not healthy.   “So, to make sure that he will take a rest, you have to lock his room,” he added. “And make sure not to give the key not until he sleeps and rests.”   "What if he got mad at me?” I asked. “Or he still insists on doing his work?”   "He won’t get mad at you because I am sure that he will realize that I only ordered you to do it. So don't be afraid of that brat." he said. "And if he still won’t sleep and continues to bug you to give the key, tell him that I will burn his car.”   "Will it work?"   "It is always work,” he added. “Trust me."   "Okay,” I said. “I will do it.”   "All right, dear daughter," I heard mom say. "We'll call you again. I love you."   "I love you too." I dropped the call and kept it in my bag.
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